
寂寞芳心 (Issiz Adam)

(2014-12-29 15:52:05) 下一个

在圣诞节那天的飞机上看了这部土耳其电影,让我久久不能释怀。  2008年的作品,豆瓣简介随附如下。  真实到残酷的爱情片,bit & sweet, romantic and heartbreaking。  可能是女主角非常本色的出彩演绎,自然流畅,不觉任何突兀之处, 确属难得。  让观者情不自禁随着情节的发展而揪心。  结尾的歌曲极其动听优美,又伤感的令人心碎。  一听再听。。。

青年男子阿尔贝(瑟玛尔·侯奴 Cemal Hunal 饰)是一家餐厅的老板,有着很好的工作,事业成功,却过着离群索居的生活。他每天和不同的女人做爱,付她们钱,却从不留任何人过夜。他这样自由而孤独地生 活着,自由却寂寞。直到他在二手书店邂逅了美丽的女子艾达(梅莉丝·柏坎 Melis Birkan 饰)。他对艾达一见钟情,并对她展开了热烈的追求。艾达自己经营着一家创意服装店,她从一开始就知道以阿尔贝这样的性格他们注定是分离的结局,但还是难以 抵抗他迷人的魅力,与他陷入爱河。习惯了独住的阿尔贝一直无法舍弃自由的生活方式,难以完全溶入艾达,纵然她开朗、迷人,宛如天使。他挣扎,茫然,不知道 该如何处理两人之间的关系……


Didn’t you know when you were loved?
Didn’t you laugh when I said that?
Didn’t I say that I foresaw longing and separation in our fortune?

You wouldn’t understand, you wouldn’t understand
And you wouldn’t believe in fate.
You said you couldn’t be those cruel heart breakers.
I wish you can always be happy my darling.
Even if without me, may your life be happy
With the guilt on your shoulders you left behind a pair of crying eyes

Don’t you think that I didn’t love anyone;
Pain disappears in time.
I never say no to love;
you will see it when i fall in love again.

You wouldn’t understand, you wouldn’t understand
And you wouldn’t believe in fate.
You said you couldn’t be those cruel heart breakers.
I wish you can always be happy my darling.
Even if without me, may your life be happy
With the guilt on your shoulders you left behind a pair of crying eyes.

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