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Matt the Electrician - Osaka in the rain

(2010-02-16 08:39:38) 下一个

'Osaka in the Rain' by Matt the Electrician

By Ryan White, The Oregonian

January 28, 2010, 5:00AM

A well-written bio can go a long way toward answer questions, even obvious ones. Like: Why is Matt the Electrician called Matt the Electrician

Once upon a time, there was a youg man named Matt Sever. He lived in Austin, TX, and he worked as a journeyman electrician. Every morning,when it was still dark outside, he would go to work, and wire houses all day long in the blistering Texas heat. When he would come home,again, it was dark outside. And then, sometimes, with no time to shower or change his clothes, he would go straight to the bars and night clubs of Austin to play his songs for whomever would listen. And he would apologize for his appearance, and explain to the audience that he was an electrician, and he found a certain nobility in this, even if no onewanted to sit too close to the stage. So they called him Matt The Electrician, and he did not mind this, for he was proud of himself, for there is no shame in a hard days work.

But eventually, he quit his job as an electrician, to spend more time writing and playing songs, and the name stuck with him, because everyone needs an electrician sometimes. And there are some who say,that when the moon is full, and Jupiter is aligned with Mars, you can often hear Matt The Electrician in the distance, wiring a house, and whistling softly to himself.

I don't know if the moon if full tonight (I suppose I could look it up,but it's irrelevant to the matter at hand), but Matt will be at The Woods whistling and singing. He might whistle and sing Journey. Faithfully, which opens his newest record, Animal Boy, was nearly today's song.

Instead, we're going with Osaka In The Rain,because who amongst us hasn't been standing somewhere in the world,amazed and inspired by life's theater, and wished another was therewith us to see the scenes? And because it's a pretty little song emblematic of a charming record.


注,照片里的背景地点是UT的Cactus Cafe。上周UT宣布因为财政问题要关闭这个几十年来音乐人钟爱的聚会地点。非常令人伤感的消息。。。

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