

(2006-09-01 16:28:40) 下一个
By: Beth Robertie, Esq. 移民在获得美国绿卡后即为美国的永久居民,作为绿卡持有人享有一定的权力以及须履行其义务。以下我们将谈谈有关绿卡持有人的权力与义务及其需要注意的问题: Many immigrants spend so much money, time, and energy acquiring a green card, and then fail to consider the implications after they finally have one. Green card holders, also known as Legal Permanent Residents, have certain rights and responsibilities that come along with their status as a Legal Permanent Resident. Rights that Permanent Resident has include: · To live permanently in the United States provided you do not commit any actions that would make you removable (deportable) under the immigration law (section 237, Immigration and Nationality Act). · To be employed in the United States at any legal work of your qualification and choosing. · To be protected by all of the laws of the United States, your state of residence and local jurisdictions. · To vote in local elections where United States Citizenship is not required. There are exceptions to these rights. They include: · Some jobs will be limited to United States Citizens because of security concerns. · You may not vote in elections limited to United States Citizens. Responsibilities that Legal Permanent Residents has, include: · You are required to obey all of the laws of the United States, the States, and localities. · You are required to file your income tax returns and report your income to the US Internal Revenue Service and State IRS. · You are expected to support the democratic form of government and cannot attempt to change the government through illegal means. · If you are a male, age 18 through 25, you are required to register with the Selective Service. International Travel A Permanent Resident of the United States can travel freely outside of the US. A passport from the country of citizenship is normally all that is needed. To reenter the US a Permanent Resident normally needs to present the green card (Permanent Resident Card, Form I-551) for readmission. A reentry permit is needed for reentry for trips greater than one year but less than two years in duration. Maintaining Permanent Residence You may lose your permanent residence status if you commit an act that makes you removable from the United States under the law in section 237 of the Immigration and Nationality Act. If you commit such an act, you may be brought before the immigration courts to determine your right to remain a Permanent Resident. You may be found to have abandoned your permanent resident status if you: * Move to another country intending to live there permanently. * Remain outside of the US for more than one year without obtaining a reentry permit or returning resident visa. However in determining whether your status has been abandoned any length of absence from the US may be considered, even if it is less than one year. * Remain outside of the US for more than two years after issuance of a reentry permit without obtaining a returning resident visa. However in determining whether your status has been abandoned any length of absence from the US may be considered, even if it is less than one year. * Fail to file income tax returns while living outside of the US for any period. * Declare yourself a “nonimmigrant” on your tax returns. Permanent Resident Card The Permanent Resident Card, Form I-551, is issued to all Permanent Residents as evidence of alien registration and their permanent status in the US. The card must be in your possession at all times. This requirement means that you are not only required to have a currently valid Form I-551 at all times, but also that you must carry your currently valid Form I-551 on your person at all times. The Permanent Resident Card currently issued is valid for ten years. Your status as a Permanent Resident does not expire with the 10-year validity. Only the card expires. The card is only valid up to the expiration date and must be renewed before it expires. 本文由范毅禹律师事务所提供 本律师事务所精办各类劳工应聘及专业移民申请 (包括H-1,L-1,EB-1,EB-2,NIW,劳工卡,绿卡等申请)。所有申请由多位美籍律师及拥有15年经验的范毅禹律师亲自处理,我所并特设中英移民网站。内有最新移民新闻资讯及由律师主持的移民问答集,欢迎读者流览查询。 www.fan-law.com (Chinese) www.fanuslaw.com (English) CALIFORNIA : Fan, Fitzpatrick & Thompson, LLP. 370 E. Glenarm St., Pasadena , CA 91106 Tel: 626-799-3999 Fax: 626-799-9966 MARYLAND : Fan, Fitzpatrick & Thompson, LLP. 230 North Washington Street, Suite 400 , Rockville , MD 20850 Tel: 301-251-2636 Fax: 301-251-0313
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