
To Be One in Christ:We Have Treasure in the Jars of Clay(17)1II

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To Be One in Christ: We Have Treasure in the Jars of Clay -- the Series of Explanation and Analysis of Scripture (17) - 1 - prat II

The Explanation and Analysis of the Verses in Chapter 1 of 1 PETER

It is edited and compiled under the guidance of Holy Spirit. All thanks, praises and glories be to God!

2. Live a holy life (1:13-2:10)

In the previous verses, the apostle has talked about that God give new birth to us through the resurrection of Christ, and how great the grace and the hope are to us. Although we will meet with temporary grief and all kinds of trials, all of these are only to help us to experience the greatness of salvation. Thus, since we have received such a great salvation, what kind of life should we live to be worthy of the grace that we received? The message in this paragraph is to instruct the believers how to live a holy life to be worthy of God who called us. Here, the apostle talks about it from 7 aspects, which are all about the spiritual pursuit of the believers in the grace of LORD.

(1) Set the hope on LORD’s coming (1:13)

1 PETERS 1:13 Therefore, prepare your minds for action; be self-controlled; set your hope fully on the grace to be given you when Jesus Christ is revealed.


“Therefore” is linked to the previous verses. It connects the grace that the believers receive in the previous verses with the responsibility of the believers in this verse. Why should we be self-controlled and set our hope fully on LORD’s coming? It is because the salvation we received is so great as mentioned above, we certainly should set our hope fully on the salvation to come true entirely! Then, how to set our hope on LORD’s coming?

A. Prepare our minds for action (1:13)

It is also translated as “gird up the loins of your mind”(K.J.V.); or “brace up your minds” (A.M.P.). We should restrict our minds, and should not let our minds be undisciplined freely. We must not indulge in “the sinful nature”; if we act according to the preference of the sinful nature, the result must be against the will of God. Therefore, if we want to set our hope on LORD’s coming, we must brace up our minds, and control it with the will power through the Holy Spirit, also do not let all kinds of temptations and vanities to shake it.

“prepare your minds for action”; is originally translated as “gird up the loins of your mind”. In the ancient times, the Oriental clothings are usually very wide; therefore, it need to gird up the clothing during the work. “gird up the loins of your mind” implies that we should do a work of preparation to prepare a mind to serve others (Joh 13:4; Luk 12:35). The minds of the worldly people always prepare to quarrel with others and be against God, as if there are a lot of anger held in their minds that need to be released, and they desire for the indulgence at wills. However, the minds of the believers are different and are braced up.

(Eph 6:14) tells us that we should have buckled around our waist with the belt of truth. The belt of the truth is one of the spiritual armor. This implies that we should act according to the restraints of the truth, and restrict our life and conducts in the authority of the truth. Such a life is in the will of God and is powerful. Just as one who girds up the clothing is ready to work, walk or fight a battle. How come we feel weak and powerless? How come we can not concentrate and have a drift mind when we come in front of God? This is because we loose our spiritual belt such that we can not fix our eyes on LORD.

B. Be self-controlled (1:13)

It is also translated as “be sober” (K.J.V.); or “be sober (circumspect, morally alert)” (A.M.P.). To “be sober” implies to be watchful, circumspect and morally alert . If the enemy is coming, one still does not know, or even is deceived without being aware of it; one will not be called being “sober”. Therefore, this verse shows that the believers should have a clear mind, guarding against the enemies watchfully and carefully. It is because we live in such an age that there are many temptations and confusion -- money, secularity, sins and evils, and heterodoxy; all of them can make us confused so that we do not know which course to take.

To be self-controlled also implies to be humble, for only the humble will be self-controlled; the proud are self-satisfied and self-conceited such that they are all careless without being self-controlled. The self-control is connected with the humble; the self-conceit is accompanied by carelessness.

C. Set the hope on LORD’s coming (1:13latter)

“set your hope fully on the grace to be given you when Jesus Christ is revealed”. Here, the apostle encourages those believers in the suffering to set their hope and goal of life on LORD’s coming, and the grace that LORD will bring. To set their hope on LORD in such a way, will make them forget or make light of the pains of this life so that to live a holy life.

“the grace to be given you when Jesus Christ is revealed”:

It apparently refers to the Second Coming of LORD. Here, the teaching given to us is: although we can only enjoy those grace practically when LORD comes again, we should look on them as the matter of reliable fact as if we have obtained it now. By doing this, we will feel that the coming LORD is close to us and authentic, as if He has come. Actually, the Spirit of Christ in us is the deposit to let us know the assurance of LORD’s coming.

(2) Make efforts to be as holy as God (1:14-16)

In these verses, the apostle exhorts the believers to live a holy life, and to be the obedient children. This holy and “obedient” life makes us be spiritual instead of being worldly, and make our hearts long for the heavenly things so that we will have more realistic feeling for the grace that we hope for. On the contrary, if we sin and live an ungodly life, it will set our mind on the worldly things, and make us lack of the realistic sense and assurance on the hope of the future. Here, it gives two reasons about why we must make efforts to be holy.

A. It is because we have become the obedient children (1:14)

1 PETERS 1:14 As obedient children, do not conform to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance.


“obedient children”:

Note that in verse 2, the apostle called those who receive the letter as those who “ were consecrated (sanctified, made holy) by the Spirit to be obedient to Jesus Christ ” (A.M.P.); firstly it is to be holy, then to be obedient. However, here, it is to be obedient first, then to be holy. It is obvious that to be holy and to be obedient are the mutual cause and effect. We must have the holy life of the Spirit of Christ to be obedient to God; on the other hand, we must be obedient to the truth of LORD to live a holy life.

“obedient children” is in contrast to “those who are disobedient” in (Eph 2:2; Col 3:6). Since they are the children of God, they have the life of the children of God. All who are reborn are the obedient children, for they have believed that Jesus Christ is the Son of God according to the command of God (1Jo 2:23).

There is the danger in the church nowadays; that is, they are gradually affected by the thoughts of the world, and consider the truth of being “obedient” make people weak and docile, also passive to the vicious circumstances. In fact, to be obedient to God is different from being obedient to the environment or people, for the lead of people has errors or selfish desires, and the environment might often be abnormal; but God is correct and errorless forever. The Bible asks us to be obedient to God such that to be obedient to people or the environments; however, sometimes it might be to be obedient to God such that to be against the people or the environment. Therefore, this kind of obedience is absolutely not to follow blindly and to be weak. Actually, the freedom and democracy of the modern times take the root in the Bible; for the Bible let us see that everyone is equal in front of God, and all are sinners and need the salvation. This breaks the concept of the autocracy and dictatorship to let people stand on the same position. However, this thought of freedom and democracy has been gradually used by the devil cunningly to be against the Bible, and to destroy the responsibilities on the morality and faith. The devil makes people misunderstand the essence of the freedom, and take the indulgence as the freedom and look on being self-willed as democracy. This is not what the Christians should follow. Therefore, the Bible says here: “As obedient children, do not conform to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance”.

The believers lived “in ignorance” before they believed in LORD. It’s because they do not know God at that time, and they have no idea about the dangers of the sins and evils, the corruption of their inward and the righteous judgment of God; they also do not know the meaning of the truth and true freedom, but indulge in the selfish desires all the time. This is not the freedom that the Bible will give us. Our freedom must be within the track of the truth, within the will of God, and within the category of the obedient children. That is what LORD Jesus says to the Jews: “So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed. ” (Joh 8:36).

This verse points out that the believers should not follow their old ways passively; on the contrary, the believers should live and work according to the pattern of new birth in Christ (Rom 6:4). It is a pity that the situation of the spirituality of the believers nowadays is as if a living person pretends to be the dead; this is amazing and makes one sign. In the following verses, it brings up the goal of pursuing to be holy actively.

B. It is because our God is holy (1:15-16)

1 PETERS 1:15 But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do;


“he who called you ” is God, who is holy. Therefore, we who are called by Him should be holy. The holiness of God is absolute; not only He did not sin before, He will never sin now and in the future, and He is without any blemish and defect, and can not be tempted by the devil (Jam 1:13). The Hebrew tells us that: “without holiness no one will see the Lord. ” (Heb 12:14; Rev 21:2, 27; 22:14-15).

“But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do;” Note that: here, the Bible exhorts the believers to live a holy life; when talking about the reason that the believers should make efforts to be holy, is on the basis of the fact that God is holy. Since God is holy, the believers should be responsible to be holy in everything.

