
To Be One in Christ: We Have Treasure in the Jars of Clay(19)5

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To Be One in Christ: We Have Treasure in the Jars of Clay -- the Series of Explanation and Analysis of Scripture (19) - 5

The Explanation and Analysis of the Verses in Chapter 5 of 1 JOHN

It is edited and compiled under the guidance of Holy Spirit. All thanks, praises and glories be to God!

7. The faith in the Son of God (5:1-21)

(1) Having life through the faith (5:1-5)

This letter is written to those who have believed in LORD and have the experience of being born of God. Therefore, what is talked about here is not how to be reborn through the faith, but is to pay more attention to instruct how those who have believed can walk with and have fellowship with God in the virtues of light, holiness, righteousness, and love. What is especially talked about in this book a lot is “love”, to know the love of God, to love God, and to love one another. In this last chapter, it emphasizes the important position of faith in the spiritual life of loving God and loving men.

Those who believe in Christ are born of God; those who are born of God can love the brothers and love God; those who love God can obey the commands of LORD. Thus, “faith” is still the starting point and basis of all these things. Then, what is this faith? Our faith must be established on the correct basis -- believing that Jesus is the Christ and the Son of God; that is to believe that He is not an ordinary man, but He is sent by God to be born as a man and is the Savior -- the Word became flesh. It is because God Himself testified that He is the Son of God (5:6-12). With such a faith on the basis of truth, one can overcome the world (4), love the brothers, obey the commands of LORD (1-3), have confidence in God’s presence (14), walk in the light, and resist all the confusions.

A. The life of love (5:1-3)

1 JOHN 5:1 Everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ is born of God, and everyone who loves the father loves his child as well.


a. To be born of God through the faith in Christ (5:1upper)

“Everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ is born of God” . The rebirth is through believing “that Jesus is the Christ ”. To “believe that Jesus is the Christ” means that: believe that Jesus is the Anointed One -- the Word became flesh, and died on the cross, and He is the Savior of the world according to the predestined will of God (Act 2:22-36). Whoever believes this will receive His life from God.

“Everyone” shows that we all receive the same life through the same “faith”; we all have one spiritual “blood relationship”, and are born of one Father. Therefore, although these two verses do not talk about loving God and loving one another explicitly, they have the implication that the brothers born of the same parents are as dear as the flesh and the bones to each other.

b. loves God’s child because of loving God (5:1latter)

“everyone who loves the father loves his child as well”. This is a spiritual principle, and is the natural performance of those who love the Father. That is, they will “love his child”, just as the brothers who are born of one father will naturally love and take care of each other.

Here, the apostle emphasizes that God whom we love are the God who gave birth to us. Since we are born of God through faith, we should love God because of the great love that God gave birth to us, and we will love all the children of God because of loving God.

“loves his child as well”; here, it is not saying to love the brothers, but is saying to love His child. This verse emphasizes “born of God” all the time. Not only we love God because of the great love of God to give birth to us, but also we should treasure His great love to give up His only Son so that to give birth to us, and love all who receive the salvation with us.

“loves his child as well”:

This verse also implies that: whoever is born of God will understand the mind of God and love whom God loves.

c. Carrying out God’s commands is to love the children of God (5:2)

1 JOHN 5:2 This is how we know that we love the children of God: by loving God and carrying out his commands.


How do we know that we really love the children of God -- love the brothers and sisters -- but are not self-deceiving?

By loving God and carrying out His commands. (Commands refer to all the truth revealed by God. )This means that: we obey all the truth revealed by God, and love the children of God by the love of God; that is to love the brothers, and with this right attitude to practice love, we will know and understand the essence of loving the child of God.

Therefore, this verse continues the previous verse to show the meaning of loving brothers, which is not to gratify the selfish desires and love according to men’s will, but to love in the will of God.

d. As to those who love God, it is not burdensome to obey His commands (5:3)

1 JOHN 5:3 This is love for God: to obey his commands. And his commands are not burdensome,


“commands” :

Refer to all the commands of God, which are holy and with authority, including all the teachings of the truth about the salvation from God, which do not only refer to the ten commandments in the Old Testament.

