
To Be One in Christ: We Have Treasure in the Jars of Clay (19)2

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To Be One in Christ: We Have Treasure in the Jars of Clay -- the Series of Explanation and Analysis of Scripture (19) - 2

The Explanation and Analysis of the Verses in Chapter 2 of 1 JOHN

It is edited and compiled under the guidance of Holy Spirit. All thanks, praises and glories be to God!

B. To know the accomplishments of the mediator (2:1-2)

1 JOHN 2:1upper My dear children, I write this to you so that you will not sin.


In the previous verses, the apostle exhorts the believers to confess sins first; then the apostle talks about the grace of the forgiveness of sins. Here, the apostle is afraid that someone will make use of or misunderstand the grace of the forgiveness of sins, such that to sin boldly (Rom 6:1-2; 11:22; Jud 1:4). According to verse (Rom 6:1), there are this kind of people in the believers indeed. The grace of the forgiveness of sins given by God through the redemption of Christ on the cross, is to let people confess sins and repent, keep away from sins, and do not sin. However, there are often some who abuse the grace, and mistake the grace as the principle to stay in sins at ease; that is absolutely wrong. He who does what is sinful is of the devil (1Jo 3:8). Anyone who does not do what is right is not a child of God; nor is anyone who does not love his brother (1Jo 3:10).

1 JOHN 2:1latter-2 But if anybody does sin, we have one who speaks to the Father in our defense--Jesus Christ, the Righteous One. He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours but also for the sins of the whole world.


The previous verse particularly declares first that the purpose to write these words, is to exhort people not to sin. However, just in case that one does sin, he should not lose heart; it is because our mediator Jesus Christ is the atoning sacrifice for our sins. The achievements of this sacrifice is eternal (Heb 9:12). If we sincerely confess sins and repent, LORD will forgive and purify us.

“defense”: it is also translated as “advocate” (K.J.V.). Christ is the Righteous One to redeem men from sins, and He defends us and intercedes for us in front of God. In (Joh 14:16,26; 15:26; 16:7), all refer to the Holy Spirit sent to the earth to be with the church and be as our Counselor. Here, “defense” indicates that Christ intercedes for us in the heaven. It is obvious that the Holy Spirit and Christ are One, and the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Christ (Joh 14:26; Joh 3:34).

(3) The conducts that those who walk in the light should have (2:3-17)

In this paragraph, several conducts of those who walk in the light should have, are listed to be as the tests about whether the believers walk in the light or not.

A. Obey the commands of LORD (2:3-6)

To obey the commands of LORD is taken as the first test of walking in the light. This is derived from the previous verse: “If we claim to have fellowship with him yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live by the truth. ” (1:6) Words without deeds is in the darkness. Thus, if men walk in the light, they certainly obey the commands of LORD indeed. Here, there are three points according to the meaning of the verses:

a. To obey the commands of LORD is to know God (2:3-4)

1 JOHN 2:3-4 We know that we have come to know him if we obey his commands. The man who says, "I know him," but does not do what he commands is a liar, and the truth is not in him.



Here, the “commands” generally refer to the commands of LORD. The greatest commandment is to love God, and the second is to love neighbors. “Jesus replied: " 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments." ” (Mat 22:37-40)

According to verse (3:23): “And this is his command: to believe in the name of his Son, Jesus Christ, and to love one another as he commanded us. ” It is obvious that all who trust in Christ, and know that Christ is the Savior, obey at least the most important command required by God. On the contrary, those who have not obeyed this command, have not known LORD yet.

To obey the command of LORD is the clear proof to know LORD. To know LORD is the strength to obey the command of LORD. Just as if we know who is the head of our country, we will respect his status, and obey his command without hesitation. Here, to “know” does not only mean to be acquainted with, but also includes to know through the experience of obeying the command of LORD. The result of knowing LORD deeper is to be more faithful to obey His commands.

From learning these two verses, it is known that if one considers himself to know LORD without obeying the word of LORD, he is in the darkness (1:6). On the contrary, if one truly obeys the word of LORD, he is in the light. Therefore, to walk in the light, is to walk in the light of the words of LORD. Thus, those who walk in the light are those who obey the words of LORD.

b. To obey the words of God is to put “love” into practice (2:5upper)

1 JOHN 2:5upper But if anyone obeys his word, God's love is truly made complete in him.


This verse is similar to verse 4, but is from another aspect. The previous verse seems to pay attention to the knowledge of the holiness, glory, and power of God, so that to obey the commands of LORD. This verse pays attention to the experience of the love of God, and to obey the word of God because of loving Him. Just as if we really love a person, whatever he asks we will do it in a hurry willingly. If there is any hesitation, it shows the lacking of love. We will love LORD; it is because “the love of Christ” compels us inside (2Co 5:14). And the first expression to love Him is to obey His commands.

