
Vicky Cristina Barcelona

(2008-09-18 22:51:06) 下一个
伍迪艾伦写剧本并导演,Scarlett Johanson, Penelope Cruz 主演。MGM出品。 


伍迪·艾伦是想表达两个不同的女人在做出生命的抉择时,因为强烈的人物对照和性格反差,所体现出来的优势和交换平衡.  一个循规蹈矩, 固执地坚守的是一个在大多数人眼中更加幸福的人生. 另一个迷茫随遇而安她永远只知道什么才是自己不想要的,却不晓得应该伸手抓住些什么

胡安是一个心里满是等待愈合的伤口的男人,身处与玛丽娅无休无止的牵扯当中,令他身心疲惫,不负重荷。但是,胡安却勇敢地面对一切恐惧,他拒绝逃避。 能做到这点,不简单。


Only unfulfilled love can be Romantic, is it?


巴塞罗那, 一座色彩斑斓, 让人想到充满浪漫意外的爱情城市。四月间的巴市一周,高迪的印象,拉丁的风情,仍历历在目。





Met with Javier Bardem and Penélope Cruz. She's ravishing and more sexual than I had imagined. During interview my pants caught fire. Bardem is one of those brooding geniuses who clearly will need a firm hand from me.


Offered role to Scarlett Johansson. Said before she could accept, script must be approved by her agent, then by her mother, with whom she's close. Following that it must be approved by her agent’s mother. In middle of negotiation she changed agents — then changed mothers. She's gifted but can be a handful.


Shooting got off to a shaky start. Rebecca Hall, though young and in her first major role, is a bit more temperamental than I thought and had me barred from the set. I explained the director must be present to direct the film. Try as I may, I could not convince her and had to disguise as man delivering lunch to sneak back on the set.


Filmed at La Sagrada Familia, Gaudi's masterpiece. Was thinking I have much in common with the great Spanish architect. We both defy convention, he with his breathtaking designs and me by wearing a lobster bib in the shower.

AUG. 3

when I approach the set each morning bathed and freshly scented, between Scarlett and Penélope there is a virtual feeding frenzy. I never like mixing business with pleasure, but I may have to slake the lust of each one in turn to get the film completed. Perhaps I can give Penélope Wednesdays and Fridays, satisfying Scarlett Tuesdays and Thursdays. Like alternate-side parking. That would leave Monday free for Rebecca, whom I stopped just in time from tattooing my name on her thigh. I'll have a drink with the ladies in the cast after filming and set some ground rules. Maybe the old system of ration coupons could work.

AUG. 20

Made love with Scarlett and Penélope simultaneously in an effort to keep them happy. Ménage gave me great idea for the climax of the movie. Rebecca kept pounding on the door, and I finally let her in, but those Spanish beds are too small to handle four, and when she joined, I kept getting bounced to the floor.

AUG. 25

End production today. Wrap party as usual a little sad. Slow danced with Scarlett. Broke her toe. Not my fault. When she dipped me back, I stepped on it. Penélope and Javier anxious to work with me again. Said if I ever come up with another screenplay to try and find them. Goodbye drink with Rebecca. Sentimental moment. Everyone in cast and crew chipped in and bought me a ballpoint pen. Have decided to call film “Vicky Cristina Barcelona.” Studio heads have seen all the dailies. Apparently they love every frame, and there is talk of opening it at a leper colony. It's lonely at the top.

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