To obey the commands of God is to love God; this is the essence of loving God which has been mentioned repeatedly. It is not burdensome to obey the commands of God for those who love God, just as it is not burdensome to listen to and serve those whom we love. On the contrary, if we feel burdensome to obey the commands of God, that shows that our love of God is not enough. “Love” is the capability for us to obey the command of God. However, this love comes from our rebirth through our faith in that Jesus is Christ so that our life is related to God. And loving God and loving the neighbors sum up all the Laws: “Jesus replied: " 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments." ” (Mat 22:37-40)

Therefore, we obey the commands by the love and it won’t be burdensome.

B. The life to overcome the world (5:4-5)

a. What can make us overcome the world (5:4)

1 JOHN 5:4 for everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith.


“for” shows that this verse is to explain the previous verses. Another reason that it is not burdensome for us to obey the commands of God is because we are born of God. What blocks us to obey the commands of God is the “world”; however, we have had the life that can overcome the world. This tells that we Christians have had the life and status to overcome the world already.

“This is the victory that has overcome the world”; especially refers to a certain victory; with our faith, we accept the salvation of Christ through the cross. That is the decisive victory, which is not won by ourselves, but by Christ. However, our faith to decide to accept Christ makes us stand on the side of the victory over the world.

Therefore, the victory of LORD Jesus on the cross, is also the victory of us who believe. Whoever believes in Jesus Christ shares in the victory of LORD Jesus on the cross. We should be in this faith of victory and continue to overcome the world.

b. Who is it that overcomes the world? (5:5)

1 JOHN 5:5 Who is it that overcomes the world? Only he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God.


This rhetorical question is to emphasize and remind the believers at that time to guard against those heresies who do not believe that Jesus is the Son of God. Who is it that overcomes the world? Except those who believe that Jesus is the Son of God, who can overcome the world (refers to the sinful and evil power of the world)? Except believing in LORD Jesus to overcome the world, is there any other way or “knowledge” that can let us overcome the world? Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved (Act 4:12). All the religions and philosophy in this world can only let us be overcome by the world, but can not let us overcome the world.

(2) The testimony received through faith (5:6-12)

A. For there are three that testify: the Spirit, the water and the blood (5:6-8)

Here, the water refers to the baptizing of Lord; the blood indicates that Lord shed blood to die. When Lord was baptizing, God testified by Himself that He is the Son whom God loves; there were also the Spirit of God descending like a dove and lighting on Him to testify that He is the Son of God. When Lord died and shed blood, the great power of God was shown: there was also darkness came over all the land, the earth shook and the rocks split, and finally He was raised from dead (Mat 27:50-54; Rom 1:4) and proved to be the Son of God. The baptizing of Lord is the start of His work of preaching. The shedding blood of Lord is the accomplishment of His work of salvation. Thus, “the water” of baptizing and “the blood” of shedding to death, are the two things which properly represent the “beginning” and “ending” of Lord’s work of salvation on earth, and are in accordance to the sequence of the water first and the blood next. Finally, God used “the Spirit of holiness ” (Rom 1:4) to raise Him from the dead with great power, to prove that He is the Son of God.

According to the experience of the apostle John himself, he saw these three testimonies by himself.

i. He saw what happened when John the Baptist baptized Lord Jesus (Joh 1:29-42).

ii. He saw when Christ died, a soldier pierced Jesus' side with a spear, bringing a sudden flow of blood and water (Joh 19:34).

iii. After the resurrection of Christ, he saw His appearance and proved that He was raised by the Holy Spirit (Rom 1:4). He himself also received the Holy Spirit promised by Christ on the day of Pentecost and baptized the believers and the church with the Holy Spirit (Act 2:33).

1 JOHN 5:6 This is the one who came by water and blood--Jesus Christ. He did not come by water only, but by water and blood. And it is the Spirit who testifies, because the Spirit is the truth.


“This is the one who came by water and blood -- Jesus Christ”:

The one who came by the testimony of water and blood is Jesus Christ; only Jesus has such a testimony, and only he has such a testimony from God.

“And it is the Spirit who testifies, because the Spirit is the truth.”:

“the Spirit is the truth”; that is, what the Holy Spirit testified about are according to the truth. The nature of Holy Spirit is the truth. When LORD Jesus was on earth, He often calls the Holy Spirit as “the Spirit of truth” (Joh 14:17; 16:13).

Here, “because” is an important word, which gives the reason why there is the Holy Spirit to testify about Jesus; it is because the Holy Spirit is the truth. Since Jesus indeed came according to the will of God, His baptizing and redemption is the basis for the truth of the salvation. Then how couldn’t the Spirit of truth testify about Him? Although LORD Jesus’ work of redemption has been accomplished already once for all, the Holy Spirit continues in testifying the salvation He accomplished and proving that He is the Son of God.

LORD Jesus says that : “I am the truth.” It is obvious that the testimonies of the Holy Spirit and LORD Jesus are in agreement.

1 JOHN 5:7-8 For there are three that testify: the Spirit, the water and the blood; and the three are in agreement.


“For there are three that testify”:

This shows that the testimonies that God gives to His Son are sufficient. “in agreement” is because the testimonies from these aspects are consistent, have one same goal, and have the equal authority and effect.

Note that: here, God gave testimonies to Christ by the water, the blood and the Spirit. We should accept the testimonies that God gave to His Son; that is to believe that Christ is the Son of God. Here, it is not asking the believers to receive the experiences of the water, the blood and the Spirit. Although there are similar teachings in other verses of the Bible, the believers should be purified by the precious blood of LORD, should be baptized in the name of LORD, and should be filled up with the Holy Spirit. However, according to the context here, the water, the blood and the Spirit especially refer to the testimonies that God gave to Christ -- to prove that He is the Son of God.

B. the greater testimony -- given by God about His Son (5:9-12)

1 JOHN 5:9 We accept man's testimony, but God's testimony is greater because it is the testimony of God, which he has given about his Son.


“We accept man's testimony”:

This indicates that those who received the letter accepted the testimony of the apostles. Since they are the believers, they had accepted “man’s testimony” already. Thus, the direct testimony of God to His Son is of stronger authority. This verse means that: the testimony of God is greater and stronger than man’s testimony; and we should accept it more readily.

God gave the testimonies to His Son and proved that Christ is the Son of God:

a. When He was baptized, He was testified to be the Son of God (Mat 3:17).

b. When he died, the darkness came over all the land, the earth shook and the rock split, and even the centurion said: "Surely he was the Son of God!" (Mat 27:50-54).

c. God gives the Spirit (to Christ) without limit (Joh 3:34); and Christ is the One who through the Spirit of holiness was declared with power to be the Son of God by His resurrection from the dead (Rom 1:4); He has received from the Father the promised Holy Spirit and has poured out to those who believe in Him (Act 2:33), to baptize all the believers (Act 2:5; 1Co 12:13).

To emphasize that Christ is the Son of God repeatedly in this way, is to be direct against those heresies that deny that LORD is the Son of God -- the Word became flesh. To explain the truth from this aspect repeatedly is to strengthen the faith of the believers in Christ -- the Word became flesh.

1 JOHN 5:10 Anyone who believes in the Son of God has this testimony in his heart. Anyone who does not believe God has made him out to be a liar, because he has not believed the testimony God has given about his Son.


According to the “testimony” talked about above, it obvious refers to the testimony given about Lord Jesus by God. That is to testify that Lord Jesus is the Son of God. Here, the significance of “testimony” is further developed. Not only God proved that Jesus is His Son with the objective facts, but also testifies His Son through our subjective experiences. This testimony is the new life that God gives us, and the new life is eternal. When we believe that Jesus is the Son of God and accept the testimony that God gave to His Son, God will give us the new life that is eternal. Such an experience can prove that Jesus is indeed the Son of God subjectively. It is because “he who has the Son has life”. Since we receive the life from God through our faith in Jesus, it is obvious that Jesus is indeed the Son of God. Otherwise, how can we receive the life of God through our faith in Him?

(3) To know surely through the faith (5:11-20)

There are five points to know surely so that we can completely trust in our LORD:

A. To know surely that one has the new life that is eternal (5:11-13)

1 JOHN 5:11-13 And this is the testimony: God has given us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have life. I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God so that you may know that you have eternal life.


Those who believe in the name of the Son of God have eternal life.

