
To Be One in Christ: We Have Treasure in the Jars of Clay (15)-6

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To Be One in Christ: We Have Treasure in the Jars of Clay -- the Series of Explanation and Analysis of Scripture (15) - 6

The Explanation and Analysis of the Verses in Chapter of HEBREWS

It is edited and compiled under the guidance of Holy Spirit. All thanks, praises and glories be to God!

The WARNINGS on the Salvation: (III) The dangers of being slow to learn and falling away from the truth (5:11-6:20)

(1) reproach the believers who are slow to learn (5:11-14) (see the article on chapter 5 of HEBREWS)

A. they are slow to learn the advanced spiritual truths (5:11)

B. they make no progress in the truths (5:12upper)

C. their spiritual life do not grow up (5:12latter-14)

(2) instruct them to go on to maturity (6:1-3)

(3) warnings against those falling away from the truth (6:4-8)

(4) encourage them to continue to serve others with the love that they have before(6:9-12)

A. the confidence in the believers (6:9)

B. the commendations to the believers(6:10)

C. the expectations to the believers (6:11-12)

(5) encourage them to take hold of the hope offered to them (6:13-20)

A. give the example of Abraham (6:13-15)

B. confirm it with an “oath” of God (6:16-17)

C. give several reasons as the encouragements (6:18-20):

a. we have the refuge to flee to;

b. we have an anchor for the soul;

c. we have Jesus as our forerunner.

(2) instruct them to go on to maturity (6:1-3)

After the Holy Spirit has reproached those believers who are slow to learn, He points out right away the procedure for them to leave the elementary teachings and make progress. Giving the correct instructions right after the reproach, can make those who has been reproached benefit from it completely. After the rebirth, one must rely on LORD, grow up spiritually, make every effort to go on to maturity -- to be one in Christ.

HEBREWS 6:1-2 Therefore let us leave the elementary teachings about Christ and go on to maturity, not laying again the foundation of repentance from acts that lead to death, and of faith in God, instruction about baptisms, the laying on of hands, the resurrection of the dead, and eternal judgment.



it continues the preceding verses. It is because those spiritual infants who are slow to learn can only live on milk, and are not acquainted with the teaching about righteousness. However, those who are mature spiritually can take the solid food and have spiritual senses to distinguish good from evil. Since in the past, those spiritual infants were not worthy of the cultivation and grace of LORD, and did not grow up spiritually, now they should leave the elementary teachings about Christ; that is, they should let the new life of Christ they received after the rebirth be in charge in their own life, let Christ be formed in them (Gal 4:19), become mature and attain to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ (Eph 4:13), and go on to maturity.

“leave the elementary teachings ” :

As to those who have not entered “the elementary teachings about Christ”, they must enter. However, as to those who have entered “the elementary teachings” already, they should “leave the elementary teachings ”. To “leave the elementary teachings ” is not to retreat, but to make progress forward. If one stays at the elementary teachings, one can not go on to maturity and will stay as the spiritual infant who never grows up. To “go on to maturity” indicates to grow up to be mature. In the preceding verse, “the elementary teachings” are for the infants; here, to “go on to maturity” indicates to grow up to be mature. The word of “the mature” in (Heb 5:14) is also used in (1Co 2:6; Eph 4:13), and all have the same meaning.

“not laying again the foundation ”:

The foundation of the salvation is one -- Christ, and has been established already; no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid (1Co 3:11). Here, this verse indicates that the reason that the believers are slow to learn, is not because there is anything wrong with the “foundation”; but because they do not leave “the elementary teachings”. Many people put the blame of their slow progress to their own foundation; actually, it is because they do not make effort to press on to make progress after they have learned “the elementary teachings”.

“the elementary teachings ” :

What are listed here are some examples. It does not mean that there are only these 6 elementary teachings; but they are some important and fundamental teachings of all the teachings. Here, the author gives these teachings especially to remind the believers to leave them and move forward to the goal of completeness. These teachings are only the elementary teachings in Christ. One should not be satisfied to have these only ; in fact, since these teachings are just some elementary teachings, they should leave these elementary teachings so that to go on to maturity.

