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(2008-12-16 20:30:44) 下一个

The Transmission of the Lay Bodhisattva Precepts at the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas, California, U.S.A.

◎ Date 日期:
6/28/09 (Sun)---7/3/09 (Fri) Training period for preceptees
7/3/09 (Fri) Transmission of the Lay Bodhisattva Precepts
正授在家菩萨戒於二千零九年七月三日 (星期五)。

◎ Location 传戒地点:
The City of Ten Thousand Buddhas (CTTB), CA., U.S.A. 美国加州万佛圣城。

◎ Qualifications of Applicant 报名资格 :
1. You must be in good physical and psychological health. 身心健康。
2. You must have proper faith in the Triple Jewel and be of good character. 正信三宝,品行良好。
3. To uphold the Bodhisattva Precepts, you must be prepared to be a life-long lacto-vegetarian.

◎ Fees 费用: Preceptees may make a donation as they wish according to their ability.随喜供养。
Make your own arrangements for wearing a black ceremonial robe and lay person’s outer sash.请自备海青及縵衣。

◎ Documents for Application 报名所需证件 :
1. Application Form for Taking the Lay Bodhisattva Precepts 万佛圣城在家菩萨戒报名表并附相片。
2. Signed “Regulations for CTTB Residents” Form 万佛圣城住眾规约。
3. Medical Form for Visitors at CTTB 万佛圣城访客健康状况表
4. Copy of Passport or other legal ID 护照/身份证明书影印本。
5. Questionnaire for Going to Take the Lay Bodhisattva Precepts 受戒前问卷【在家菩萨戒】。

◎ Application Deadline 报名日期:
April 8, 2009 is the deadline for the applications. Apply early because space is limited.
If space is full, no more applicants will be accepted.

◎ Application Procedure 报名手续:
Please request an application form and related materials from the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas orbranches of the Dharma Realm Buddhist Association. Each applicant must complete their own separateform. If there are 2 or more people on one form, the application will not be accepted. Please make your owncopies of the form if necessary. Please mail the completed application back to the CTTBPrecept-Transmitting Committee, 4951 Bodhi Way, Ukiah, CA 95482, U.S.A. If your application isapproved by this Committee, you will be sent a Notice of Registration before the end of April, 2009.

◎ Registration of the Approved Applicants 报到时间:
Applicants who have been approved and accepted should be present at CTTB's Dao Yuan Hall at 8:00A.M., Sunday, 6/28/09.
Please send your application to 邮寄万佛圣城地址:
4951 Bodhi Way,
Ukiah, CA 95482 U.S.A.
电话Tel: (707) 462-0939 传真Fax: (707)462-0949 电邮e-mail: cttb@drba.org

美国加州万佛圣城传戒委员会 谨啟 CTTB Precept-Transmitting Committee
※下载万佛圣城在家菩萨戒报名表PDF 档网址:http://drbachinese.org/branch/CTTB/menu4_1.htm
※Download Application Forms: http://www.cttbusa.org/laybodhis ... isattvaprecepts.asp
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