on Chinese housing policies
(2006-12-14 09:12:37)
the construction cost of a mid rise is less than 1500 per sq meter,
Chinese people can solve the food and clothes issues for its population in a very economic way, there is no reason to let the developer class, or more accurately, the new land owner class, (project development is now a very geneic knowledge, owning the land right is the real key... we all know who they are and who they are linked to), taking away the vast majority of society wealth
HK is a bad example in terms of distribution society wealth into a few super riches's hands, it'd very tragic that China became the even more extreme version of HK, it would be a shame for all Chinese intellectures not to stand up firm enough and raise their voice enough to influence the media,
a few policies can be copied from other countries to avoid the HK-like outcome: 1) open the entry barrier for project development, as suggested in this post, to promote competition, 2)meanwhile raise the standard of construction control with very strict building codes, 3) never let develop to get away with unfinished product and full payment, developers must be able to finance their projects with their side of financial burden, 4) property tax, which is a natural and fair way to finance the normal civil expense in modern city operations, who owns more must shoulder their propotional share of civil service burden
the whole idea is to have the true real market mechanism to reach the real balance of supply and demand, however high the price it ends up with, we can at least have confidence to say that's not from the twisted artificial supply and demand
I think the current gross margin of current Chinese real estate development is way too high, (70%), and net margin (with leverage and voodoo financing) is literally blood sucking on the whole population and on generations