A. “repentance from acts that lead to death”:

“acts that lead to death” refer to:

a. the acts of those who are disobedient (Mat 8:22; Eph 2:2).

b. all kinds of transgressions and sins (Eph 2:1).

c. acts according to the sinful nature (Rom 8:6).

“repentance from acts that lead to death” is one of the elementary teachings about Christ.

Before we believed in LORD, we should have the experience of “repentance” first (According to the accounts in the Bible, the “repentance” is before the rebirth (Mar 1:15; Act 2:38; 5:31; 11:18; 20:21; 26:20)). Some people mistakenly think that the truth of repentance in the Bible is about some severe crimes. However, this truth of repentance is “the elementary teachings about Christ”, and is one of the foundation of the truths. And in the Bible, it proclaims in writing that everyone should know that he himself is a sinner (Rom 3:10; Mat 9:13); everyone must repent and turn back to God (Act 2:38;17:30;20:21;26:20; 2Pe 3:9), so that to be saved.

B. “faith in God”:

Only those who repent and have faith in God can be saved. Those who truly have faith in God must have the experience of repentance. “repentance” implies to remorse and turn around one’s mind and thought; and implies to turn back to God. Therefore, in the Bible, when it mentions “repentance”, it is often followed by: “believe the good news” (Mar 1:15), “turn to God” (Act 3:19; 26:20), “faith in God” and so on. According to the sequence of the truth, “repentance” is the first; “faith in God” is the second. However, according to the real experience of the believers, “repentance” and “faith in God” often occur at the same time and are closely connected. The true faith includes the actions of repentance.

Here, “faith in God” includes faith in Christ; both of them have the same meaning. The Jews at that time had faith in God first and then have faith in Christ. As to us, we have faith in Christ and at the same time, we have faith in God.

C. “instruction about baptisms”:

Although the Jews have other washings (Mar 7:3-4), here, since the “baptisms” concern the “elementary teachings about Christ”, and definitely have nothing to do with those washings of the Jews. Here, “baptisms” indicate to be baptized with water through the faith in Christ (Mat 28:19), and be baptized with the Holy Spirit and with “fire” and so on (Mat 3:11; Act 11:6-17; 1Pe 1:7; 1Co 3:13).

D. “the laying on of hands”:

Note that it is not that the ceremonies themselves of “baptisms” and “the laying on of hands” are the “foundation” and elementary teachings; but the truth in the “baptisms” and “the laying on of hands” are the “foundation” and elementary teachings.

In the Bible, “the laying on of hands” has several implications:

a. putting the blame on:

In the Old Testament, when offering the sacrifice, one often laid their hands on the head of the sacrifice to show to be united with the sacrifice and put the blame on the sacrifice. It is a typology that the hand of the faith of the believers is united with Christ to put the blames on Christ so that to be redeemed because of the redemption of Christ.

b. blessing:

In the Old Testament, when the spiritual great men blessed their descendants, they often laid their hands on their heads to show that their blessings will be put onto the one they were blessed (Gen 48:14-17).

c. healing the sick:

When LORD was on earth, He often laid His hand to heal the sick (Mar 6:5; Jam 5:14-15).

d. anointing the ordination

When the church established the deacon, the apostles laid their hands on them to show that they were anointed by God (Act 6:6). Afterward, when anointing the elders, they also laid their hands on them (1Ti 5:22).

e. sending for the mission

When Paul and Barnabas were sent by the Holy Spirit, the prophets and teachers at Antioch laid their hands on them (Act 13:1-3). It showed that the church approved that they were indeed sent by the Holy Spirit, and were willing to share the same mind and thoughts with them.

f. distributing the spiritual gifts

The apostles lay their hands on others can make others receive the Holy Spirit and receive the spiritual gifts (Act 8:17; 1Ti 4:14).

