

狮王再战江湖之一件封喉english version

(2008-05-01 15:44:49) 下一个

Dear Jean-Marc Ayrault,

We are the Chinese who work and study in Nantes. Nantes is a beautiful city with perfectly incorporated culture environment, higher rate green-cover of the city centre, and humanized social system, which make Nantes one of the most suitable cities for habitation in Europe.

In the immediate past month, much breaking news erupted both in China Tibet and also in Paris. The issues of China Tibet and Beijing Olympic Game strongly shocked us and become the hottest topics for all the westerner.  We clearly see that some misunderstanding existed between the Chinese and French.

Frank communication and unbiased independent thinking are the best ways to resolve the problems and improve the understanding of each others. We would like to initiate a frank communication with you, by such effort, we hope that an independent, unbiased, and justified re-evaluated process of China will be emerged in Nantes, or even in France. .

Since it is also important to seek an unbiased, independent, without color-glasses filtered thought for ourselves, we collect and analysis the information from all the sides, after hard and painful works, now, we have drawn our conclusions about China Tibet. Here they are.  

1. Tibet is unseparated part of China

Tibet became part of China since 700 years ago at Yuan Dynasty. Here is the links of simplified ancient China maps, (http://www.chinahighlights.com/map/ancient-china-map/) you will find graphic history of China. More details about Tibet history, you could find in following website: http://www.peaceintibet.com/history.html.

The first adventure travel to Tibet by western woman is a French hero, Alexandra David-Néel, who wrote a book“Quantante Siecles d’Expansion Chinoise”by which she fought against the voices roared in France in 1950 that China invaded Tibet. Unfortunately, till now, this rumor is still exited in France. The truth that Tibet are feudalism before 1959 and 14th Dalai Lama is the latest serf and slave’s owner (http://www.michaelparenti.org/Tibet.html) are covered in most of the books and articles in France.

Till now, 165 countries set up the formal policy relationship with China.  The principle base of this policy relationship is respect the sovereignty of China, in which the Taiwan and Tibet are unseparated parts of China. The one who supports free Tibet means that who support to separate our China. That will severely hurt our feeling.

Every country and nationality has its own pains. How to harmoniously develop for all the nationalities is an internal affair of a country. Our Chinese never seek to support the independence of Corse. So please, my dear friends, leave the time and spaces for ourselves, let us seek and decide which is right way for our development. The friendly suggestion and constructive criticism are always welcomed.

2. The protests in Tibet were riots and orchestrated by Tibet-in- exile Government.

During the riots in Tibet, all the western main stream media claimed those were peaceful non-violence protests, and blamed china government by using the photos from Nepal.  They forget to obey or intent to obviate the critical principle of the media, the accuracy of the news.  The evidences of distortion of the news by CNN and others are collected by this link: http://www.anti-cnn.com/. At the same time, the independent western observator, also indicated the fabricated reports by western Medias. (http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=8697)

Compared with the main stream media, the independent and justice westerners bravely reveal the truth in Tibet. Here is a video by an Australia tourist, who was in Lhasa during the riots (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FP8ELPLESYI) . Here is another one, describes what is the real Tibet in the eyes of two Americans before the riots http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=278503142787331149.

Facing to five burning died girls, the head of china affairs of Tibet-in-exile government, Da Wan Cai Ren, (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hWYuVmZi0Zc&feature=related), has his own explanation:

“First of all, I must state, Tibetan used non-violence from beginning to end. From Tibetan point of view, violence means harming someone's life. In the videos you can see (Tibetan) beating Han, but that was only beating, the Han all ran away after the beating, it was only beating, not harming (someone's) life. And, the ones who were killed were all by accident. From Chinese communist reporting you can see clearly, they (Han) all ran upstairs when Tibetans came smashing the doors, they were hiding when Tibetan started the fires, they didn't escape but were hiding, so they were all later burned to death by accident as a result, and the those who started the fire, the arsonists, didn't know there were Han people upstairs. So the dead not only included Han and Tibetan, so these things were just kind of accidents, not killing.”

