
80-20 Initiative 的S.B. Woo 自掏腰包找继承人

(2015-01-07 10:02:02) 下一个
80-20 Initiative 的S.B. Woo 已经做志愿者为北美华人维 权十几年。 他现在年事已
高要退休,却找不到愿意接替的人。想筹点款来雇个职业lobbyist也进展缓慢。 筹不
到款一年以后80-20就要关张了。他现在自掏腰包做matching fund找继承人. See 
details here:

Pls Donate, Matching Available

      $3,000/yr or 5 year or $15,000 in lump sum is AVAILABLE FOR MATCHING
 from Woo's Foundation today.
                    Woo's Foundation Has ALSO Given Till It Hurts
    When Woo's Foundation  donated $25,000/yr for 5 yrs or $125,000 in lump sum
to SELFSelf Empowerment Long-term Fund, it had committed  1/3 of its entire 
assets to SELF over 5 years.   Woo's Foundation doesn't raise money.  It is one of 
those foundations that must annually give away at least 5 % of it total assets.

     S.B. Woo has given 15 years of his life working 40 to 65 hours per week working on holidays/vacation time/weekends to fight for the rights of AsAms, without any compensation.  In addition, he has donated 6 to 10% of his annual income to help
our community's causes.  He also risked angering many of his political friends. From 
day one of serving 80-20, he declared not to accept any federal government appointments or run for any offices.
                                            Why Is He so Dumb?  

     It's because he doesn't believe in snickering at Asian Am.  politicians, civil rights activists, and our rich and powerful who may not be helping our community.  He believes that the best way to help ourselves is to do his own individual best to fight for our rights.  Many have joined our cause, but we need more support from 
our community.  Others on 80-20's Boards have sacrificed even more than him.
  Join us!
DONATE here till it hurts.
   Don't stomach the discrimination against us and our children. Show courage & determination!  80-20 is dying.  If we can't get SELF 
to the $400,000/yr for 5 yrs. this week, how do we get it to $1,000,000/yr for 5 yrs 
by Oct. 25?  SELF is currently at $388,740/yr.
SB Woo, a volunteer
President, 80-20 Asian Am. National Educational Foundation, Inc.
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