Whoever obeys the word of LORD. “God’s love” is complete in him. If God’s love only in us without revealing, that is still not “complete”. It is because one has not expressed the perfection of God’s love. While to obey the word of LORD is the way to express God’s love in us to the highest extent.

c. To obey the command of LORD is to live in LORD (2:5latter-6)

1 JOHN 2:5latter-6 This is how we know we are in him: Whoever claims to live in him must walk as Jesus did.


To live in LORD, one must obey the commands of LORD. Just as to live in LORD must produce the fruit (Joh 15:4, 7). Those who live in LORD live in the authority of the word of LORD; that is, to live in the light (Joh 8:12). The difference between those who live in light and those who live in darkness is: Those who live in the light, do as LORD did; those who live in the darkness are only “claim to have fellowship with him yet walk in the darkness,” (1:6; 2:4).

“live in him ”: that is to hide in LORD, let LORD show, and let LORD block all the glories, insults, all kinds of fake commendations, and all kinds of lusts and temptations. On the other hand, we should often get closer to LORD and to be one with LORD. All kinds of the good virtues will become the virtues of ourselves; without being aware, we will let people see all kinds of expression of the glorious life of LORD Jesus.

B. love brothers (2:7-11)

The second test about walking in the light, is to prove from the relationship of the members. The spiritual situation of the Christians must be tested to be reliable in dealing with the relationship of the brothers and sisters. If some consider themselves to walk in the light, but can not love the brothers, that shows that they can not obey the command of Christ given to the church to love each other. As to such people, they might consider themselves to walk in the light, but they are in the darkness actually. Therefore, whether we love the brothers or not, is the test on whether we walk in the light or not.

a. An old command and a new command (2:7-8)

1 JOHN 2:7-8 Dear friends, I am not writing you a new command but an old one, which you have had since the beginning. This old command is the message you have heard. Yet I am writing you a new command; its truth is seen in him and you, because the darkness is passing and the true light is already shining.


Since the previous verses talk about that to obey the command of LORD is the evidence to know God, love God and live in LORD, and also is the conduct of walking in the light. Here, it points out what is the command of LORD. This command is “love”; and “love” is the general principle of all the commands.

“This old command is the message you have heard.”:

It is apparent that this refers to the command of loving each other in (Joh 13:34). “the message” refer to the words in (Joh 13:34): “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. ”

Here, the so-called “a new command” is to promulgate the command of LORD to them once again as the new command. Here, it is to ask the believers to have a fresh feeling toward the “command of love” of LORD once again, and to obey it by recovering their first eagerness. The verse (Joh 13:34) originally is “a new command ”, which replaces the commands in the Old Testament. However, the love of those believers seem to get cold gradually; regarding the new command, their concepts and ardor are getting old. Their love gradually tent to be the outward appearance, and there is no difference from the old way of the written code in the Old Testament! Therefore, here, the old command is repeated, so that to awaken the sinking spirit of the believers.

“because the darkness is passing and the true light is already shining. ”:

Here, “the darkness” refers to the whole dark age and the power of the darkness; “the true light” of course refers to Christ and the new age that Christ will bring. Note that “is passing” shows that it starts to pass, but it has not passed completely yet. Therefore, “is already shining” in the following verse does not light up completely, but is shinning. Here, looking at this material world from the spiritual viewpoint, although it is filled with the power of darkness, the judgment of God will come soon. This age belongs to the darkness will end soon, and the life of the Gospel of Christ is shinning on the earth, which is the evidence that this dark age will be judged soon. “The true light” will shine upon the whole earth soon. Thus, shouldn’t we love each other more sincerely, so that to prepare for the Second Coming of the light of world (Joh 8:12)?

b. Love the brothers and hate the brothers (2:9-11)

1 JOHN 2:9 Anyone who claims to be in the light but hates his brother is still in the darkness.


Here, comparing those who love the brothers and hate brothers as the difference in the light and in the darkness, is a brief conclusion to summarize all kinds of the basic principles above. These two verses show that what are discussed above do not wander off the topic, and are the conducts of those who walk in the light.

Starting from verse 3, the sequence of the statement is: If we know Him, love Him, and live in Him, we will obey the commands of LORD; the command of LORD is love, and love is the sign to live in the light.

This verse also explains the meaning of “in the darkness”; that is, the danger without knowing oneself, without seeing the dangers of what one is doing, and being blind spiritually. While to “hate his brother” is the proof that one’s spiritual eyes are blinded. Whether one is in the light or in the darkness, it is not up to what he says, but it is up to what kind of scenario he is in. He who hates the brothers inward, might speak the principle of love on the mouth, he might by imagination think that he is walking in the light, but in fact, his whole person is still in the darkness.

1 JOHN 2:10-11 Whoever loves his brother lives in the light, and there is nothing in him to make him stumble. But whoever hates his brother is in the darkness and walks around in the darkness; he does not know where he is going, because the darkness has blinded him.


Why there is nothing to make those who live in light to stumble? It is because they often see their own deficit. Those who truly love the brothers won’t put the blame on others. Many people stumble by themselves while they blame others. However, those who walk in the light will have love and do not need to make up excuses to blame others. Since those who “love his brother” live in the light, those who only love themselves without loving the brothers are “in the darkness”.

The most apparent difference between the Christians who have love and those who do not have love is: the believers with love “let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another” (Rom 13:8). They won’t blame others for making light of them and not considering their difficulties, but think that they themselves have not consider the difficulties of others, have not help those who are in need, and have not help in the work of LORD, so that to feel the continuing debt. As to such believers, “there is nothing in him to make him stumble”. Regardless those who are stumbled by others or make others stumble, both of them do not have the excuses to take off the responsibility. As to those without the love, on the contrary, they blame God and men, and do not examine themselves; therefore, they count their failure to others. Such people must hate the brothers and fall into the darkness. Therefore, “But whoever hates his brother is in the darkness and walks around in the darkness; he does not know where he is going, because the darkness has blinded him.” Therefore, it is said immediately that: “But whoever hates his brother is in the darkness and walks around in the darkness; he does not know where he is going, because the darkness has blinded him. ” (2:11).

“he does not know where he is going”:

This sentence indicates that one loses the goal on faith, conducts and life, or viewpoints of the life, and does not know how to make choices. Note that verse 11 and verse 10 are in contrast as the opposite sides. Verse 10 says that those who love the brothers live in the light, and there is no reason for him to stumble. If one is not bright inside and does not know himself, not only the evil intentions of others will make him stumble, but also the good intentions and deeds might make him stumble. To be in the darkness like this, they will have more misunderstandings and suspicions on the truth; they will not completely trust in the principle of life to live a life according to the commands of LORD. Then, what kind of principles they will follow to live a life? Will they live in the same way as the worldly people to care about the profit in front of eyes regardless of justice and righteousness? Or will they treat people with love according to the teachings in the Bible? Will they live a life of pleasure as much as they like? Or will they live a godly life? It is because he is blinded by the darkness, and he is blind on the way of life, and “he does not know where he is going”!

C. The growth of the life (2:12-14)

In these verses, there are 3 different appellations, to show the believers in 3 different spiritual levels. It implies that as to the believers in the light, their spiritual life will grow up gradually. The spiritual life is the same as the life of flesh which can grow naturally. Otherwise, it will be morbid and abnormal. And this growth is the necessary expression of life. Unless there is no life, otherwise, it will not be still without any movement. Since the believers are the children of the light (Eph 5:8) , and received the light of life inside (Joh 1:4), if one really walks in the light, there is no reason that he will not make any progress. All the speed of growth and the extent of the spiritual life are different. However, he will never be static without showing the glory of life.

The core message from (3-17) in this chapter, is to exhort the believers to love God but not to love the world. This is the conduct of those who walk in the light. However, here, these verses are inserted to divide the believers into three groups. Then, the reason is given to everyone why he wrote to them respectively. It is obvious here not only intentionally let the believers know the several different degrees of life of those who walk in the light, but also let the believers know that the messages in this letter, especially this message about loving God instead of loving the world, is needed by all the believers regardless of the degree of their spirituality. No matter those who are weak spiritually, or those who are strong spiritually, all of them might lose the love of God because of the love of the world. If one loses the love of God, he will not love the brothers; thus, it is impossible for him to walk in the light. Therefore, they all need this reminder.

1 JOHN 2:12 I write to you, dear children, because your sins have been forgiven on account of his name.


Note that “dear children” in verse 12 is different from “dear children” in verse 13, which are different words originally. The former appellation is commonly used in this letter (2:1,12,28; 3:7,18;4:4;5:21), and the author uses it specially to call all those who received the letter; the latter is used only in these verses especially to represent those believers who are immature spiritually. Thus, these three kinds of believers are mentioned in verse 13 in sequence: “fathers” first, “young men” next, and “dear children” last. While “dear children” in verse 12 is the appellation to all those who received the letter. In verse 12, “because your sins have been forgiven on account of his name”, this includes all the following three kinds of believers. In fact, the sins being forgiven is the basic experience of all the believers. (This verse shows repeatedly that the message of this letter is to the believers.) And this experience of the forgiveness of sins is also the common reason for all the believers to love God instead of the world.

Here, the apostle mentions about the characters of the three kinds of believers as the following:

1 JOHN 2:13-14 I write to you, fathers, because you have known him who is from the beginning. I write to you, young men, because you have overcome the evil one. I write to you, dear children, because you have known the Father. I write to you, fathers, because you have known him who is from the beginning. I write to you, young men, because you are strong, and the word of God lives in you, and you have overcome the evil one.