In short, in all the above examples, although “the laying on of hands” have several different functions, all those who laid their hands on others were inspired by the Holy Spirit to lay their hands. Therefore, all the achievements are not because of the action of “the laying on of hands” or because the “hands” of those who lay their hands have anything special; but because of the Holy Spirit who inspire them to show His power through “the laying on of hands”. In fact, who lay hands on those people, are not the workers of LORD, but is the Holy Spirit. Therefore, when Paul wrote to Timothy, especially reminded him that: “Do not be hasty in the laying on of hands”, in case that one will overstep the authority of the Holy Spirit and will make “the laying on of hands” to be an ineffective and worthless ceremony without the spiritual effects.

The reason that the truth of “the laying on of hands” can become one of the foundation of “the elementary teachings about Christ ”, is because of the significance that it symbolizes is related to all kinds of important beginnings in the spiritual life and work of the Christians; for examples: through faith to be united with the redemption of Christ, is the beginning of the spiritual life; receiving the blessings is the beginning of the life of receiving grace; being healed is the beginning of glorifying God with the body; being anointed and ordained is the beginning of serving; receiving the spiritual gifts is the beginning of the new work and so on. However, we should leave these beginnings of the elementary teachings to go on to maturity.

E. “the resurrection of the dead”:

“the resurrection of the dead” includes the resurrection of the righteous (Luk 14:14), and the resurrection in the final judgment (Rev 20:5-6,11-13). This truth of the resurrection of the dead, is related to the resurrection of Christ and the hope of the resurrection of the believers, and the resurrection of Christ is the main content of the Gospel. Some of the Colossians used to disbelieve the truth of the resurrection of the dead. Paul refuted them rigorously and illuminated this truth in details, also proved that the resurrection of Christ is the foundation of the salvation and the glorious hope of the believers. On the contrary, if Christ has not been raised, the preaching of the apostles is useless and so is our faith (see 1Co 15). Therefore, the truth of the resurrection is the foundation already established in the teachings about Christ, and no one can lay any other foundation.

F. “eternal judgment”:

Since it is “eternal judgment”, it of course refers to the judgment in the future; but does not refer to the conviction work that Holy Spirit does in people’s minds now. According to the Bible, the believers will also be judged according to whether their deeds are good or evil after they believe in LORD (2Co 5:10; 1Pe 4:17; Mat 7:21-23; Mat 25:31-46); and these judgments all concern the eternity. Since the Bible takes the truth of “eternal judgment” as one of the elementary teachings about Christ and reveals it to us, now we must be alert and prepared because of this message of “eternal judgment”, accept the conviction work of the Holy Spirit in us, and rely on Christ in us to overcome all kinds of temptations of sins and evils, and live a godly, sanctified, and triumphal life, in order that we can appear before the judgment seat of Christ with confidence (2Co 5:10).

The 6 teachings listed above can be divided into 3 groups:

(1) regarding the spiritual experience: repentance from acts that lead to death, and faith in God.

(2) regarding the duty of the believers: instruction about baptisms, the laying on of hands.

(3) regarding the elementary factors of faith: the resurrection of the dead, and eternal judgment.

In a word, the truths listed above are all fundamental teachings. However, one should not only be satisfied with these elementary teachings, and should leave these elementary teachings to go to the maturity.

HEBREWS 6:3 And God permitting, we will do so.


This verse has 2 interpretations:

A. The servant of God who wrote this letter, shows that he and his coworkers, with the permission of God, are willing to help those believers to leave the elementary teachings about Christ and go on to maturity.

B. The servant of God who wrote this letter, shows that he and his brothers are willing to go on to maturity; however, they won’t rely on their own efforts, but will rely on the power and grace of God. Not only they will obey the discipline of God on those bad things, but also on those things to grow up spiritually, they will do according to the will and guidance of God.

The servants of God, should not be satisfied with the believers only have a good start on the truth, and they should encourage them to leave the good starting point and move forward. Neither should they be satisfied with themselves that they have passed on the fundamental teachings about Gospel to the believers. They should go on to maturity themselves and also lead the believers to make efforts to grow up.

(3) warnings against those falling away from the truth (6:4-8)

In the preceding verses, the Bible reproaches and encourages those believers who are in Christ but are still infants, that they should leave the elementary teachings about Christ to go on to maturity, and to make efforts to grow up to be mature spiritually. Here, the Holy Spirit especially gives serious warnings to those who have been enlightened but fall away, that their end will be terrible and desperate.

