晶晶前两个星期一直在干表姨家, 据说是过着女皇般的腐败生活. 干表姨经常向贝晶妈报告晶晶的趣事, 下面就是最有意思的两件:
It was very bad that my camera was broken that I couldn't take any picture of our CUTE~~~ Jingjing.
Jingjing is always playful. One night, I left eight dollars on the table. Next morning, I couldn't find any. I looked around, found two dollars spread on the floor, and the rest six dollars was hiding in Jingjing's little box house. See, she is curious of everything and always find things to do. She also likes her teeth cleaning treat's bag, she took it every night to upstairs in our bedroom. Well, there are so many enjoyable moments we had with her.
这就是干表姨提到的little box house, 也就是贝晶争夺的房产之一. 贝晶妈心疼晶晶一人出门在外, 把这个小房子给她带到干表姨家了.

这是她的宝贝teeth cleaning treat's bag, 不过好像现在晶晶更喜欢往房子里放美金哦! 而且是六美元!

Jingjing is such a good girl, she is happy and playful. I play hide and seek with her, and she hides her head in a paper bag, like you described before, with her big fat body and waved tail outside, she looks so funny.
贝晶妈没有晶晶在纸袋里藏头露尾的照片, 但是有两张类似的:

咱们家的地上长期备有两三个大购物纸袋, 称为"晶晶的掩体", 以便晶晶随时能把自己以鸵鸟的方式"藏"起来!
下面还有一段小电影, 是新录的但又是大家所熟悉的晶晶"作案"实录.