Several evidences hint that Tibet-in-exile government are transforming from non-violence separator to violence terrorists. The terror trainings are ongoing in the base of Tibet-in-exile Government. (http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/south_asia/7329040.stm) And TYC (Tibetan Youngth Congress) also claimed that human suicide attack would be initiated (http://beachsand.wordpress.com/2008/04/18/tyc-wants-to-make-human-bombs/) recently. Furthermore, inside china, several violence attacks are inhibited and prevented. And warns of terror attack to train were also posted just few days before the recent accidence of train in Shandong Province, which more than 70 are killed.

It is dangerous that if we neglect the transforming of Free-Tibet movement. If more terrorist are encouraged by the Free-Tibet movement, another wave of the terrorism after 9.11will emerging soon.

3.       Dalai Lama is more complicated than our know

Dalai Lama is awared Nobel Peace Prize in 1989, by which to partly memory the India hero, Gandhi (http://nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/peace/laureates/1989/presentation-speech.html), who was devoted all his life to non-violence peaceful resistance movement. One of the most important thoughts of (http://www.mkgandhi.org/main.htm) Gandhi is prevent the separation of Indus and Muslim, and promote the reunion of his motherland.  For fulfill this target, Gandhi returned to India from 1915, and was never to leave the country again except for a short trip that took him to Europe in 1931.

As a religious leader, Dalai Lama exiled more than 50 years. Meanwhile, another respected Yellow-Robe leader, Panchan Lama, insisted to stay with his people in China and try to help them in his best. The points of  Free-Tibet by Dalai Lama, actually is want to separate his motherland, and his great Tibet proposal, even use the race purity as a standard (http://www.antiwar.com/chu/c102999.html).

“Seven Years in Tibet” is a famous movie, in which, clearly showed that, Heinrich Harrer, a confirmed previous head of the Nazi SS, became the important mentor of young 14th Dalai Lama (http://www.alain-collet.com/Tibet/Biblio.html), and life long friendship is kept. More details about (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GzWOVlgtce8) the links of Dalai Lama and Nazi are here: http://www.newspiritualbible.com/index2.

Recently, many secrets of Dalai Lama are revealed by the book “The shadow of The Dalai Lama”.  In this book (http://www.iivs.de/~iivs01311/SDLE/Contents.htm), the support of Dalai Lama to Japanese terrorist, who initiated the Sarin gas attack in Tokyo at 1995, and the suppression of Buddha section of Dorjee Shugden are exposed.

We admit that Dalai Lama is a super spiritual leader, but as a religious leader, one of the principles of Buddha, “do not lie” are never existed in Dalai Lama (http://www.dalai-liar.com/).

4.       The Game of Power Countries

One of the black-hand behinds Dalai Lama is CIA. The effort to separate China is never stopped (http://www.state.gov/documents/organization/70146.pdf) since 1949.  Dalai Lama is paid and backed by CIA.

German raiseup in international affairs are more challenging for France. Their international policy website reveals the truth that German government is another black-hand and responsible for the riots in Tibet and the protests for Olympic game torch rally. Actually, German (http://www.german-foreign-policy.com/en/fulltext/56145) began to interfere the Tibet issues from the early of 1970s, and the initial contact between (http://europeunitedstates.blogspot.com/2007/10/germany-allied-with-dalai-lama.html) German and Tibet was from the time of Hitler.

It takes German 50 years to walk out the shadow of WWII, and become the most power economy unit in Europe. Logically, to become the most powerful political country will be the next target of German by initiating and interfering the international contradiction. Since already loss the opportunity of the war of Iraq and Afghanistan, inhibit and separate China by using Olympic Game in 2008, will be (http://www.davidbenariel.org/europe/germany-behind-mask.htm) their only choice.

Till now, we could see the perfect collaboration and well-organized of the media and governments from US, UK, and German. The only Scape-Goat is French media and Government, who are pushed to the frontier to boycott Beijing Olympic Game and marked in the Olympic Game history by the 6th extinguish of the Olympic Game torch happened in Paris.  The Free-Tibet flags in Eiffel Tower and the Hotel Ville de Paris, as well as the attack to handicapped torch holder, Jin Jing, are severely hurt (http://www.indybay.org/newsitems/2008/04/10/18491850.php) our Chinese. We feel to be betrayed by our friends. These hurt are two-way since the boycott Carrefour appeared in China, and the profits and interests are wined by the others.