HEBREWS 6:4 It is impossible for those who have once been enlightened, who have tasted the heavenly gift, who have shared in the Holy Spirit,


“have once been enlightened”:

“enlightened” refers to be enlightened by the truth of the Gospel. “have once been enlightened” shows that they have received the light of Gospel, and they know that Christ is their Savior, and already know what is sin. Because of the enlightenment of Gospel, they have received it and were reborn.

“have tasted the heavenly gift”:

The original word means “gift”; but not the grace. It has been used in the New Testament for 11 times and all refer to the spiritual gift, but not about the material things (Joh 4:10; Act 2:38; 8:20; 10:45; 11:17; Rom 5:15-17; 2Co 9:15; Eph 3:7;4:7;Heb 6:14). This “gift” might especially refers to Christ. Those “have tasted the heavenly gift” refer to those who have tasted the heavenly gift and were reborn already.

“have shared in the Holy Spirit”:

Those who have shared in the Holy Spirit, were sealed with the Holy Spirit; it is obvious that they were reborn, and they were sealed with the Holy Spirit already (Eph 1:13-14; 2Co 1:22;5:5;Eph 1:13-14). Therefore, this whole verse shows that: the rebirth is not completely equal to the eternal life. Although the Holy Spirit is in the believers, however, if men’s subjective freewill does not cooperate, does not hear, and does not obey and do the words of God, they might still live according to the sinful nature, and they might not trust and obey God so that to fall, even go to destruction (Heb 6:8). Therefore, the believers must continue to work out the salvation (Php 2:12), go on to the maturity (Heb 6:1); it is not been done once for all, and they need to be always alert, rely on LORD, deny oneself and carry the cross daily to work it out. One must leave the elementary teachings, grow up spiritually, make every effort to pursue, live the life of Christ, and fight a good fight for the faith, so that to take hold of the promise of the eternal life (1Ti 6:12).

HEBREWS 6:5 who have tasted the goodness of the word of God and the powers of the coming age,


“who have tasted the goodness of the word of God”:

that is, they have known the goodness of the words of God, and tasted and experienced the goodness of the words of God.

“the powers of the coming age”:

that is, they have been aware of the eternal power of God. “the coming age” shows that it is different from the power of this world. The worldly people only know the power of this world; therefore, they do not know to be reverent to God. However, although these people have been aware of the power of God, and they know that God will judge and punish the sins and evils, also know that God has all the authorities and power of this age and the coming age, they still might not turn to God sincerely and wholeheartedly and have true faith in Gospel because of their awareness of the power of God.

HEBREWS 6:6 if they fall away, to be brought back to repentance, because to their loss they are crucifying the Son of God all over again and subjecting him to public disgrace.


“fall away”:

that is, drift apart and deviate.

“if they fall away, (it is impossible for them) to be brought back to repentance, ”:

It is also translated as “and (then) have fallen away, it is impossible to renew them again to repentance,” (N.A.S.B.) It indicates that those “who have once been enlightened, who have tasted the heavenly gift, ” fall away from the truth, and from the light that they have seen and the heavenly gift that they have tasted. This kind of people certainly have no hope to be saved. Although they know a lot of spiritual truths, have very good chances to become those who are apart from the sins to be saved, and have been cultivated in many truths, they are not true believers in practical life, but are those who go astray from the truth that they have known. As to such people, it is impossible to renew them again to repentance.

“(It is impossible for them) to be brought back to repentance”; that is, there’s no chance to repent and to be saved any more. (Note that: it is not that if they renew the repentance, they could be saved; but it is impossible for them to be brought back to repentance.)

