1. Free market at the Shenyang Korean Town:

2. Street scene. Note the signs are bilingual.

3. We had dinner at the Pingyang Restuarant. It is owned and operated by North Korean government.
This was a good dining experience. The restaurant had live performance which was fun to watch. It also had a rack of magzines published by North Korean government, which was also quite fun to read: they are just like the stuff published during the Cultural Revolution.

4. Inside the resturant.
The waitresses are quite camera shy: they would turn away or cover their face if you try to photograph them. I do not understand why. But they are all VERY pretty (prettier than the performers). We think they are probably the prettiest girl in the whole North Korea!

5. The performers are not camera shy at all.

6. Diners go up to the stage to dance, and more importantly, photograph, with performers.

7. More: