
America\'s opium

(2007-05-09 07:57:47) 下一个
America has a danger to go down as yet another failed empire in history. And, as typical with failed empires, it started rotting from inside.

The little bacteria that has wakened the giant inside is, over-consumption. From McMansions to sprawling cities to buffet eating to Hummer SUVs, over consumptions not only deplete America's current resource but also deplete America's future.

There is a direct linkage between what opium to China and what a gasoline does to America. What they bring in are the pleasures. Great pleasures but one they are is burned, there is no residual value for the future, unlike a road, unlike a bridge, unlike a building... the depreciation is total and instant.

in a post-equalized world, where knowledge is instantly transferable over the country boundaries, the competition will no longer rely that much of the control of "know-how", but more on the control of resource, and control of cost.

America will have to adapt. Adapt or die. It needs to slim down, contract, reduce, save and starts to build, produce, and conserve.
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