“And this is the testimony: God has given us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. ”:

Only the Son of living God can give people the eternal life. It is because “Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved.” (Act 4:12) Therefore, all those who want to have eternal life must obtain it directly from Him. There is no where else can receive the eternal life.

“He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have life. ”:

Whoever has Christ has the new life -- the eternal life; to live the life of Christ and to be one in Christ is the eternal life.

“I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God so that you may know that you have eternal life.”:

Since the purpose of writing this letter is to let the believers know that they themselves have the eternal life, it is obvious that the believers should know that they themselves have the eternal life. They should know that whoever believe in the name of the Son of God has the Holy Spirit of Christ living in him that brings the eternal life.

Why the believers should know that they have the new life that is eternal?

When they know surely that they themselves have the new life that is eternal, they will have more confidence to overcome the sins and evils in life, for we know that we have a life that has overcome the sins and evils. The “the law of the Spirit of life ” has freed us from “the law of sin and of death”.

It is because if we know surely that we have the eternal life already, we will have confidence to resist the devil. If we know that we stand on the status of victory, we will not fear it any more.

There are many people who failed because they don’t know surely that they themselves have the capability to overcome sins, evils and the devils, such that they do not have faith to draw the promise of LORD. However, if they know surely that they already have had the new life that is eternal, they will rely on LORD to overcome. Since the eternal life is the most precious and important thing, thus, with the confidence of the eternal life, all other loss and sufferings in this world are trifle, and can be made light of.

On the other hand, if one knows surely that he has the new life that is eternal, he will be able to work harder to pass the truth of the eternal life to others so that others will receive surely the new life that is eternal.

Pay attention to the messages in this book to know whether one has the eternal life or not:

Since the purpose of this letter is to let the believers know that they have the new life that is eternal, it is apparent that if we pay attention to the content of this letter, we will know whether we have the eternal life or not. Then, we should pay attention to some important messages:

Chapter 1: The believers receive the Word of life and have fellowship with each other, those who walk in the light will be purified by the blood of LORD.

Chapter 2: Christ is our Mediator for us at the right hand of God; and the Holy Spirit will teach the believers on everything.

Chapter 3: The believers have distinct differences from the worldly people on the status and hope. They should also have the distinct difference on their virtues. The believers “do what is righteous”; while the worldly people “do sins”. the believers love the brothers; while the worldly people hate the brothers like Cain.

Chapter 4: The first half of the chapter talks about two kinds of different spirits: the Spirit who confesses Jesus is the One -- the Word became flesh; and the spirits who deny that Christ is the One -- the Word became the flesh. The true believers believe in the teachings of the apostles and receive the Holy Spirit; the false teachers are from the false evil spirits. There are distinct difference between these two.

The second half of Chapter 4 and the first half of chapter 5 talk about that love has no fear; whoever believes in Christ is born of God and will love the child of God, and it is not burdensome for them to obey His commands.

These messages can let us know whether we live the new life of eternity or not.

The following verses are also important to know whether one lives the new life of eternity or not:

(1:7) “But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin.”

(2:5) “But if anyone obeys his word, God's love is truly made complete in him. This is how we know we are in him:”

(2:27) “As for you, the anointing you received from him remains in you, and you do not need anyone to teach you. But as his anointing teaches you about all things and as that anointing is real, not counterfeit--just as it has taught you, remain in him. ”

(3:23-24) “And this is his command: to believe in the name of his Son, Jesus Christ, and to love one another as he commanded us. Those who obey his commands live in him, and he in them. And this is how we know that he lives in us: We know it by the Spirit he gave us. ”

(4:7) “Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. ”

(5:4) “for everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith. ”

These verses all tell us the conducts of the one who has the new life of eternity. These conducts are the strong evidence that one has the new life of eternity. In a word, to be one in Christ is the eternal life.

Although the believers have received the new life of eternity through faith, the Christians who live according to the Holy Spirit and live a life in accordance with this eternal life are not the majority; neither the Christians who truly keep themselves away from the sins and evils to live the new life are the majority. There are many Christians who do not confess their sins and do not repent, still live in the sins, evils and transgressions of the old life, even make use of the grace of the forgiveness of sins as their reason to sin boldly regardless of the conscience and basic morality, no mention to live in accordance with this new life of eternity to follow and imitate the life and conducts of Christ. Such believers do not understand the meaning of the salvation at all; neither do they understand the meaning of the grace of the new life of eternity given by God. Their self-deceiving will lead themselves to the destruction finally. Only those Christians who live the new life practically, truly obey LORD, obey the commands of LORD, make every effort to be one in Christ, can take hold of the eternal life and enter the rest of the living God, and to inherit the eternal possessions as the one who overcomes.

