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Newfoundland (4) - Gros Morne National Park II

(2015-10-02 15:02:53) 下一个

To explore the north part of Gros Morne National Park, you can stay either at Rocky Harbour (expensive) or Cow Head (much cheaper). Rocky Harbour is closer to Gros Morne Mountain Trail. Cow Head is closer to Western Brook Pond. We did both the trail and the boat tour in two different days.

Gros Morne Mountain Trail (16 km, 800 meters of elevation gain) is one of the harder hikes we have done. It looked terrifying on the model at the park's visitor center. But when we actually did it, it wasn't too bad.

1. After hiking 4 km and gained 320 m in elevation, we got here. The weather didn't look too bad at the time. Little did we know, the cloud hang around the top pretty much all day that day. We would be walking in the cloud for hours later. It was wet and cold, and almost no visibility.

2. Starting the steep climb, Gros Morne Mountain Trail.



5. After the steep climb, we walked in the cloud for another 15 - 20 minutes before reaching the top.

6. Finally ...

7. It was not raining, I was just so cold that I had to put on my rain jacket to keep warm.

8. Finally walking below the cloud.

9. Approaching the campground (by the pond).

10. Gros Morne Mountain Trail. There was a moose by the marshland. This was our only moose sighting in Newfoundland.

11. Back to where #1 is. The cloud had lifted on top.

12. This is the trail map at the parking lot. We couldn't see the Ten Mile Pond at all that day.

After dinner the sun was out, it was beautiful. Guess what we did? We took another walk after having walked all day!

13. Cow Head Lighthouse Trail.

14. Cow Head Lighthouse. It is so unimpressive.

15. Cow Head.

The day we wanted to do the Western Brook Pond boat tour was a washout, so we cancelled it and rebooked it on our way back from the Viking Trail (see next blog).

16. To get to the boat tour, you have to walk 3 km one way.

17. Waiting for our boat for the Western Brook Pond boat tour.

18. The boat is back.

19. Western Brook Pond boat tour.

20. Western Brook Pond boat tour.

21. Western Brook Pond boat tour.

22. Western Brook Pond boat tour.

23. Western Brook Pond boat tour.

(To be continued)

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