Note that the sequence of writing the letter is according to their age, “fathers” first, “young men” next, and “dear children” last.

a. fathers -- have known Him who is from the beginning (2:13-14)

Comparing these two verses with verse (1:1), verse (1:1) uses “That which is from the beginning … the World of life” to refer to LORD Jesus. Here, “who is from the beginning” refers to God. Then why here uses “who is from the beginning” to call God? Why does not simply say “you have known God”? It is obvious that it is to emphasize that God is the God “who is from the beginning”. It means that: our God is the God from everlasting to everlasting, who never changes from the beginning to now. The goodness of His divine nature and the supreme power are inviolable. These words are to remind the believers not to be enticed by the novel and strange words, but to pay attentions to the unchanging Word of life “from the beginning”. Since those fathers have more experiences than the average people, they have deeper understandings on those things that do not last long. Thus, they have more sincere experience than the average people to know that God never changes “from the beginning”. As to the sinful current and evil trend of this ever-changing generation, the believers have greater responsibility to stand firm on the truth and bravely refuse the raging tide.

b. young men -- overcome the evil one (2:13-14)

In these two verses, it mentions 3 characteristics of the young men:

i. “overcome the evil one”:

This shows that they experienced the battles (which is mentioned twice in verse 13,14 ). There is no victory if without wars. The character of the youth is capability and braveness. The glory of the youth is that they are not afraid to fight for the truth, and are not afraid of the sufferings and trials. Only after the victory of the battles, there will be glory. The youth should consider it shameful to reap without sowing. Only after the spiritual “war”, one can have the experience of the fathers -- to get to know God who is from the beginning and His power.

ii. “strong”:

That is capable. In the spiritual experience, sometimes it is necessary to have the “hard” treatment. If the believer does not have the hardened strength toward the sins, evils and the world, he has no spiritual future. One should have the attitude of the willingness to give up everything, risk everything and make no compromise, just as the prophet Ezekiel who had a “hardened forehead” as the flint (Eze 3:7-8), and unyielding no matter who knocks it. It is a pity that the young believers nowadays often misuse their being “strong”, only for the selfish desires, but not to be strong on the truth of the Gospel.

iii. “and the word of God lives in you”:

This sentence gives the reason why the young believers can be “strong”. It is because the words of God in them become their power. For the words of God is strong, but not the braveness of the flesh and blood. The young men have good memories, and should take the good chances of the young age to keep the words of God in mind abundantly.

c. “young men”:

Although they are children, they can also know the heavenly Father. Therefore, they should accept the teachings in the following verse.

Note that: here, it is not to instruct the believers how to get these experiences, for they have it already; therefore, they should make efforts to keep these characteristics.

D. Do not love the world (2:15-17)

Why there are so many Christians who get cold and retreat? And have no strength to love LORD. It is because they love the world. LORD Jesus said: “"No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money.” (Mat 6:24) Money is the representative of the world. The money and God are opposite to each other. To be the slave of the money, one can not be the servant of God. If one serves God, he can not serve money. In the like manner, “the world” and “the Father” are opposite to each other. If one loves the world, he can not love the Father; if one loves the heavenly Father, he should not love the world. In our mind, we can not love both at the same time.

1 JOHN 2:15-17 Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For everything in the world--the cravings of sinful man, the lust of his eyes and the boasting of what he has and does--comes not from the Father but from the world. The world and its desires pass away, but the man who does the will of God lives forever.


These verses illustrate the truth about:

a. Do not love the world or anything in the world.

b. Why do not love the world?

a. “Do not love the world or anything in the world”

What is “the world or anything in the world”? It is the three things in the following:

i. the cravings of sinful man,

ii. the lust of his eyes,

iii. the boasting of what he has and does.

These three things can summarize all the sins and evils of resisting God. Adam and Eve failed on these three things; Christ overcame the temptations of the devil also on these three things. It is obvious that from the beginning to the end, the devil entices people to be against God with these three things (Gen 3:1-6; Luk 4:1-11).

i. the cravings of sinful man,

It is also translated as “the lust of the flesh” (K.J.V.). The cravings here not only refers to the sexual lust, but also all the selfish desires of a person. Before the fall of the mankind, it is not that they do not have the desires, but the desires of man at that time are in accordance to the will of God. After man sinned, the desires of men follow the desires of the sinful nature and are not in the right track. Therefore, it is called the desires of the sinful nature. We should live a simple life. But if we have food and clothing, we will be content with that (1Ti 6:8). One takes a meal when he should, and this is not the selfish desire. However, if one eats all the time, and eats when he should not eat. If one eats by stealing, is gluttonous, and eats out of control, that is the selfish desires. Being gluttonous is the selfish desire; greedy longings for clothing, enjoyment, wealth, power, fame, and vanity and so on are all the selfish desires.

ii. the lust of his eyes,

The lust of the eyes and the lust of the flesh are all the selfish desires that are against the will of God. However, the lust of flesh are about the physical enjoyment; and the lust of the eyes are about the psychological enjoyment. The devil let the people enjoy selfishly all the good things that they can obtain out of control completely; and let people seek the psychological satisfaction on those good things that they can not obtain yet. “the lust of his eyes” is to get the satisfaction on the desires psychologically.

Every desire of psychological satisfaction is actually the prelude of preparing for one to sin according to what is in his mind. This is the reason that the society nowadays is more and more unruly and unrestrained, and more and more boldly to do evils. On one hand, the devil encourages people to seek the material pleasures blindly; on the other hand, through the lust of eyes, stimulates the people to greedily long for more enjoyment, so that to continue in increasing sins, evils and pains. If the Christians nowadays do not know to be alert to what they see with their eyes, they will fall into the temptations inevitably.

iii. the boasting of what he has and does.

