
BizTalk Custom Index Cumulate Functoid

(2006-09-07 09:45:36) 下一个
BizTalk Custom Index Cumulate Functoid
There are some scenarios in BizTalk mappings, the source collection has hierarchical collection records and the out put collections need to convert to flat collections.  If the index field of all member collections which mapped from the hierarchical source collection requires being unique and discrete to each other as a group, but not necessarily in continuous sequential integers.  An example BizTalk map matches this scenario is shown bellow.  In this map the source schema has a collection node "Billing", the "Discount" collection node is the child level collection.  The output of this map will flat the hierarchical relation between the "Billing" and "Discount" and assign the unique discrete index to the index field "elemid" of the collection.






The out-off box "Index" functiod obviously can not be used to generate such group unique discrete index.  Essentially, a BizTalk map will be translated into an internal xlt style sheet after being compiled.  The "Index" functoid will reset the starting index to 1 whenever the loop jump from the parent level hierarchy to the child level hierarchy collection.

To resolve this challenge, we need defined a global level variable  of the map scope which used to persist and cumulate the index numbers.  The Microsoft Functoid allows a global variable been declared in the map scope which makes this technical challenge being easily resolved.

Bellow is the list of C# code to implement the custom IndexCumulateFunctioid.  The completed source code can be download here.



using System;

using Microsoft.BizTalk.BaseFunctoids;

using System.Reflection;

using System.Text;

using System.Collections;

using System.Globalization;


namespace IndexGeneratorFunctoid



       /// Summary description for Class1.


       public class IndexCumulativeFunctoid : BaseFunctoid


              public IndexCumulativeFunctoid() : base()


                     //ID for this functoid

                     this.ID = 8001;

                     // resource assembly must be ProjectName.ResourceName if building with VS.Net

SetupResourceAssembly(  "IndexGeneratorResources", Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly() );


                     //Setup the Name, ToolTip, Help Description, and the Bitmap for this functoid

                     SetName( "IDS_INDEX_CUMULATIVE_NAME" );

                     SetTooltip( "IDS_IINDEX_CUMULATIVE_TOOLTIP" );

                     SetDescription( "IDS_INDEX_CUMULATIVE_DESCRIPTION" );

                     SetBitmap( "IDB_INDEX_CUMULATIVE_BITMAP" );


SetExternalFunctionName( GetType().Assembly.FullName, "IndexCumulativeFunctoid", "IndexAcumulative" );

                     AddScriptTypeSupport( ScriptType.CSharp );


//this is a nice way of declaring and maintaining global variables used during Map execution.

                     SetScriptGlobalBuffer(ScriptType.CSharp, "public int _currentIndex = 0;n" );


                     this.Category = FunctoidCategory.Cumulative;

                     this.OutputConnectionType = ConnectionType.AllExceptRecord;


                     //This functoid can accept variable number of inputs.

                     this.HasVariableInputs = false;


                     //Set the minimum and maximum number of parameters to be 1





              //this overidden function provides inline code for various number of inputs.

//The inline code builds the contents of the global array variable _globalArray using the parameters

              //specified to the function.

protected override string GetInlineScriptBuffer( ScriptType scriptType, int numParams, int functionNumber )


                     if (ScriptType.CSharp == scriptType)


                           StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();


                           builder.Append( "public int IndexAcumulative(object obj)" );

                           builder.Append( "{n" );

                           builder.Append( "   _currentIndex = _currentIndex + 1;n" );

                           builder.Append( "   return _currentIndex;n" );

                           builder.Append( "}n" );


                           return builder.ToString();




                           return "0";




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