

(2016-07-27 03:52:56) 下一个


这个事实早就被 Nassim Taleb 的 Black Swan 理论和对冲基金经理 Mark Spitznagel 的 tail-hedging Iniversa Investments 操作结果证明了,这两位都是专门做金融衍生产品的数学家

换句话说: Mathematically speaking, tail risks are much fatter than most people think in the stock market.


A ‘Black Swan’ Fund Makes $1 Billion
As market collapsed, hedge-fund firm Universa Investments gained roughly 20% on Black Monday


Universa, which was founded in 2007, first attracted attention for its outsize gains in 2008, racking up more than 100% profits for many of its clients.

It profited in 2010, and in 2011 it notched gains of about 10% to 30% for clients. In other years, it has lost small amounts of money.

The firm focuses on finding cheap, shorter-dated options on the S&P 500 and other instruments it expects to rise in value amid a notable downturn. During the past week, the value of put options that Universa bought over the past one to two months jumped, said people familiar with the matter. A put option confers the right, but not the obligation, to sell a security at a specified price, usually within a limited period.


认识一下谁是 Mark Spitznagel 吧:


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