
[youtube电影]Windstruck (2004) 野蛮师姐

(2006-08-30 18:55:10) 下一个
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3PUXWm5orCc Korean Movie: "Windstruck" starring Jeon Ji-Hyeon, Jang Hyeok Synopsis: When Officer Kyungjin hears a woman screaming, she cannot let such a crime go unnoticed. She catches a man, Myungwoo, and takes him to the police station. There she discovers that Myungwoo is the brave citizen who tried to catch the real criminal. As a newly-appointed teacher at an all girls' high school, Myungwoo needs to supervise students on a field trip to the red-light district. An officer is assigned to protect him; and, to his dismay, that person is Kyungjin. Now it's time for the mission to start. 剧情介绍   某日,明宇见义勇为,协助追捕小偷,却被正值休班的童珍误当贼人;可怜明宇惨被童珍严刑拷问,最后虽被证实无辜,但明宇经已体无完肤。   伤势初愈,明宇即被学校派到红灯区辅导问题学生,怎料警方竟安排童珍保护明宇;仇人见面,份外眼红,明宇本欲拂袖而去,却被童珍以手铐将他与自己锁在一起。刚巧童真发现一宗毒品交易案,明宇被逼跟着童真出生入死。两人手扣手地渡过惊险一夜,两颗心竟不自觉地连在一起。   明宇与童珍终于发展成为情侣。明宇不怕童珍野蛮任性,只担心童...
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