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Beth Gibbons

(2008-09-11 08:24:58) 下一个


Beth Gibbons (born 4 January 1965, in Exeter, Devon) is a British singer and songwriter, best known as the vocalist for the English band Portishead.


God knows how I adore life
When the wind turns on the shores lies another day
I cannot ask for more

When the time bell blows my heart
And I have scored a better day
Well nobody made this war of mine
And the moments that I enjoy
A place of love and mystery
I'll be there anytime
Oh mysteries of love
Where war is no more
I'll be there anytime
When the time bell blows my heart
And I have scored a better day
Well nobody made this war of mine
And the moments that I enjoy
A place of love and mystery
I'll be there anytime
Mysteries of love
Where war is no more
I'll be there anytime
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葳蕤 回复 悄悄话 回复住在西北角的评论:
不好意思,我是倒着来的。从Susie Suh 知道Gibbons,然后听说Portishead。:)
住在西北角 回复 悄悄话 正想写篇文章骂骂Portishead的第三张,听了想吐,一点长进都没有.