On the other hand, since this letter is to make one to know whether he has the eternal life or not, it will also let one know from the reverse side whether he has not have the eternal life or not. One who has the eternal life without knowing it might be dangerous; one who does not have the eternal life without knowing that he does not have the eternal life and even think that he has the eternal life already, is even more dangerous!

B. To know surely that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us (5:14-17)

1 JOHN 5:14-15 This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. And if we know that he hears us--whatever we ask--we know that we have what we asked of him.


Here, the second thing that the believers should know is: “we know that we have what we asked of him, he hears us.” The biggest right of the believers is that they can ask God by themselves and they can have confidence to ask. When we know for sure that we are the children of God, and know that what we ask are according to His will, we can have confidence that God will hear us. On the contrary, if what we ask are not in accordance with the will of God, even we have known already that it is something not pleasing to God, we still ask deliberately. Such a prayer is to test God and we will not have the confidence that God will hear us.

Therefore, here, “we know that we have what we asked of him”; it indicates that we will have what we asked in the will of God. These two verses let us see that a believer who has the life of the living God, is not completely strong such that he won’t fall into the temptation of the sins and evils, won’t feel tired and fall, or won’t have pains or loss any more. However, God give us a right; this right is enough for us to overcome in all weakness, temptations, fatigue, falling, illness and pains. This right is “that we have what we asked of him”.

These two verses tell us how to know God in the prayers; that is we should pray according to His will. Otherwise, there will be many doubts without receiving what we ask for and we will get confused more on knowing Him. However, if what we ask are in the will of God, we will know more and more about the faithfulness of God in the experience of our prayers and know surely that we will have what we ask.

1 JOHN 5:16-17 If anyone sees his brother commit a sin that does not lead to death, he should pray and God will give him life. I refer to those whose sin does not lead to death. There is a sin that leads to death. I am not saying that he should pray about that. All wrongdoing is sin, and there is sin that does not lead to death.


Here, after the apostle talks about that we ask according to the will of God and we will have what we ask, he further gives the explanation. Although to pray for those who sinned pleases God in principle, to pray for any sinner might not be in accordance with the will of God; and even regarding some things that are in accordance with the will of God, God might not give us according to our wish. Then what kind of sin won’t get the prayer answered? That is, there is difference between “a sin that leads to death” and “sin that does not lead to death”; note that what the objects refer to here are the believers.

Regarding “a sin that leads to death”:

The so-called “a sin that leads to death” refers to the serious sin, and a sin deserve to die. For example, the sins recorded in the law of Moses that should be stoned to death: adultery, dishonoring the father and mother, murder and so on (Lev 20:10; Exo 21:12-17), are all serious sins. If the believers commit such a serious sin, they must fall very deep already and put out the reminders of the Spirit for many times. God might treat them differently; the punishment to them might be very severe, and they might even lose their life (1Co 11:30-32). If we deliberately keep on sinning after we have received the knowledge of the truth, no sacrifice for sins is left (Heb 10:26). Therefore, here, the apostle John said: “I am not saying that he should pray about that. ” Note that he did not say that: “He should not pray about that.”, but he said: “I am not saying that he should pray about that. ” This is to tell us that the apostle believes that one should keep a careful attitude to pray for such persons, but should pray for them based on their individual case. And when prays for them, one should not think that God will hear and should not ignore the will of God to such people. In (Act 5:1-11), the similar severe punishment is used for the Ananias couple who sinned.

Therefore, if we want to draw the promise of “that we have what we ask”, we should learn first that we should not speak carelessly and casually. We should not accord to the momentary emotion, and the sinful wish, but the will of God on the individuals to carefully pray for others.

“All wrongdoing is sin”. Whoever does what is not righteous, sins. (see also Mat ch. 5-7).