“they are crucifying the Son of God all over again and subjecting him to public disgrace”:

This verse should not be interpreted literally; for Lord had resurrected and ascent the heaven, there is absolutely no one can crucify him any more. The purpose that Lord was crucified on the cross, is to redeem people from sins and evils and turn back to the truth. As to those who have been enlightened but fall away from the truth that they have known, since they know well that Lord died for our sins, they still fall away from the teachings of LORD and deliberately sin; that is to refuse LORD and subject him to public disgrace. This kind of sin of falling away and disbelief is equal to the sin of crucifying the Lord by themselves. See also (Heb 10:26-27) “If we deliberately keep on sinning after we have received the knowledge of the truth, no sacrifice for sins is left, but only a fearful expectation of judgment and of raging fire that will consume the enemies of God. ”

HEBREWS 6:7-8 Land that drinks in the rain often falling on it and that produces a crop useful to those for whom it is farmed receives the blessing of God. But land that produces thorns and thistles is worthless and is in danger of being cursed. In the end it will be burned.


The parable in these two verses is used to illustrate those who “fall away”, how painful and miserable their endings are, and also explain the reason why it is impossible for them to be brought back to repentance. In this parable:

A. “Land”: refers to man’s heart (Mat 13:9).

B. “rain”: refers to the words of God (Joh 3:5; Eph 5:26). Land that drinks in the rain often falling on it; that is, the man’s heart hears the words of God for many times.

C. “produces a crop ”: that is, produces the good fruit; is not unworthy of the grace that one has received. One bears good seeds in heart. Therefore, after drinks in the rain often falling on it, it can produce a crop.

D. “useful to those for whom it is farmed ”: that is, is useful to LORD and meets the expectation of LORD.

E. “receives the blessing of God”: that is, receives every spiritual blessing from God (Eph 1:3).

F. “produces thorns and thistles”: that is, one does not completely change because he often hears the truth and the words of LORD; on the contrary, let the sinful life grow even bigger and produces fruit of sins.

Note that: in this parable, although it only mentions the fruit produced by these two kinds of people: produces a crop or produces thorns and thistles, it implies that the essential reason that they receive the same “rain” but produce different fruit, is because of different seeds in the fields of heart. LORD once said that: “By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thorn bushes, or figs from thistles? Likewise every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. ” (Mat 7:16,17). It is obvious that those who produce thorns and thistles are essentially the “bad tree”. What they heard are useless to them, because they do not have faith to combine with what they heard.

G. “is worthless”: that is what is said in (Mat 7:19): “Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. ”

H. “in danger of being cursed”: it is also translated as “near to being cursed” . Although these people are still living on earth, they are near to “being cursed”, and are those who go to destruction.

I. “In the end it will be burned”: refers to the punishment of eternal fire.

This warning shows clearly that after the rebirth, if one does not make every effort to let the spiritual life grow up but fall away, he will go to destruction.

(4) encourage them to continue to serve others with the love that they have before(6:9-12)

The servant of God who wrote this letter, after reproaching and warning the believers, expresses his confidence and expectations to them so that to encourage them to make progress based on their love before.

A. the confidence in the believers (6:9)

HEBREWS 6:9 Even though we speak like this, dear friends, we are confident of better things in your case--things that accompany salvation.


“dear friends”:

refer to the believers who received the letter, and this call is used only once in this letter.

“Even though we speak like this, dear friends, we are confident of better things in your case”:

Although the author tells them about the situations and endings of those who fall away in verse (6:4-6), he is confident of “better things” in their case -- is firmly convinced that their situation is not the same as those in verse (6:4-6). The reason that the author talks about the situation of those who fall away, is to warn them so that they will take it as object lesson. Those people often hear the truth, but do not bear the seeds of the words and produce “thorns and thistles”; it is worthless that they receive the chances and “rain” that God give them. How can the believers be the same as those people, who are worthless of the cultivation of God, and need someone to teach them the elementary truths of God's word all over again, and become those who need milk, but not solid food? Although he thus speaks, the author is confident that those believers who “ought to be teachers” but are still the infants will be better than those who are seemingly saved but fall away.

“we are confident of better things in your case”:

Note that here “you” in contrast to “they” in verse 6, shows more clearly that the “dear brothers” here are different from those people mentioned in verse 4-8. The words in verse 4-8 is the warning are given by the author to those who fall away.

“we are confident of better things in your case--things that accompany salvation. ”:

It is also translated as “we are now firmly convinced of better things that are near to salvation and accompany it.” (A.M.P.); or “we have been persuaded better things concerning you, even holding fast salvation.” (L.I.T.V.)