1 PETERS 1:16 for it is written: "Be holy, because I am holy."


“Be holy, because I am holy.” This verse is cited from (Lev 11:44; 19:2; 20:7), which is to emphasize the point mentioned in the previous verse. It proves that the teachings here are in accordance to the Old Testament. It implies that the goal of the believers to make efforts to be holy is to be as holy as God. Although in the idea of men, this seems to be impossible, as mentioned above, the Bible is talking about the standard of holiness as the goal for us to make efforts to pursue. Since God is the One who called us, we certainly should take the holiness as the goal for us to pursue. Although we can not be as holy as God in our body in this life (Jam 3:2; Joh 1:1,8), we should take the holiness of God as our goal in our life and conducts. It is because we Christians have the holy life of God dwelling in us, and we are holy according to our status in Christ, also we have the hope to be as holy as God (Joh 1:2,3; 1Co 15:42-44,49).

There are two meanings about holiness in the Bible: one is to be “consecrated and sanctified”, and to be “set apart” to belong to God. Just as everything in the tabernacle in the Old Testament is consecrated to God and becomes holy; this is to be holy through the consecration, it has nothing to do with whether those things themselves are holy or not. The other is what mentioned here: “be holy in all you do”. This holiness is to be holy in life, and is the holiness that we should make efforts to pursue. To make every effort to pursue this holiness in life, we should take it as the goal in Christ to be set apart; that is to take the holiness of God as the goal.

In a word, these two verses tell us clearly that it is the requirement of God to us who are set apart to be holy, and is His predestined will for us (1Th 4:3). Such a holy life should be the pattern for us who are as the obedient children, and should be completely different from those who conform to their evil desires and lived in ignorance.

(3) Revere God and make light of the world (1:17-21)

These verses teach us to revere God so that we will have the holy power in everything, and also the power to let us live a godly life as the strangers on earth. In the Bible, we can often see that when people know further about the holiness and majesty of God, they will have a solemn and reverent attitude. It is obvious that the holiness of God and the reverence of men are related closely. When we make efforts to live a holy life, we must have reverence for God. Here, it gives reasons that the believers should revere God and make light of the world:

A. It is because the believers call God as the Father(1:17)

1 PETERS 1:17 Since you call on a Father who judges each man's work impartially, live your lives as strangers here in reverent fear.


Here, it points out two relationships between God and men: one is the relationship between the LORD who is the Judge and the people who are judged; the other is the relationship between the Father and the son. This God is the LORD who judges the people impartially according to the righteousness, and does not contain the sins of men (Rom 2:11; Act 10:34). However, He becomes our Father; although we can not stand in front of the righteous God, we should live the rest of our lives as strangers on earth in reverent fear, and should not ignore His holiness and righteousness because of His love.

“live your lives as strangers”:

It shows the attitude that the believers should have to live in this world; they should look on themselves as the strangers, and should not care too much on the material needs in this world. Just as a traveler, even though he might be fastidious at home, when he goes outside, he is also willing to conform to the principle of simplicity. It is because in his mind, he knows that everything on the journey is temporary; what he longs for is to get back home earlier. This is the perspective that the believers should have in the material life; on the other hand, they should be very careful on the spiritual things, and pay attention to every will of God, and do not let go any of their own weakness casually; this is the meaning of the holy life.

“in reverent fear”:

Although it is also one kind of fears, it is not the fear of punishments, but is a respectful and trembling attitude because of knowing the holiness and majesty of God, and His infinite loftiness and greatness. This kind of fear is with respect and reverence, but not with the punishment. For example, in (Gen 3:8-10; 4:13-14), the fear was aroused because of sinning; however, in (Mar 4:41; Act 2:43; 5:15; 19:17), it is the fear because of seeing the power of God.

B. It is because the believers are redeemed by the blood of LORD (1:18-19)

The verses (18-19) explain why the believers should live the lives as strangers in reverent fear; it is because we are saved by the redemption of Christ. Only by His redemption through His precious blood, we can get rid of “the empty way of life handed down to us from our forefathers”. And His shedding blood, further proves the absolute righteousness of God to sins and evils, and the inevitable judgment of God. As to us who are redeemed, we absolutely must not have any opportunistic and lucky thoughts on the sins and evils; we should live a godly life in reverent fear to Christ.

1 PETERS 1:18 For you know that it was not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed from the empty way of life handed down to you from your forefathers,


“For you know …that you were redeemed ”; the redemption refers to the same thing as the salvation; however, the “salvation” emphasizes the experiences on the side of the believers; the “redemption” emphasizes the price that Christ paid for us. The redemption shows the situation that we used to be sold, but now we are saved from the status of being sold to a new status -- the status that belongs to Christ and does not belong to the world. Therefore, we should long for the home country in heaven like a traveler.