5.       The summit will arrive at August

All the eyes will focus on Beijing in the coming August. Of course the Free-Tibet organizers will not miss it. The Tibet-in-exile government hires fulltime protestors and will do everything in the centre of Beijing on August. What will happen in Beijing, we do not know, the non-violence riots likes in Lhasa, or the suicide bomb as TYC claimed?(http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/story/RTGAM.20080328.wtibetcampaign0328/BNStory/International/home)

Anyway, the Tibet-in-exile government already realizes this year is the only or even the last opportunity for them, looking at the crazy behaviour in Lhasa and the torch rally, we could believe, the Free-Tibet movement in the last minutes, will be really terrible.

Unfortunately, we recently get the news, Dalai Lama will visit Nantes during the Beijing Olympic Game, and will meet with you. In this critical time, Dalai will be another focus and Nantes will be exposed (http://www.lepost.fr/article/2008/04/11/1179865_nantes-bienvenue-au-dalai-lama.html) to the entire world.

We support the freedom of religion believe. Personally, we do not deny the activities and speeches of Dalai Lama as a Buddhist leader.  However, during the sensitive time, Dalai Lama is not only the leader of Buddhism, but also a leader of Tibet-in-exile Government, a black-hand of possible terror attacks in Beijing, a previous theocratic leader, and the latest serf owner in the world. What will Dalai Lama donor to Nantes people?   The fate of Bin Latin was dramatically changed just after one night of 9.11, what about Dalai Lama after August? Does CIA will discard Dalai Lama as they did with Bin Latin?

Our Chinese government already expressed our concern about these issues, and the automatic (http://www.lepost.fr/article/2008/03/26/1172380_la-chine-contre-la-reception-du-dalai-lama-par-la-france.html) movement to against Free-Tibet by overseas Chinese could be found here. At this critical (http://www.peaceintibet.com) time, who will you support, 111700 Tibetan in-exile or the 1.3 Billion Chinese in China?  (http://www.tibet.com/exileglance.html) We are looking forward to your final decision.   

One thing we have to emphasis, the flag of Snow-Lion, are not the symbol of Tibet Buddha, it is the flag of an illegal Tibet-in-exile government. The appearance of flag of Snow-Lion in official building of Nantes, will means the official support for the separation movement of Free-Tibet, which will be a serious policy affair and strongly harm the future collaboration between Qingdao and Nantes in all the fields.

6. The future of globalization

US becomes the only super power country after successful separation of the Soviet union, military control of the middle East and almost all the important lands and critical ocean areas in the world.  No one will doubt that US want to be the only global leader. The question is who will be next target if US successful separates China and firmly controls Asia? Will European Union be the forever friend of US?

There are also many historical problems in Europe, and the separatism is still existed. It will be easier to separate a European Union than to separate Soviet Union and China. Nothing is impossible. Another question is what is the position of France in separated Europe?

The ambition of German to become a power political country is emerging. Will the dream of German become true, or not (http://europeunitedstates.blogspot.com/search?q=european+union+break)?  

Four-leg table is more stable than two-leg bench, which should be the same theory for the game of power counties. Multi-pole world will more peaceful than mono-pole world. To keep the balances of China, Russian, European Union, is the best way to compensate the role of US.

We ask so much assumpted questions, however, even for ourselves, we still can not clearly see the answers.  But for the great politician, who can clearly see through the further future, and find the only right way for his people in critical historical time.

Honestly, our motherland meets many problems, the society system still need to be improved. Sometimes, we are also not satisfied and disappointed to our government and the system. However, we do see the efforts to improve the society by our government and people, and our country is dramatically changing now. We always hope our western friends could go to visit China, and figure out the problems and help us resolve it with your kindly suggestion and criticism.

The last, seriously, we would like to mention again, anyone could have their religious freedom, but no one has the right to interfere our internal affairs, especially in the issues of sovereignty of our country.

We do not expect that you could become trust our opinions after this letter. Because the truth of history is always made up by the winners, so no one could really get the pure truth. But as your French are more experience to select excellent wines than us, we would like to say, we are more close to the truth of Tibet than yours. If you become more independent thinking than before, if you truly do such, we are winner.

We have some articles and books in PDF collected online, anyone who are interesting to it, please do not hesitate to contact us. And furthermore, if more deeply discussion is needed, we would like to organize an independent forum, with your kindly participation, discuss openly and honestly with Nantes people.  


The Chinese in Nantes


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