It indicates that their behavior is near to salvation; that is, according their behavior, the author is confident that their behavior is better than those who are seemingly saved but fall away.

B. the commendations to the believers(6:10)

HEBREWS 6:10 God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them.


In the preceding verse, the servant of God who wrote this letter, is confident in them for their better things and consider them are not those who “in the end it will be burned. ” Here, the author praises their love and proves that they did act as people who are saved; they make the author set his mind at ease and firmly convinced that they are better than those false believers who only have the outward appearance but without life. This verse tells us that:

a. God is not unjust:

God will definitely not treat those who “produce a crop” the same as those who drink in “rain” the same while “produce thorns and thistles”. God will not consider those believers who are still infants spiritually and are slow to learn the same as those who seemingly are saved while are actually unbelieving. God will treat them differently according to His justice.

b. God will not forget our work:

Men often forget what others did for them. However, God always at work, and He won’t forget any work we have done for Him even the slightest thing. LORD Jesus said that: “And if anyone gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones because he is my disciple, I tell you the truth, he will certainly not lose his reward.” (Mat 10:42)

However, this verse does not imply that they are saved and remembered only because of their work for God; here, it is to emphasize the justice and righteousness of God that He won’t ignore their work for Him and won’t mix what they did with those mentioned in verse 4-8.

c. We should work for God with love:

Whatever we do, we do it with love for loving of God. God won’t forget our work. However, the work that God won’t forget is the work that is done according to the principle of love and with the motive of loving God.

d. We should hold on to the spiritual virtues we already have:

“as you have helped his people and continue to help them. ” Here, “helped his people ” indicates that they entertained the travelers. The ancient church lacked inns; it is an important work of love to receive those servants of God and saints who preaches Gospel. However, it is not easy to entertain the saints; it requires not only the love, the willingness to be generous, but also requires being humble and patient. After these believers believed in LORD, they often helped the saints for the name of LORD; and they entertained the saints not only occasionally, only once or twice, but constantly welcome the saints with love. Therefore, the author especially mentioned about it and praised them on it. On one hand, it is to encourage those who help the saints; on the other hand, it encourages the left people. Although they are slow on other things, they did not lose their first love on this thing, and can still hold on to the spiritual virtues that they already have. It shows that even the servant of God -- the author of the letter does not forget their good things; it also proves that God will not forget the work that they have done before.

However, the purpose that the author praises them, is not to let them be satisfied with their virtues that they already have, but to encourage them to make progress based on the spiritual virtues that they already have. Although the spiritual virtues that they already have are worthy of the commendations, they still need to go on to make progress, otherwise, they might lose it; for the best way to keep the spiritual virtues that they already have is to make progress.

C. the expectations to the believers (6:11-12)

These two verses show the high expectations that the author cherish for them. These words prove that the purpose of the commendations of the author to them in the preceding verses, is to encourage them to go on to pursue and “show this same diligence to the very end, in order to make your hope sure. ” This verse is similar to the verse of (2Jo 1:8) “Watch out that you do not lose what you have worked for, but that you may be rewarded fully. ” These two verses tell us that the author has 3 expectations to the believes, at the same time, also tell us the things that we should pursue spiritually:

HEBREWS 6:11 We want each of you to show this same diligence to the very end, in order to make your hope sure.


(1) We should have the same spiritual virtues as others:

“We want each of you to show this same diligence to the very end”:

Although the author has commended their love summarily that they keep on helping God’s people, from this verse, it can be told that it is not that everyone of them has that love. Therefore, the author encourages the left people here that they should follow those who have love among them to show “this same diligence ”. They should catch up with others on the spiritual virtues, and pursue those spiritual virtues that others have yet they do not have. Although a small group of the people in the church have the good testimonies will make others have good commendations on the whole church, those who do not have good testimonies on the spiritual virtues should make effort “individually” by themselves so that they can get the commendation and reward for themselves. Although the reputation of the church on earth is for a group, the honor that we get in heaven is for the individual.

HEBREWS 6:12 We do not want you to become lazy, but to imitate those who through faith and patience inherit what has been promised.


