
a quote from Rainmaker

(2007-01-21 21:58:09) 下一个
Rainmaker is one of Matt Damon's early movies, in which he is in idealistic young lawyer. He and his cynical partner take on a powerful law firm representing a corrupt insurance company.
There is an inside rule of insurance claim in the company that all claims will be turned down for the first time. And eventually only one third of claims (if I remember correctly) can be reinbursed. It cost a young man's life. The lawyer eventually won the trial, but the next day, the company declared bankruptcy, hence both he and his client got nothing. This is business, a very cruel game! All driven by money and greedy.

The whole movie is dark and slow, but in the end, Matt Damon made a very good speech.
Here it is 
" Every lawyer, at least once in every case, feels himself crossing a line he doesn't really mean to cross, it still happens. And if you cross it enough times, it disappear forever. And then you are nothing but another lawyer joke, just another shark in the dirty water"

I think it is not only for lawyers,. Everyone of us in our life will encournter situations where the solution may be against the virture ( such as integrity) we've been told from childhood. If you cross the line, you gain, but you stick to the principle, you may lose.  Once you cross it, you may cross it again and again, and you are in the dirty water.
Should we hold to our principles or compromise? hehe, it's a hard decision for anyone.  That's why I like the movie Serpico and Scent of Woman.

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