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若认输回到中国,起码还能做几年“活佛”,或许再转生个 “活佛”, 升天之后也能保证有个风水宝地。
也只好放下“活佛”的架子:对全世界说:“我需要你们的帮助”- 帮助我“活佛”归故里。
不是什么外交压力,是达赖主动向中国人民承认其错误,放弃藏独,切割藏毒青团, 基本上达标。
1: 毛主席对达赖的预言
2: The 14th Dalai Lama
3: The Agreement of the Central People\'s Government and the local government of Tibet on measures for the Peaceful liberation of Tibet

转贴 毛主席对达赖的预言,相当准哪来源: ● 于 08-04-13 14:00:27主席在八届二中全会的讲话中写到:“这里再讲个达赖的问题。佛菩萨死了两千五百年,现在达赖他们想去印度朝佛。让他去,还是不让他去?中央认为,还是让他去好,不让他去不好。过几天他就要动身了。劝他坐飞机,他不坐,要坐汽车,通过噶伦堡,而噶伦堡有各国的侦探,有国民党的特务。

The 14th Dalai Lama(ZT)来源: 狮王传说 于 08-04-10 04:46:43回答: 反击达赖喇嘛,维护祖国统一,龙腾行动计划 由 狮王传说 于 2008-04-10 04:45:11

Concluding Remarks

In 1979 Deng Xiaoping told the private representative of the 14th Dalai Lama in explicit term: The fundamental issue lies in the fact that TIbet is part of China. Whether this is correct or wrong maybe judged with standards.

On May 19, 1991, when Chinese Premier Li Peng met with China\'s Xinhua News Agency reporters, he answered their questions on the Tibetan issue and reaffirmed the policy followed by the Central Government. Premier Li pointed out: We have only one fundamental principle, which is that Tibet is an inalienable part of China. There is no room for bargaining at this issue. The Central Government consistently expressed willingness to contact the 14th Dalai Lama. But the 14th Dalai Lama must stop his activities geared to split the motherland, and give up his stand for `Tibetan independence.\' All issues may be discussed except for `Tibetan independence\'.\'\'

CPPCC Chairman Li Ruihuan said at the third meeting of the Leading Group for Locating the reincarnated Soul Boy of the Panchen Erdeni no November 10, 1995: The Central Government has exercised great restraint and done its very best to point out the right path for the Dalai Lama. It has, on many occasions, reiterated that so long as he recognizes Tibet as an integral part of China, completely renounces the claim for `independence of Tibet\' and stops activities aimed at splitting the motherland, we shall negotiate with him and welcome him back to the motherland so that he can do something in the interest of the Tibetan people in his remaining years. This policy still holds good today.\'\'

In meeting with correspondents with the No.2 German TV Station and the Frankfurt Daily respectively on July 13 and 14, 1996, Chinese President Jiang Zemin answered questions on the Tibetan issue. President Jiang said: So long as the 14th Dalai Lama can recognize Tibet is an inalienable part of China, thoroughly give up his stand for `Tibetan independence,\' and stop his activities to split the motherland, we will welcome him to return to the motherland to do things beneficial for the unification of the motherland and national unity and prosperity.\'\'

There is no change with the Central Government policies expounded above


The Agreement of the Central People\'s Government and the local government of Tibet on measures for the Peaceful liberation of Tibet
23 MAY, 1951

The Agreement of the Central People\'s Government and the Local Government of Tibet on Measures for the Peaceful Liberation of Tibet, or the Seventeen Point Agreement for the Peaceful Liberation of Tibet for short, is the document by which the delegates of the 14th Dalai Lama reached an agreement with the government of the newly-established People\'s Republic of China on affirming Chinese sovereignty over Tibet. It was signed and sealed in Beijing on 23 May 1951 and confirmed by the government in Tibet a few months later.[1] When the Dalai Lama fled in 1959, he and the government-in-exile repudiated the agreement.

Preamble not included
• 1. The Tibetan people shall be united and drive out the imperialist aggressive forces from Tibet; that the Tibetan people shall return to the big family of the motherland - the People\'s Republic of China.
• 2. The Local Government of Tibet shall actively assist the People\'s Liberation Army to enter Tibet and consolidate the national defenses.
• 3. In accordance with the policy towards nationalities laid down in the Common Programme of the Chinese People\'s Political Consultative Conference, the Tibetan people have the right of exercising national regional autonomy under the unified leadership of the Central People\'s Government.
• 4. The Central Authorities will not alter the existing political system in Tibet. The Central Authorities also will not alter the established status, functions and powers of the Dalai Lama. Officials of various ranks shall hold office as usual.
• 5. The established status, functions, and powers of the Panchen Lama shall be maintained.
• 6. By the established status, functions and powers of the Dalai Lama and of the Panchen Lama is meant the status, functions and powers of the 13th Dalai Lama and of the 9th Panchen Lama when they were in friendly and amicable relations with each other.
• 7. The policy of freedom of religious belief laid down in the Common Programme of the Chinese People\'s Political Consultative Conference will be protected. The Central Authorities will not effect any change in the income of the monasteries.
• 8. The Tibetan troops will be reorganized step by step into the People\'s Liberation Army, and become a part of the national defense forces of the Central People\'s Government.
• 9. The spoken and written language and school education of the Tibetan nationality will be developed step by step in accordance with the actual conditions in Tibet.
• 10. Tibetan agriculture, livestock raising, industry and commerce will be developed step by step, and the people\'s livelihood shall be improved step by step in accordance with the actual conditions in Tibet.
• 11. In matters related to various reforms in Tibet, there will be no compulsion on the part of the Central Authorities. The Local Government of Tibet should carry out reforms of its own accord, and when the people raise demands for reform, they must be settled through consultation with the leading personnel of Tibet.
• 12. In so far as former pro-imperialist and pro-Kuomintang officials resolutely sever relations with imperialism and the Kuomintang and do not engage in sabotage or resistance, they may continue to hold office irrespective of their past.
• 13. The People\'s Liberation Army entering Tibet will abide by the above-mentioned policies and will also be fair in all buying and selling and will not arbitrarily take even a needle or a thread from the people.
• 14. The Central People\'s Government will handle all external affairs of the area of Tibet; and there will be peaceful co-existence with neighboring countries and the establishment and development of fair commercial and trading relations with them on the basis of equality, mutual benefit and mutual respect for territory and sovereignty.
• 15. In order to ensure the implementation of this agreement, the Central People\'s Government will set up a military and administrative committee and a military area headquarters in Tibet, and apart from the personnel sent there by the Central People\'s Government it will absorb as many local Tibetan personnel as possible to take part in the work. Local Tibetan personnel taking part in the military and administrative committee may include patriotic elements from the Local Government of Tibet, various district and various principal monasteries; the name list is to be prepared after consultation between the representatives designated by the Central People\'s Government and various quarters concerned, and is to be submitted to the Central People\'s Government for approval.
• 16. Funds needed by the military and administrative committee, the military area headquarters and the People\'s Liberation Army entering Tibet will be provided by the Central People\'s Government. The Local Government of Tibet should assist the People\'s Liberation Army in the purchases and transportation of food, fodder, and other daily necessities.
• 17. This agreement shall come into force immediately after signatures and seals are affixed to it.
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