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维也纳爱乐乐团新年音乐会视频‏ - by weston

(2010-01-05 16:53:17) 下一个

这次还是法国的 Georges Pretre. 他两年前刚主持过.他年事已高,过去以指挥歌剧见长.
很遗憾Kleiber, Karajan都已辞世了.

Johann Strauss: Overture to "Die Fledermaus"
Josef Strauss: woman's heart. Polka mazur, op 166
Johann Strauss: The Krapfenwaldl. Polka francaise, Op 336
Johann Strauss: Stormy in Love and Dance. Polka schnell, op 393
Johann Strauss: Wine, women and song. Waltz, Op 333
Johann Strauss: Perpetuum mobile, Op 257
- Break --
Otto Nicolai: Overture to "The Merry Wives of Windsor"
Johann Strauss: Wiener Bonbons. Waltz, Op 307
Johann Strauss: Champagne Polka, Op 211
Johann Strauss: One heart, one mind. Polka mazur, op 323
Johann Strauss: The Carnival in Paris
Jacques Offenbach: Overture to "The Rhine Nymphs"
Eduard Strauss: Quadrille Belle Helene
Johann Strauss: morning papers. Waltz, Op 279
Hans Christian Lumbye: Champagne Galop

轻歌剧《蝙蝠》序曲: Johann Strauss:Die Fledermaus:

拉茨基进行曲 Johann Strauss: Radetzky March:

蓝色多瑙河 Johann Strauss:Blue Danube:

更新1:一心一意玛祖卡波尔卡 Johann Strauss: One heart, one mind Polka Paris Opera Ballet principal soloists Nicholas Le Riche and Eleonora Abbagnato, choreographed by Renato Zanella and costumed by fashion designer Valentino.

更新2: 奥芬巴赫 《莱茵女神》序曲 Jacques Offenbach: Overture to "The Rhine Nymphs"

更新3: 香槟酒波尔卡 Johann Strauss:Champagne polka

更新4: 今日的贴: 2010年元旦维也纳芭蕾舞团表演的华丽圆舞曲(这个不是上面音乐会的一部分)

更新5: Johann Strauss: Morning Papers Waltz 并由巴黎芭蕾舞团表演choreographed by Renato Zanella and costumed by fashion designer Valentino.

更新6: 温莎的风流娘们序曲 Otto Nicolai: Overture to "The Merry Wives of Windsor"

更新7:维也纳糖果圆舞曲 Johann Strauss: Wiener Bonbons. Waltz

更新8: 浓情劲舞快速波尔卡波尔卡 Johann Strauss:Stormy in Love and Dance polka

更新9:"美丽的海伦"方舞舞曲Eduard Strauss: Quadrille Belle Helene:

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