seven wolves

This is a place to organize myself.

A vital component of T/A: NBV/OBV (ZT)

(2006-11-15 08:39:59) 下一个
For those bean-counters (you know who you are) who ridiculed T/A and claimed that it would never predict the outcomes of AAB001 and other drugs, Teadowner only has this to say: “When the Phase 2 patient suddenly speaks coherently for the first time in years and calls his discount broker to buy calls from the hospice, the care providers know, the relatives know, the friends know, and his mistresses know. When these insiders buy, the NBV swells and OBV hits higher highs.” Hence by observing the NBV/OBV carefully, the outcome of the AAB001 trial will be unveiled.

Consider this: Did WSJ report that before the 911 disaster, the NBV of the index PUT options skyrocketed? Who bought these puts and ballooned the put NBV?? The FBI knew. Still unconvinced? Again, consider this: University of Toronto reported: “The average stock price of winning drugs appreciates +27% and losing drugs +13% before FDA Advisory Committee. Conclusion: Our results provide indirect evidence that insider trading may be common in the biotech industry.”

We already know this: AAB001 P2 results (peek) will be known at the end of this year. But when the NBV/OBV swells in Oct. thru Dec. with no AD news other than increased media bashings and broker downgrades, what does it tell you??? Conversely, when the NSV soars and OBV trends down with bullish media and broker upgrades, Teadowner will evaporate, forevermore. This will be the last time Teadowner explains T/A to skeptics (or dickless amoebas).

My humble prediction: NBV disciples darrellamello and Teadowner will be the FIRST ONES to know the AAB001 P2 trial outcome weeks or even months BEFORE the actual news hits the Street.

Lastly, as long as the NBV/OBV continues to expand, the pps will continue to rise, occasional hiccups notwithstanding. No one knows how high the pps will go. Predicting the future price is in reality a cocky way of telling the Market what to do. As humble Chartists, we should let the Market tell us what to do and not vice versa. The NBV/OBV trend is your friend. Simply ride it and join the Elanaires Club in the near future
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