
daddy dance with me

(2013-04-24 20:10:45) 下一个


 Daddy Dance With Me

I know what you see when you look at me as we walk down the aisle
Little pink Tutu
Bows and tennis shoes
In the wide eyes  of your child
Those are all the memories you will cherish and carry
No matter how much time has come and  gone
Daddy dance with me
I want you to see the woman I’ve become
Daddy don’t let go
I want you to know I’ll always need your love
Today I became his wife
But I’ll be your baby girl for life.
Don’t know what to do when I look at you
Words can’t say enough
What you’ve done for me
Gave me what I need
You were tender
You were tough
Cause the world you built around me is the strength that will surround me
And protect me now that I am on my own
Daddy dance with me
I want you to see the woman I’ve become
Daddy don’t let go
I want you to know I’ll always need your love
Today I became his wife
But I’ll be your baby girl for life.
You game me faith
You gave me life
You trusted me to live it right
And now you give your blessing on his love and mine.
Daddy dance with me
You know I’ll always need your love
Today I became his wife
But I’ll be your baby girl for life.


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e梦圆 回复 悄悄话 触动人心底深处的歌声,听着听着眼眶就湿了。。。
相信Daddy 一定听到了他baby girl的心声。。。

pany999 回复 悄悄话 对父亲的那份深情尽在大气优美的歌声中体现出来了。听了好几遍,非常出色的演唱!
Octorber 回复 悄悄话 梨花的E歌大气深情,歌声中饱含的深深的爱让人动容~~~~