again, heavily fund-supported, handle with care,

my previous comments on this one:
来源: noMatter 于 06-09-13 10:27:32
FMCN short closed a couple of days ago, neutual at this moment, seems it have some room for bouncing between 55 and 60,
来源: noMatter 于 06-09-08 09:40:47
FMCN is M&A crazy and its books may be very tricky, but its model (new ad domain) and strategy(buy to grow no matter what) may fit some wall streeters' taste a bit more. FMCN also is harder to trade, having many fake heads up and down. I have learned my way around it which is to pick high spots, stay steady but take profit quickly when it's there and it's good.
来源: noMatter 于 06-09-08 08:02:31
long term short,
lot of instibutional support but they have pushed it over the hill top imho,