(2) We should seek the spiritual virtues diligently, but not lazily.

Although it is commendable that “as you have helped his people and continue to help them”, and it is also what others should follow, they should not stop helping God’s people in the future because they “helped” before and help now. Not only they should continue to show the “diligence” on the spiritual virtues they had before, but also they should not become “lazy” gradually because of the accomplishments achieved by their “diligence” before.

(3) We should “imitate those who through faith and patience inherit what has been promised. ”.

Those who through faith and patience inherit what has been promised, refer to the great spiritual men in ancient time. They sought diligently on the spiritual virtues for the promise of God, and they through faith and patience held on to the diligence to the very end. We should make our hope sure on the promise of God and imitate their examples.

(5) encourage them to take hold of the hope offered to them (6:13-20)

A. give the example of Abraham (6:13-15)

In the previous verse 12, since it is said that they should imitate those who through faith and patience inherit what has been promised. Here, it gives Abraham as an example. Abraham can be as the model of all those in the Old Testament “who through faith and patience inherit what has been promised. ”; he is also the forefather of the Hebrews. Therefore, the fact concerning how Abraham inherited what has been promised through faith and patience, is the best historically living example to encourage those believers who are slow to learn so that they will move forward.

HEBREWS 6:13-14 When God made his promise to Abraham, since there was no one greater for him to swear by, he swore by himself, saying, "I will surely bless you and give you many descendants."


These two verses recall the history in (Gen 22:16-18). It is about after Abraham offered Isaac, God gave him the promise. Although when Abraham set out from Haran, God had promised him that God will make him into a great nation and all peoples on earth will be blessed through him(Gen 12:1-3); afterward, this promise was repeated again (Gen 15:4-7;17:4-8 ), and was supplemented with more. However, God made His promise to Abraham and swore by Himself ; this was after Abraham offered Isaac (Gen 22:16-18 ). This example gives us the teachings from two aspects:

(1) from the aspect of Abraham:

Since he waited for a long time through faith and patience till he was 100 years old, he got Isaac promised by God. However, when God tested him, without hesitation, he was willing to offer his son -- Isaac. This proved that all his actions through faith before he got Isaac were not the highest point of his faith (such as, he obeyed the instruction of God, left his father’s household and country, went to where was unknown to him, waited for the son promised by God, and did not lose heart and so on). Although after several tens of years, he did give birth to Isaac, which could be a big victory of faith; however, his faith did not stay at receiving Isaac, but continued to higher point -- offered the dearly-loved and only Isaac to God. He offered Isaac like this; it proved his faith, not only includes his absolute sacrifice, obedience, love, and reverence to God, but also shows that he absolutely trusts the faithfulness and great power of God. He believes that the seemingly harsh requirements from God are actually out from the kindness and goodness; and God will surly make him regain what he gives up, for God in whom he believes, is God who gives life to the dead and calls things that are not as though they were (Rom 4:17). Therefore, the event that Abraham offered Isaac proved that his faith after produced the fruit went forward with another big stride.

(2) from the aspect of God:

Since God is absolutely holy, faithful and “no one greater ” than Him, He certainly does not need to swear to anyone. However, to Abraham who believes in him so sincerely and wholeheartedly, God is willing to show His special kindness, grace and sympathy, so that He swore by Himself and promised Abraham. Although the blessing God promised Abraham after Abraham offered Isaac only repeated the promise before with some extension, but since God promised and swore by Himself, that convinced Abraham more, and this is the most boastful glory of him.

To those who believes in Him wholeheartedly, God is often more convincing, and He also gives such people honor and glory. To those who received the grace and are seeking to make progress, God will give them more grace: “For everyone who has will be given more, and he will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken from him. ” (Mat 25:29)

HEBREWS 6:15 And so after waiting patiently, Abraham received what was promised.


This verse is about the following 3 implications:

(1) regarding Abraham received Isaac the promised son:

When Abraham had Isaac, he received the promise of God already. “I will surely bless you and give you many descendants.”; although these words are what God promised Abraham after Abraham offered Isaac. However, this promise is based on the promise of (Gen 12:1-3). Therefore, it is said here that “And so after waiting patiently, Abraham received what was promised. ” The first implication is that he waited for a long time and received Isaac that God promised.