It is also translated as “the pride of life” (K.J.V.). That refers to all the boastings of this life. Some boast of their wealth; some boast of their fame; some boast of their beauty; some boast of their knowledge; some boast of their power and so on. All that these people boast of are only in this life. They are actually “the pride of life”.

The lust of flesh and the lust of eyes are about the enjoyment of the sinful nature, and are obvious. “The pride of life” is the sin that is most difficult to be aware of by oneself, yet is the most dangerous sin. The devil, Adam and Eve all sinned because of pride. The Christians must remember to humble themselves in front of God, and give all the glories to God. Learn the humility of Christ. Let us crucify all the boastings of this life on the cross, just as what Paul said:

“May I never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world.” (Gal 6:14).

b. Why do not love the world?

i. “If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.”

ii. “The world and its desires pass away, but the man who does the will of God lives forever.”

i. “If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.”

If one loves the world, his mind will be set on these things and indulge in them. If one’s mind is occupied by the selfish desires and thoughts, there is no room for him to think of God’s things.

If one loves things outside God, he will sin. It is because when he makes the choice and decision, he will chose to disobey the will and command of God because of his love on other things, so that to do all kinds of sins. The love of things other than God is the source of all the sins and evils. Therefore, whoever chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God (Jam 4:4). If one wants to keep himself away from sins and evils, he must keep himself away from the love of the world, then he will be able to love God wholeheartedly.

“"No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money.” (Mat 6:24)

“For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many grieves.” (1Ti 6:10)

“"Anyone who loves his father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves his son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me; ” (Mat 10:37)

The devil uses the worldly things to entice people to be away from God, make people stumble, and take people captive. Only those who love God more than the worldly things, can overcome all kinds of temptations, and to become those who overcome.

ii. “The world and its desires pass away, but the man who does the will of God lives forever.”

All things belong to the materials, the sinful natures, and the lusts, are temporary and will be destroyed at last.

“But the day of the Lord will come like a thief. The heavens will disappear with a roar; the elements will be destroyed by fire, and the earth and everything in it will be laid bare. Since everything will be destroyed in this way, what kind of people ought you to be? You ought to live holy and godly lives as you look forward to the day of God and speed its coming. That day will bring about the destruction of the heavens by fire, and the elements will melt in the heat. But in keeping with his promise we are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth, the home of righteousness. ” (2Pe 3:10-13)

Only those who belong to God, the righteousness, and do the will of God will last forever.

The instructions of the Bible to the believers regarding dealing with the world:

a. Do not love the world (1Jo 2:15): do not let the world take one’s mind captive.

b. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world (Rom 12:2): do not admire the world and follow it blindly.

c. Do not belong to the world (Joh 15:19): do not be assimilated by the world and seek the smile face of the “world”.

d. Be crucified to the world (Gal 6:14).

e. Consider the world as rubbish (Php 3:7-8).

f. Come out from the world and be separated (2Co 6:17).

g. Overcome the world by the faith in LORD (1Jo 5:4-5).

3. Knowing the antichrist (2:18-29)

After encouraging the believers to obey the words of LORD, to love God, and not to love the world and the lusts in the world, the apostle immediately reminds the believers to guard against the antichrist. From the following verses, it is known that the words, deeds and teachings of those antichrists are all to entice the believers to wander off the right path. If the believers lose the faith on the way of truth, they will certainly love the world again spiritually, follow the sinful natures, and do not obey the words of LORD. This paragraph that talks about the appearance of the antichrist, and together with the message in verse (1 Jo 4:1-6), are the important topic in this letter.

(1) The knowledge that one should have regarding the antichrist (2:18-33)

Here, it points out clearly that there will be “the antichrist”, who is coming at the end of the age. And before the appearance of the real antichrist, there will be many similar antichrists appearing in the church. LORD Jesus predicted the appearance of the false Christ (Mat 24:5,24) ; in the letters, it is also predicted about the coming of “the man of lawlessness”, “the man doomed to destruction”, and “the lawless one ”(2Th 2:3,9); and the appearance of false teachers (2Pe 2:1-3); also in the church, there are false brothers (Gal 2:4), and false apostles (2Co 11:13) for a long time. These verses match well what are said here. The antichrist is the man of lawlessness who is coming at last. While many antichrists belong to the same kind as the false brothers and false apostles. Here, we should first pay attention to:

A. “the antichrist” and “many antichrists” (2:18)

1 JOHN 2:18 Dear children, this is the last hour; and as you have heard that the antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come. This is how we know it is the last hour.


“the antichrist” refers to the antichrist who will appear in the calamities; that is who is mentioned in (2Th 2:3-4, 7-10) -- “the man of lawlessness”, “the man doomed to destruction”. His biggest character is to “exalt himself ” and “proclaiming himself to be God”, and is “the lawless” (Isa 14:13-15; Eze 28:15). He has the same characters as the devil.