Regarding “sin that does not lead to death”:

“sin that does not lead to death” is the slight sin. If one confesses sins, repents and makes up their transgressions, he can pray for the forgiveness and coving up of the precious blood of LORD Jesus Christ.

C. To know surely that the one who was born of God keeps him safe (5:18)

1 JOHN 5:18 We know that anyone born of God does not continue to sin; the one who was born of God keeps him safe, and the evil one cannot harm him.


“anyone born of God does not continue to sin”:

This verse does not say that all the Christians after the rebirth will not sin any more, for it just says in the previous verse that “sin that does not lead to death”; and in verse (2:1): “My dear children, I write this to you so that you will not sin. But if anybody does sin, we have one who speaks to the Father in our defense--Jesus Christ, the Righteous One.” These clearly show that the believers might sin; therefore, it says that “But if anybody does sin”. Thus, here, “anyone born of God does not continue to sin”; it must have other meanings, for it is impossible for the apostle in one letter, even in the connected context, to say the contradictory words. Then, this verse might have the following meanings:

a. Anyone born of God receives the new life that won’t sin; therefore, the reason that the believers will sin is because they do not live in accordance with the new life, but live according to the old life.

b. Anyone born of God should not do “a sin that leads to death”, for the previous verse is “All wrongdoing is sin, and there is sin that does not lead to death. ”

c. Anyone born of sin is not willing to sin according to one’s will; but it is not saying that anyone born of sins is impossible to sin. Paul used to testify that: “For what I do is not the good I want to do; no, the evil I do not want to do--this I keep on doing.” (Rom 7:19). It is obvious that although the believers will sin, according to their wills, they actually do not want to sin .

d. Anyone born of God will not sin frequently, or stay at sins and won’t leave. The similar words are mentioned in (1Jo 3:6,9); see also the explanation for these verses.

e. As to anyone born of God, in the end, the evil one cannot harm him and Christ’s divine presence keeps him safe.

“the one who was born of God keeps him safe”: that is, whoever born of God will be protected by God; therefore, “the evil one cannot harm him”. Here, it does not point out to what extent that “cannot harm him”. It should not indicate that the devil cannot harm the believers to sin occasionally, but indicates that the devil cannot harm the believers to do “a sin that leads to death” (Joh 17:12). Here, “cannot harm him”; indicates that the devil cannot enter completely to control and harm the believers to do the severe crime. Since the Bible says that “the evil one cannot harm him” and God will protect them. It is apparent that no matter what the devil does, it can not make those who are born of God and rely on God to go to the destruction (2Co 4:7-9).

As to those who believe in the name of God, if they know for sure that they themselves have got the life that will not sin, and also know that God will take care of them and protect those who believe in Him, so that the evil one can not do harm, they will have more confidence to entrust themselves into God’s hand.

D. To know surely that we belong to God (5:19)

1 JOHN 5:19 We know that we are children of God, and that the whole world is under the control of the evil one.


This verse apparently put “We” and “the whole world”, “children of God” and “under the control of the evil one” in contrast. Here, there are two completely opposite positions -- standing by the side of God or standing by the side of the devil. We are standing on the side of God and belong to God, are whom He own, use, love, bless and protect; while the worldly people are under the control of the evil ones, and are controlled, confused, trapped, slaved, and manipulated by the devil. Here, these two distinct differences are listed in front of our eyes, so that we will “know” surely that there is distinct dividing line between the believers and the worldly people, and can not confuse with each other. Therefore, the believers should not follow the moral standard of the worldly people to live a life (Rom 12:2); they should live in accordance with the will of God. Here, it is to let the believers know more completely the honor of the status of that “we are children of God”. Therefore, in our daily life, we should not forget to keep the holy testimony.

E. To know surely that LORD will give wisdom to know the true God (5:20)

1 JOHN 5:20 We know also that the Son of God has come and has given us understanding, so that we may know him who is true. And we are in him who is true--even in his Son Jesus Christ. He is the true God and eternal life.


“We know also that the Son of God has come ”:

This indicates that LORD Jesus is the One -- the Word became flesh. This is the message that this book pays attention to (2:22-23;4:1-6). For the apostles, this Son of God -- the Word became flesh, is whom they have heard, whom they have seen with their eyes, whom they have looked at and their hands have touched and have lived with together. “the Son of God has come”; it indicates that the Word became flesh (Joh 1:14,18). Here, it is to repeat the truth that the believers already know at that time.

