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Places to visit before you die

(2006-12-19 12:24:06) 下一个

If you google "places to visit before you die", you will get millions of results. Some offer "50 places to visit before you die", some offer "1000 places to visit before you die". I don't want to judge which one is more comprehensive. I think the point is that the world is a very exciting place, so go out there now before it is too late. Let us start with the short list, how many places have you been to?

1. The Grand Canyon
2. Great Barrier Reef
3. Florida
4. South Island
5. Cape Town
6. Golden Temple
7. Las Vegas
8. Sydney
9. New York
10. Taj Mahal
11. Canadian Rockies
12. Uluru
13. Chichen Itza — Mexico
14. Machu Picchu — Peru
15. Niagara Falls
16. Petra — Jordan
17. The Pyramids — Egypt
18. Venice
19. Maldives
20. Great Wall of China
21. Victoria Falls — Zimbabwe
22. Hong Kong
23. Yosemite National Park
24. Hawaii
25. Auckland — New Zealand
26. Iguassu Falls
27. Paris
28. Alaska
29. Angkor Wat — Cambodia
30. Himalayas — Nepal
31. Rio de Janeiro — Brazil
32. Masai Mara — Kenya
33. Galapagos Islands — Ecuador
34. Luxor — Egypt
35. Rome
36. San Francisco
37. Barcelona
38. Dubai
39. Singapore
40. La Digue — Seychelles
41. Sri Lanka
42. Bangkok
43. Barbados
44. Iceland
45. Terracotta Army — China
46. Zermatt — Switzerland
47. Angel Falls — Venezuela
48. Abu Simbel — Egypt
49. Bali
50. French Polynesia


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Happy New Year! Have great food.