“many antichrists ”:

refer to those who are similar to “the antichrist” in past generations. They are as the pioneers of the antichrist and prepare for his coming. In the past generations, there are many persons who can be as the typology of the antichrist, who have the characters of the antichrist and used to resist God strongly. However, all of them are not “the antichrist”, but only like him! However, there will be more and more such people, who are more and more like “the antichrist”. Until the coming of the real antichrist, he will collect all the characters and methods in the past generations to resist God and make full use of them to be against God.

Note that: All of the antichrist will imitate and pretend to be the appearance of Christ. How Christ has many people who are as the typology of Him beforehand, so does the antichrist have many similar ones coming beforehand.

According to chapter 13 in the Revelations, it is known that when the antichrist comes, he not only entices the church on the religious truth, but also will make use of the military and political force to persecute all who believe in Christ.

“This is how we know it is the last hour. ”:

“the last hour” is different from “the end” in (Mat 24:14). The last hour refers to the last hour close to the calamity; that is, the final period of time in the times of the church of Christ. In (Mat 24:14), “the end” especially refers to the calamities.

The appearance of many antichrists is the sign of the last hour. However, this sign only makes us know that the day is near, but does not let us know what the exact date is.

The collection of all the characters of “many antichrists” in the past generations is the real image of the coming antichrist. Just as only the collection of all the strong points in the life of all the believers of all the time could show the real image of Christ.

B. They are mixed in the church (2:19)

1 JOHN 2:19 They went out from us, but they did not really belong to us. For if they had belonged to us, they would have remained with us; but their going showed that none of them belonged to us.


The antichrists talked about here, are somewhat different from what are talked about in (4:1-6). It is because the latter does not say whether those antichrists are mixed in the church or not, but only says that they have gone out into the world. They might be the evil spirits that possess the people, and make people have blind faith in all kinds of false gods or witchcraft, or are at work in the worldly people (4:5), so that they will be against the church. While what this verse talks about are those antichrists who are mixed in the church, and provoke disputation and division. Their outward appearance is not as easy to be distinguished as those in (4:1-6), and they won’t admit that they are the antichrists. They have quite profound spiritual knowledge, even the believers in the church of the initial stage can not tell, until their rebellion of the faith was found out ((2:19) -- “their going”). Note that: although they do not have life, they might also learn to get the spiritual knowledge, just as learning other knowledge. However, comparing with the verse 20, it is known that this kind of people actually have no “anointing” (Holy Spirit) live in mind, and have no real experience of being saved.

These antichrists are like the spies sent by the devil; their purpose is to destroy the testimony of the church, and block the work of the church to save souls. On the other hand, it is to prepare the minds of the worldly people, and make the ideas to have people believe in all kinds of idols or sorceries, even the devil and the evil spirits; and make these wrong ideas turn into the traditional ideas of people. Therefore, the appearances of the spirits of these antichrists, can be said as making the preparation and arrangements by the devils for the great war when Christ comes in the future (Rev 19:19-21). It seems that the devil still has the vain hope to make a final struggle to avoid its miserable ending.

Under the work of the devil, there will be some rebels in the church unavoidably, just as those in (Act 15:1; 2Ti 3:8). It is the same nowadays. However, without any doubt, these phenomena remind us to be very careful on the holy work of the church.

C. Their deeds and belief (2:20-23)

1 JOHN 2:20-23 But you have an anointing from the Holy One, and all of you know the truth. I do not write to you because you do not know the truth, but because you do know it and because no lie comes from the truth. Who is the liar? It is the man who denies that Jesus is the Christ. Such a man is the antichrist--he denies the Father and the Son. No one who denies the Son has the Father; whoever acknowledges the Son has the Father also.


“the anointing”:

It is obvious that this is based on the background of the Old Testament. In the times of the Old Testament. All that are consecrated to God, or are elected by God and are especially entrusted, will be anointed by the special-made sacred anointing oil used for God only (Exo 30:22-33; 1Sa 10:1; 16:13; 1Ki 9:1-10). However, here, without any explanation, the anointing is directly used as the symbol of the Holy Spirit. It is because in the times of the New Testament, God does not use the material sacred anointing oil to consecrate the people, but uses the Holy Spirit that He gives to those who believe in Him as the deposit in them (Eph 1:13-14), so that to set His people apart from the worldly people. Whoever believes in Him will receive the Holy Spirit, and is the one who receives the anointing to be consecrated.

Although the believers have received the anointing of the Holy Spirit, and have known that there will be many antichrists come out, here, it still reminds them, for they do not have enough experience to know how to make use of their knowledge of the truth and how to distinguish the heresy according to the instruction of the Holy Spirit. According to these verses, it is known that the deeds and belief of those antichrists might have the following points:

a. lie:

Not only their outward deeds, but also their “love” and “good deeds”, are hypocritical and have hidden intentions. They are good at being opportunistic and speaking differently to different people. However, it is not difficult to find from their life and conducts that they have no sense to detect the sins, have no true feeling to LORD, and do not care about the interests of the household of God.

b. who denies that Jesus is the Christ:

Since they do not admit that Jesus is the Savior -- the Word became flesh, and is Christ who is both God and man. Their belief is the same as the “antichrist”. Until now, although many heresies have different background, their source is the same -- from the spirits of antichrist. Their principles mostly are directly or indirectly from denying that Christ is the One -- the Word became flesh.

