

旧VICKY和JUSTIN日记整理-WWXX 的旧日记-3个月左右

(2008-04-16 09:36:00) 下一个

Week end as of 11/20/04

This is first week of my work leaving babies with my parents in law.

Monday I had an orientation, and could not go home during lunch time, and went home around @5:00 PM. Babies were doing great.

Saturday 11/20/2004: It is almost 100 days for babies today, we tried to take a portrait in Sears, and there are a lot waiting there, also appointments are required, then we went to Target, but we could not make it either.

Wanwan wake up at 2:40am and then slept until 7:30am, Xiongxiong wake up around 3:30am and then wake up around 7:00 am

Sunday 11/21/04: We went to Washing DC, indoor Park, It was very nice with a lot of flowering plants, my little girl really likes it, and we took a lot of pictures with beautiful orchards, my little boy was sleeping and finally wake up, his grandpa took a picture with him too, but before we were leaving, and put him back to car seat, he cried loudly, but other than that, everything looks perfectly, we drove home by GW road and took chain bridge, it is very scenic road, My parents in laws are really impressed and enjoyed it. Last night the boy was doing great, slept through 5:30 am, and I feed him, then he slept back to 8:00 AM

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