“the empty way of life”, that is, all kinds of secular ways in sins (Rom 1:21; Eph 4:17). The reason that it is called “the empty way”, is because it is untrue, and meaningless; also regardless of the will of God, everyone only acts according to their own preference.

“such as silver or gold ”:

Although silver and gold are useful in this world, it can do nothing to save us from the sins and from the judgment of God. “silver or gold” represents the most effective method used by the worldly people. Although the worldly people use this “magic weapon” that they consider most useful, it can not save them from the eternal destruction. It is because even the “silver or gold” itself is perishable thing; how could they make the believers to obtain the imperishable inheritance in heaven? Therefore, to rely on the silver and gold, it can only let us get the vanity in this life; but only by relying on the precious blood of Christ, we can get the eternal blessings.

1 PETERS 1:19 but with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect.


“but with the precious blood of Christ”:

The precious blood of Christ is the only way for us to be redeemed and is unique.

“a lamb without blemish or defect”:

This verse illustrates that Christ shed blood to death, and He is “the Lamb of God” (Joh 1:29). The lamb without blemish and defect in the Old Testament as the sin offerings is the typology; He is the Lamb to redeem the sins who can really take up the sins of the worldly people.

We often say that the precious blood of Christ can cleanse us from all the sins; it actually refers to the accomplishments that Christ shed His blood to remove all of our sins and evils. When people accept it with faith, it will show the effects on the believer and let him be forgiven by God.

Here, the precious blood of Christ is in contrast to the silver and gold of the world. The precious blood of Christ is without blemish and defect, and can make whoever believes in Him be without blemish and defect. However, the silver and gold in the world can only increase the temptations of sins and evils, and corrupt the morality of people. Since this is the case, we should live the rest of the lives on earth as strangers with the love of Him and the reverence for Him, and hope for the Second Coming of Christ.

C. It is because the hope of our faith is in God (1:20-21)

1 PETERS 1:20 He was chosen before the creation of the world, but was revealed in these last times for your sake.


This verse shows that the birth of Christ is in the plan of God and is predestined according to the will of God before the creation of the world. “was chosen before the creation of the world”; that is, it is foreknown by God, just as we receive the salvation according to the foreknowledge of God (1Pe 1:2). This kinds of illustrations are common in other letters (Eph 3:9-10; Col 1:26-27; Tit 1:2-3; Rom 16:25-26). Since God is so careful about the grace of our redemption and prepared the complete plan before the creation of the world, then the salvation “was revealed in these last times ” according to the will of God. Thus, as to us who are redeemed, shouldn’t we in reverent fear wait for the whole of the salvation to come true?

“was revealed” has been used for three times in (1:5,7,13); it shows that Christ exists before the creation of the world and when the time came, He appeared in the body (1Ti 3:16).

1 PETERS 1:21 Through him you believe in God, who raised him from the dead and glorified him, and so your faith and hope are in God.


The resurrection of Christ from the dead is the bridge from men to God.

As a result of the resurrection of Christ from the dead for us, our faith has the reliable basis, and our hope won’t come to nothing. “so your faith and hope are in God”; this means that the goal of the faith and hope are centered at God, and God is the object and the biggest satisfaction. Since this is the case, we should live our lives as strangers here in reverent fear.

(4) Love one another deeply from the heart (1:22-25)

In the previous verses, the apostle talks about the truth about the holy life to God and to oneself; from verse 22 on, the apostle starts to talk about how to treat others. The holy life includes three aspects: to God, should be “reverent” ; to oneself, should be “purified”; and to others, should be to “love one another deeply from the heart”. Here, the reason to “love one another deeply from the heart” is:

A. By obeying the truth (1:22)

1 PETERS 1:22 Now that you have purified yourselves by obeying the truth so that you have sincere love for your brothers, love one another deeply, from the heart.


This verse shows that we already have the basic condition to love one another deeply from the heart, for we “have purified ourselves by obeying the truth”. This verse recalls the experience of the rebirth of the believers, and to be reborn is the initial result of obeying the truth (Act 5:31-32). Those who are saved “have purified themselves”. This pure heart is the fundamental element that we can love the brothers sincerely. The hearts of the worldly people are not purified, and can only treat each other hypocritically according to the appearance (Jam 2:1); and they have no sincere love. However, since the believers know Christ, and taste the true love, they certainly should “love one another deeply, from the heart”!

Here, before the encouragements, the apostle mentions the grace that the believers will receive in front of God, so that to emphasize the duty that the believers should fulfill after receiving the grace (see also verse 14-17).