Since these antichrists have no spiritual life, and “lie”. Then, here, to “deny” won’t only be shown from their words; as to these people, one should pay attention to their faith in reality is to “deny” Christ -- the Word became Christ or not. Now in the church, there are many ministry who do not believe in God. They actually do not believe that Christ is the One -- the Word became the flesh. However, since they do not have any so-called standpoint of faith, they will certainly trim their sails, act according to the circumstances, follow those principles that are contrary to their faith, and make it difficult for others to recognize. However, even so, as to all the new theologians of “unbelievism” , when dealing with the things of the church, they will tend to cater to the social current. On the views of the belief and spirituality, they will avoid to mention the problem of sins. They emphasize love, but do not mention the judgment. It seems to be right; however, as to those do not believe the salvation of Christ and the judgment of the future, the view is actually a covering-up and declamation! It is because if there is no judgment, the salvation won’t be necessary at all.

(2) The attitude to the truth that one has heard from the beginning is to remain in the truth (2:24-26)

A. Remain in what one has heard from the beginning (2:24upper)

1 JOHN 2:24 See that what you have heard from the beginning remains in you. If it does, you also will remain in the Son and in the Father.


“from the beginning ”:

Here, it instructs that the knack to deal with the antichrist is to see that what you have heard from the beginning remains in you; it also implies that the Word of LORD is not "Yes, yes" and "No, no" (2Co 1:17).

“what you have heard from the beginning”:

Here, it refers to the truth of Gospel received by the apostles originally, which is the pure truth without twisting; but it does not refer to the words that the listener hears first. Otherwise, if one hears first the words of heresies, will it be incurable to remain in it? Here, the words are close to verses (Jud 1:3; 1Co 15:2-4); that is, it refers to the pure truth of Gospel preached by the apostles at the initial stage. Since what the apostles received from the beginning are completely correct, the believers should remain in what they have heard from the beginning. Just as what is said in the Galatians: “But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let him be eternally condemned!” (Gal 1:8).

“remains in you”:

Here, the apostle instructs us how to take hold of the truth -- have the truth remain in us, and do not drift away (Heb 2:1) and forget what one hears (Jam 1:25). The minds of many believers are the warehouses of trifling; they can remember well and never forget the stories of others, the deficits of others, and the bitter experiences of illness and pains. But they can not fill the truth inside and let the truth remain in them! How could one have the words of God remain in minds? One should open their heart first, let the inspirations of the words of God work in them, and then have the words remain in them (Eph 3:17-18; Eph 3:20).

B. To unite to God and remain in LORD

“See that what you have heard from the beginning remains in you. If it does, you also will remain in the Son and in the Father. ”.

LORD is the truth. To remain in truth and let the words of LORD remain in us, is to remain in LORD. God is love. If one obeys the commands of LORD and remains in love, one is to remain in God and united to God closely. Since the Son and the Father are One, to remain in Christ is to remain in the Father.

To remain in LORD, is to walk in the truth; one will certainly not be tempted. And to remain in LORD, and to get close to LORD, is the basic method to overcome the temptations. And the believers should also have confidence in the words of LORD. One will believe more in the words of the person whose words they listen to often. The more one listens to the teachings of LORD, the more he will be confident in the words of LORD. Here, that the believers are required to remain in the truth that they often hear, is closely related to the rejection of the temptations of the heresies. One might not be able to overcome the temptations if he simply hears or understands the truth. One must remain in the truth, understand profoundly, get familiar and practice it a lot, so that to deal with the heresies.

C. To remain in truth, one will have the eternal life (2:24-26)

1 JOHN 2:25-26 And this is what he promised us--even eternal life. I am writing these things to you about those who are trying to lead you astray.


There are often some people (or the devil and evil spirits) to entice the believers and make them to suspect the “eternal life” promised by LORD (see also 1Jo 5:13). Therefore, here, it especially proves this word of eternal life, which was preached to them from the beginning by the apostles. Since they accept the words of LORD in them and get to know God, they should take hold of the promise of LORD firmly, and not to be led astray and shaken.

(3) The believers should follow the teachings of “the anointing” (2:27-29)

A. What is “the anointing”? (2:27)

1 JOHN 2:27 As for you, the anointing you received from him remains in you, and you do not need anyone to teach you. But as his anointing teaches you about all things and as that anointing is real, not counterfeit--just as it has taught you, remain in him.


“the anointing ”: refers to the Holy Spirit (see also the notes of verse 20). The anointing oil in the Old Testament is to anoint those who are selected by God to take the holy duties (including the kings and the priests). Being anointed shows to be specially selected and consecrated. In the New Testament, God give the Holy Spirit as “the anointing ” to anoint each believer (Eph 1:13-14), and to show that they are consecrated to belong to God. The anointing of the Holy Spirit can be received only by a sincere faith (Gal 3:14; Eph 1:13-14), and will be with the believers forever, and also be as our Counselor on everything.