The reason that we can know true God, is because the Son of God -- the Word became flesh, gives us the wisdom and understanding.

For another example, the word of understanding is used in another verse: “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.” (Pro 9:10) The reason that one can have the spiritual understanding and understand the spiritual things, is because of the enlightenment of the Holy Spirit (1Co 2:11; Luk 24:45).

“so that we may know him who is true”:

This refers to the true God. Our most initial knowledge of God is that He is the true God; to know Him further, still we will know that He is true -- His truthfulness and reliability, His true and sincere love. Although He lives in the heaven, He is truly with us; He can truly hear our prayer and help our weakness. The more faith we have in Him, the more we feel that He is truly living with us.

“And we are in him who is true--even in his Son Jesus Christ”:

This verse tells us that:

a. God and Christ are One completely. To be in God is to be in Christ; and to be in Christ is to be in God.

b. Those who believe in the Son of God are united with God in Christ. This wonderful grace can not be enjoyed by other worldly people.

In the beginning and end of this letter, it talks about to unite with God, that is, to be one in Christ. It is obvious that the purpose of this letter is to let the believers make more effort to know more of God through knowing that they have eternal life and all kinds of spiritual blessings and status, so that to live in God and unite with Him. This message is in accordance with the prayer of LORD on earth: “that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. ” (Joh 17:21).

In this verse, it mentions about the word of “true” for three times. This is to emphasize that this God truly exists, and is absolutely not imaginary, abstracted, or alienated to the people. On the contrary, since all who believe in Him have His life, they live in this true God.

“He is the true God ”:

This refers to Christ or God. There are two kinds of explanations:

a. This One -- the Word became flesh, makes us to know the true God and makes us united with God in Him -- Jesus Christ is the true God.

b. Only such a God who sent His Son to the earth so that we can know Him and live in Him, is the true God.

“and eternal life”:

Thus, to know the true God and live in Him, is the most noble meaning of “eternal life”. To be one in Christ is the essence of the eternal life.

(4) Concluding remarks (5:21)

1 JOHN 5:21 Dear children, keep yourselves from idols.


It is obvious that the “idols” here do not refer to the true material idols. It is because those believers who received the letter are absolutely not those who worship the idols. Therefore, the idols should refer to those invisible idols that occupy the position of God in the minds of the believers, which make the believers can not serve the true God wholeheartedly. The way that the believers keep away from the idols is to keep away from these worldly things, so that they can not occupy the position in our mind at all.

The truthfulness of the true God, and the falsehood of the idols are in distinct contrast. The “true God ” mentioned in the previous verse and the “idols” in this verse are in distinct contrast. If the Christians want to walk with God, they must be sincere and honest. The idols are the highest symbols of the falsehood. The idols of the worldly people are: money, fame, power, self-pride and all kinds of worldly things that belong to the sinful nature; there are some who take all kinds of celebrities and stars as their idols, and also there are still some who worship the false gods and the idols.

Note that, in the very beginning of this letter, the apostle passes on the message of the Word of life to us; while at the end of this letter, he uses the message that “keep yourselves from idols” to remind us. Obviously, “the Word of life” and “the idols”, “to have fellowship with God” and to unite with the idols, the true God and the false idols, are absolutely opposite to each other and can absolutely not be put together. When we are seeking to know more about this true God, and live deeper in Him, all kinds of visible and invisible idols can make our spiritual eyes dim-sighted such that we can not know God. Therefore, when we finish reading the messages in this letter, we should indeed ask LORD to give us “the Spirit of wisdom and revelation”, so that we can hate and break all the idols in our minds. Otherwise, the messages in this book do no good to us.

It is because the cunning schemes of the devil are more and more treacherous, using all kinds of idols to tempt people to worship and take people in captive. In the last days, the work of the devil and the evil spirits will be more rampant; just as (Rev 13:14-15) says, they will tempt many people. The Christians should be more alert, understand the truth, and walk according to the truth.


1. Zhongdao Chen: “The Lectures on the Bible Studying of the Letters in New Testament”.

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