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Gypsy Passion

(2008-10-13 21:18:53) 下一个
Gypsy Passion

Violin: Sergei Trofanov

01 Cosica

02 Beltz

03 Night Fall

04 Les Yeux Noirs

05 Russian Medley

箫笛 10/13/08

Shivering with passion

As soon as his lips on mine

Lust creeps up my whole spine

His large hands playing on me

All inches of body aching for more

Keep up your powerful skill

Withdraw my resistance out

To make me without any will

Just panting for him

Shivering with passion

Total body compatibility

No other way of serenity

Let it be let lust overcome

Any hidden upcoming fear

Throw and shut it out of mind

This passion is burning me blind

his touching with such dexterity

Absolute tremendous sensuality

Shivering with passion

For the moment nothing counts

Than feeling his real desire

Taking my body as part of his

Demanding responding his way

Waves of pleasures splashing

Into my very internal caves

Nobody ever did it so right

Till his soft open lips aroused mine

Shivering with passion

When starting to wet within

Asking for more to be explored

Pit in my stomach vibrations

Tongues searching to restore

Lost sensible sensations

Stretching in wonderful ways

Whole of myself arching

In pain to absolute surrender

Shivering with passion

Only once in lifetime can one find

Such a total flesh connection

This thirst and hunger of mine

To renew the encounters

More and many more times

How will I ever have the strength

To leave this outbursting lovemaking

Once consumed behind

I shall always shiver with

A certain kind of passion

When in the future surfaces

sudden warm thoughts of that

love making of the past

The Moon fulls then turns half

The tide rises, the tide falls

The twilight darkens, the curlew calls

Along the sea-sands damp and brown

But my passion, will never fade

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pingy_s 回复 悄悄话 这是我看到的最完美的作品,音乐,图片,和诗句。那是一种完全灵魂相系的最高境界,只有深爱的人才能够体会的到。性由此变的崇高而神圣,无以伦比的完美和刻骨铭心。。。谢谢.
辛西娅娅 回复 悄悄话 哇!美级了!谢谢箫才子GG啦:))

Sergei Trofanov好象是吉普赛裔的前苏联音乐家吧,琴艺超群,演奏技艺娴熟,曾被誉为五星魔幻小提琴家。琴声如泣如诉,悠扬动听,余音绕梁,美妙的旋律飘荡的音符能带给人别样的感受哦。。