The New Testament records the work of the Holy Spirit from any aspects, such as:

a. Live by the Spirit and we will have the power to live a new life (Rom 8:2; Gal 5:25),

b. LORD put His Spirit in our hearts as a deposit (2Co 1:22; Rom 8:9),

c. Intercede for us (Rom 8:26; Eph 6:18; Jud 1:20),

d. Teach and remind us the truth (Joh 14:26; 16:23),

e. Make us work for LORD and produce fruit (Act 1:8; 7:55; Gal 5:22),

f. Lead us to the way we should walk on, and teach us to understand the will of God (Act 8:25-39; 10:19; 13:2; 16:6,7),

g. Give us the gifts of the Spirit (1Co 12:4-11; 28-31) and so on.

B. How “the anointing” teaches us on everything? (2:27)

“the anointing” is to remain in us through the rebirth. Here, what need to “remain”, is the teachings revealed by Holy Spirit, but not the Holy Spirit Himself. It is because it is not us to keep the Holy Spirit in us, but it is the Holy Spirit to enter to be with us forever. However, the truth needs us to make efforts to pursue so that to have it remain in us. On one hand, the anointing (the Holy Spirit) helps to have the truth remain in us; on the other hand, He teaches us on everything through the truth.

The Holy Spirit will teach us “about all things”. This is the most important spiritual education. The believers should pay attention to how Holy Spirit educates and builds up us in the daily life and work through all big or small things, good or bad things, other’s deeds and our own deeds and so on, so that we will know more about God. This is the work that the Holy Spirit surely does in a believer who often communes with LORD and walks in the light. If we love and respect God, the Holy Spirit will make use of everything in life to teach us. It is because “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him” (Rom 8:28). “and you do not need anyone to teach you”. It is not saying that the believers should refuse other’s teachings. Otherwise, the apostles and many servants of God should not teach others, and do not need to be taught by others. Paying attention to the teachings of the Holy Spirit can make us be away from needing “anyone to teach you”, so that to learn to follow God, and understand the spiritual things by ourselves.

For example, after Paul was called, he directly obeyed the revelation from the Holy Spirit and started to preach Gospel without consulting anyone. “(God) was pleased to reveal his Son in me so that I might preach him among the Gentiles, I did not consult any man, nor did I go up to Jerusalem to see those who were apostles before I was, but I went immediately into Arabia and later returned to Damascus. ” (Gal 1:16-17)

“that anointing is real, not counterfeit”:

This means that the work and teachings of the Holy Spirit are real, but not counterfeit. On the other hand, the Holy Spirit will absolutely not teach or lead man to do anything counterfeit. For examples: making up excuses to cover one’s own weakness; or many false godliness of “many antichrists” mentioned above and so on. Those who truly follow the teachings of “the anointing” will be away from all kinds of lies and live in the truth and real things.

C. The benefit to follow the anointing (2:28-29)

1 JOHN 2:28-29 And now, dear children, continue in him, so that when he appears we may be confident and unashamed before him at his coming. If you know that he is righteous, you know that everyone who does what is right has been born of him.


“continue in him”: to be one in LORD.

On one hand, the Bible tells us that we should let Christ continue in us (Eph 3:17); on the other hand, we are told to live in LORD. This shows that the believers and Christ are one in the spiritual life. Here, three ways to live in LORD are mentioned here:

a. Obey the command of love (2:5-8).

b. Remain in what have heard from the beginning (2:24).

c. Follow the lead of the Holy Spirit (2:27).

These things are connected to one another, and are mutual cause and effect. They have the same benefit, which is to let us united with LORD more closely, so that the enemies can not do harm to us.

The reason that we can give out light and be earnest for LORD, and have the gentleness and goodness like LORD, is all because we are in LORD; just as the iron in the fire, it will naturally be luminous, have heating power, and also turn soft.

“be confident ”:

The result of getting close to LORD is naturally to be confident before Him. To “be confident ” implies to be assured and unashamed. It is because:

a. Those who remain in LORD must produce fruit for LORD (Joh 15:4-5; Luk 13:6-9). Since they can produce fruit, they won’t be ashamed.

b. Those who remain in LORD must do what is righteous (2:29). Since they are not selfish, they won’t be unrighteous. Thus, they certainly can come before LORD with confidence.

“everyone who does what is right has been born of him. ”

Being “righteous” is one of the nature of God. Doing what is righteous shows the nature of God in the children of God.

In a summery, those who obey the words and commands of LORD, remain in the words of LORD, love the brothers, do not love the world, follow the teachings of the anointing -- the Holy Spirit, do what are righteous, are the children of God who remain in LORD, and are the Christians who are one in Christ.


1. Zhongdao Chen: “The Lectures on the Bible Studying of the Letters in New Testament”.

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