
HOW ususful & WHY NOT

(2007-10-28 09:49:46) 下一个
How useful are these rules and that rules? Cramer knews so many rules and even wrote so many books, his #1 pick for the year LVLT down more than 40% so far even market is prety good.

WYH not just give your pick(s) of the stock and brief summary the reason. let\'s say 1 month, 3 months or half yr return. After all you need to buy individual( or short, or option what ever) to make money. Yes, someone like to play index, someone prefer day tading, but I believe for the longterm, you need to pick the right stock. That\'s how you make money from wall st.

Here is my picks:
1. bitech XOMA ( 3.93)

2. biotech EPCT ( 1.60)
interesting pipleline. 7-9 trail on the way. milestone payment any time. also insiders bought in couple of months ago, and so called samrt money bought 4+ million shares at the market price 1.88 about 2-3 wks ago. with another 2+ million warrant at 1.88. Inadditon their platoform ASAP could be worth much more.

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