
REMINDER! Filing Window for H

(2006-09-01 16:28:39) 下一个
REMINDER! Filing Window for H-1B Visas for FY 2007 Begins on April 1, 2006 By: Nicole C. Dillard, Esq. 2006年4月1日即可提出申请FY2007年度65,000 H-1B的名额,而其H-1B生效日期最早为2006年的10月1日。在这里,鉴于去年名额的使用速度,我们提醒各位有意申请H-1B的人士,应尽早着手准备申请材料以免因为新的名额被用完而错过申请机会。 Fan, Fitzpatrick, and Thompson reminds all employers and alien workers that April 1, 2006 is the first day that the USCIS will accept H-1B petitions for employees wishing to being work in the new fiscal year. Those alien workers who are seeking H-1B visas for the first time, specifically those working in organizations/corporations not otherwise exempt from the cap, are not able to work using an H-1B visa until October 1, 2006. All alien beneficiaries, other than those working for universities, not-for-profit research organizations and government research organizations, must be counted against the Congressionally mandated H-1B cap of 65,000 visas permitted each year. Once an alien worker has been counted against this cap, they may continue to work in H-1B status for the next six years. Last year, the H-1B cap was reached on August 10, 2005, two months before the fiscal year 2006 even began. Thus, it is important that employers file their petitions as soon as possible after the filing window opens to ensure that they are able to secure a petition approval for their alien employees. Employers should carefully review the paperwork and their employment needs before submitting the petitions to the USCIS. ______________________________________________________________________________ 本文由范毅禹律师事务所提供 本律师事务所精办各类劳工应聘及专业移民申请 (包括H-1,L-1,EB-1,EB-2,NIW,劳工卡,绿卡等申请)。所有申请由多位美籍律师及拥有15年经验的范毅禹律师亲自处理,我所并特设中英移民网站。内有最新移民新闻资讯及由律师主持的移民问答集,欢迎读者流览查询。 www.Fan-Law.com CALIFORNIA : Fan, Fitzpatrick & Thompson, LLP. 370 E. Glenarm St., Pasadena , CA 91106 Tel: 626-799-3999 Fax: 626-799-9966 MARYLAND : Fan, Fitzpatrick & Thompson, LLP. 230 North Washington Street, Suite 400 , Rockville , MD 20850 Tel: 301-251-2636 Fax: 301-251-0313
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