周末University Ave 上的老影院正放 Cary Grant 的代表作 《North By Northwest>, 又译作 《西北偏北》。 又过了一把瘾。 剧情就不在此唠叨了,只觉得其中的对白真的很好,幽默又贴切,让人遐想。
当Eva 把警察引开后,Roger 开门出来解释说,“Seven parking tickets”
Eve: I tipped the steward five dollars to seat you here if you should come in. Roger: Whoops!
Eve: Oh, don't worry, I won't say a word.
Roger: How come?
Eve: I told you. It's a nice face.
Roger: Is that the only reason?
Eve: It's going to be a long night.
Roger: True.
Eve: And I don't particularly like the book I've started.
Roger: Ahhh.
Eve: You know what I mean?
Roger: Uh, let me think. [Pause] Yes, I know exactly what you mean.
警察来查房,roger 躲在封闭的上铺 警察走后
Eve Kendall: Patience is a virtue. Roger: Tell me, why you be so nice to me?
Roger Thornhill: So is breathing. Eve: Shall I climb up to tell you why?
Eve: I'm a big girl.
Roger: Yeah, and in all the right places too. [They share a lingering kiss.]
Eve: You know, this is ridiculous, you know that don't you?
Roger: Yesss.
Eve: I mean, we've hardly met.
Roger: That's right.
Eve: How do I know you aren't a murderer?
Roger: You don't.
Eve: Maybe you're planning to murder me right here tonight?
Roger: Shall I?
Eve: Please do. [Another long kiss.]
Eve: I want to know more about you.
Roger: What more could you know?
Eve: You're an advertising man, that's all I know.
Roger: That's right. [They shift positions.] The train's a little unsteady.
Eve: Who isn't?
Roger: What else do you know?
Eve: You've got taste in clothes, taste in food...
Roger: ...and taste in women. I like your flavor.
Eve: You're very clever with words. You can probably make them do anything for you. Sell people things they don't need. Make women who don't know you fall in love with you.
Roger: I'm beginning to think I'm underpaid.
Roger Thornhill: What's wrong with men like me?
Eve Kendall: They don't believe in marriage.
Roger Thornhill: I've been married twice.
Eve Kendall: See what I mean?
Roger Thornhill: When we get out of this, you can ride the train with me again.
Eve Kendall: Is that a proposition?
Roger Thornhill: It's a proposal, sweetie!
Eve Kendall: What happened with your first two marriages?
Roger Thornhill: My wives divorced me.
Eve Kendall: Why?
Roger Thornhill: They said I led a dull life.
Roger Thornhill: Come along, Mrs. Thornhill.
Eve Kendall: Roger, this is silly.
Roger Thornhill: I know, but I'm sentimental.
火车在遽然响起的交响乐中,穿过了山洞。 这个结尾被影迷誉为希区柯克的神来之笔,象征意味不言而喻。
每次看此类电影,我总是感到欢欣鼓舞。 我们都知道电影的虚幻,与现实的距离,残酷而且真实,但为什么不呢? 且不管是给自己一个期盼,还是又当一次无可救药的爱情傻瓜,又有何妨?! 别太把自己当回事,会活得更自在更快乐。
North by Northwest, 1959. MGM 出品
导演: Alfred Hitchcock
主演: Cary Grant, Eva Marie Saint