Here, the relationship between “you have purified yourselves by obeying the truth” and “love one another deeply, from the heart” is shown. We can “ have sincere love for our brothers”; it is because we have purified ourselves by obeying the truth. If our hearts are filled with the secular thoughts and all kinds of sinful nature desires, we will inevitably love the brothers hypocritically. This verse seems to imply that the believers gradually become superficial and lack sincerity to obey the command of love from LORD in (Joh 13;34). Therefore, the apostle especially emphasizes loving one another sincerely.

“sincere love”: that is, unfeigned and authentic love. The love that can benefit others practically, not for maintaining the superficial relationship and reputation. This sincere love should include the practical benefits physically and spiritually, such as the material help or advices with love. “sincere love” implies to be fervent, earnest and yearningly and consistent.

“from the heart”: it is also translated as “with a pure heart” (K.J.V.). That is a kind heart without impartiality. Only such a heart can make the brothers sincerely and deeply love one another (1Ti 1:5). Thus, this sentence and the previous sentence -- “you have purified yourselves by obeying the truth ” are complementary to illustrate the truth of loving one another.

When the Bible talks about spiritual virtues of the believers, often mentions that it is from the heart; such as “forgive your brother from your heart.” (Mat 18:35) ; “have obeyed from the heart” (Rom 6:17) (K.J.V.) .

When LORD was on earth, He washed the feet for the disciples; then teaches them to love one another. It is obvious that the sincere love includes serving each other humbly.

B. For we have been born again (1:23)

1 PETERS 1:23 For you have been born again, not of perishable seed, but of imperishable, through the living and enduring word of God.


Why they should love one another because of the rebirth? It is because “everyone who loves the father loves his child as well. ” (Joh 1:5). Since we have received the same life, have the same Father, and have the relationship of spiritual relatives, we should especially care about and love one another.

“seed”: is a source of life. We are reborn from one imperishable “seed” of God. Since even the relationship of blood in life can make ourselves and the family members have the inseparable relationship, the spiritual relationship in life should make us who are the children in the household of God and have the same life, have the inalienable connection of love. Whether we can sincerely love the brothers or not is the practical display that whether we really pay attention to our spiritual relationship in LORD or not.

“through the living and enduring word of God”:

We can be reborn through “imperishable ” seed; it is actually through the living and enduring word of God. Since this is the case, there should be “the living and enduring word of God” displayed in our life.

“imperishable ” seed refers to the new life of Christ we received. “the living and enduring word of God” is used to explain the previous verse. The Bible often mentions that LORD Jesus is the “life” and the “word” (Joh 6:35, 63; 1:1-3). It is because the life of Christ is the content of the truth of Gospel. To receive this truth, is to receive the life of Christ.

On the other hand, the words of God is living, and is also enduring. No matter people accept it or not, the word itself is “living and enduring”. However, if one accepts this word, it will make whoever accepts it to be reborn. Therefore, “the living and enduring word ” is the “imperishable” seed.

Whoever accept this life, should display it lively. And to “have sincere love for your brothers, love one another deeply, from the heart” is one of the way to display this life.

C. For the word of the Lord stands forever (1:24-25)

1 PETERS 1:24-25 For, "All men are like grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the field; the grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of the Lord stands forever." And this is the word that was preached to you.


Here, the apostle uses the grass and flowers to describe the glory of the worldly people. Grass is a kind of weak and valueless plants; although the flowers are beautiful, they are easy to wither. However, the word of the Lord stands forever. By doing this comparison, it is to point out the reason that the believers should love one another. Everything in this life is very short and temporary; only the righteousness of God and the kingdom of God last forever. However, if the believers care about everything in this life, it will hinder the life of loving each other. As a result of caring the material wealth, one will make light of the communion of love in LORD. Therefore, the apostle especially persuades the believers to pay attention to the word that lasts forever, in case that they love the world and only care about themselves such that they ignore the life of love that they should have.

“but the word of the Lord stands forever." And this is the word that was preached to you.”

“the word of the Lord ”, that is, the “imperishable ” seed, and “the living and enduring word of God” mentioned above. The truth of the Gospel is the driving force to arouse the love of us to one another; every deed of love shown according to this word stands forever. For example, for the sake of loving one another sincerely, to bear with all kinds of labor, sacrifices, loss and all the work has the value of long-term. Since this is the case, we should live for the everlasting word of truth, instead of living to seek to be prosperous in this life.


1. Zhongdao Chen: “The Lectures on the Bible Studying of the Letters in New Testament”.

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