

(2007-11-20 11:40:40) 下一个

对于门萨(MENSA), 俺并不陌生, 俺于十二年前就已加入美国门萨. 俺于最近看了一下鲁豫有约20070903的一期<<智者为王 门萨的秘密>>,觉得那四位门萨成员, 精神可嘉, 但还是应该再谦逊一些, 须知山外有山, 人外有人, IQ只是一个数字而已, MENSA只是一个组织而已, SMART只是一个说法而已, 根本无需大惊小怪. 不过, MENSA为大家提供了一个交流的平台, 也是蛮有意思的, 希望XDJM踊跃加入, 有朋自远方来, 不亦乐乎?

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RiskBiz 回复 悄悄话 Mensa........汗!

We know what you're thinking. "How do I join?", right?
Maybe, "I'm not sure that I'll qualify." or "I never made good grades in school."

The truth of the matter is that, in the U.S. alone, more than six million people qualify for membership — that's really one person in every 50. Most don't realize that they qualify and haven't considered membership. You've at least considered membership, or you wouldn't be reading this now.

So how do you join? It's easy. You can become a member of American Mensa in one of two ways:

If you're age 14 or older, you can take a supervised, standardized test in your area with one of our member volunteers.

And anyone can submit evidence of prior testing in the form of scores from a supervised, standardized test like the Stanford Binet, the Miller Analogies Test or the GMAT.

In either case, if you've scored in the top 2 percent, you'll qualify for membership in American Mensa. Then it's just a matter of paying your annual dues!