(2) regarding at that time what was promised to Abraham by God:

Since it has been many years after Abraham “gave birth to” Isaac that God gave him this promise (Heb 6:14; Gen 12:16-18). It is apparent what this verse said that “And so after waiting patiently, Abraham received what was promised. ”, did not only refer to that Abraham received Isaac; for if this indicated that he had completely received what was promised to him, then why God promised him again when Abraham offered Isaac. However, it is beyond doubt that Abraham received Isaac was the starting point of the confirmation to receive the complete promise of God. The descendents of Abraham that are as many as the starts in the sky are all from Isaac he received ( the first promised descendent). Therefore, regarding what was promised to Abraham at that time, in this verse: “Abraham received what was promised. ” indicates that: Since he received his first promised descendent -- Isaac though faith, he started to receive all the promise of God through his faith.

(3) regarding at the time that the author wrote this letter:

When the author was writing this letter, not only Abraham has had a lot of descendents from his blood, but also he has had numerous spiritual descendents as many as the stars in the sky, that is, those who followed the faith of Abraham and walked in the same trace (Rom 4:12). Therefore, indeed, “Abraham received what was promised. ”

B. confirm it with an “oath” of God (6:16-17)

HEBREWS 6:16-17 Men swear by someone greater than themselves, and the oath confirms what is said and puts an end to all argument. Because God wanted to make the unchanging nature of his purpose very clear to the heirs of what was promised, he confirmed it with an oath.


According to the laws passed by Moses, the Jews can settle the issue between them by taking of an oath before the LORD (Exo 22:11). Since the people are all the same weak, they have no power to guarantee their oath; therefore, they swear by God who is greater than themselves so that to convince others to settle all kinds of arguments. However, since as to God, “there was no one greater for him to swear by”, and there is no one who is qualified to argue with Him, or asks for the convincing and substantial evidence, He need not to give an oath on His promise (Deu 29:12). God is the only One who is completely faithful. However, in order “to make the unchanging nature of his purpose very clear to the heirs of what was promised, he confirmed it with an oath. ” Such an oath, is completely out from the infinite sympathy and kindness of God.

God often humbles and lowers Himself for the sake of men, and does something that it is not necessary for Him to do, in order to make men understand His will. In the Old Testament, God made the covenant with men and swore by Himself, which gave the best proof of this. In the New Testament, God not only made an oath to make the covenant, but also the Word became the flesh and took the likeness of a man, to shed His blood to make the covenant. Thus, as to us who share in the new covenant through the precious blood of Christ, shouldn’t we trust in LORD firmly, obey the will of God, be the children pleasing to God to be one in Christ, and to be the heirs of the promise together?

“the heirs of what was promised”; “the heirs” not only refer to Abraham, but also include both Abraham and his descendents, that is, the Israelites in the Old Testament (Deu 29:12); however, Abraham is the father of all who have faith (Rom 4:11,12-18), since God confirmed it with an oath to show that His promise is unchanging to those under the old covenant, then those under the new covenant, who trust in Christ according to the “trace of faith” of Abraham, shouldn’t God’s promise to them be surely unchanging?

C. give several reasons as the encouragements (6:18-20):

we have the refuge to flee to; we have an anchor for the soul; and we have Jesus as our forerunner.

HEBREWS 6:18 God did this so that, by two unchangeable things in which it is impossible for God to lie, we who have fled to take hold of the hope offered to us may be greatly encouraged.


Two unchangeable things refer to what are cited in the preceding text -- God promised Abraham with an oath, and God confirmed the promise to the heirs with an oath. “it is impossible for God to lie” implies that:

(1) This verse does not mean that there’s any possibility that God would lie, but it means that because of the above two unchanging things, it makes the men who often lie can be convinced that God does not lie.

(2) Although God neither lies nor breaks the covenant, He still confirmed with an oath to the faithful ones in ancient times, to prove that his promise is unchanging. Thus, how could God be injustice to possibly lie to those who inherit the promise through His Son and make the promise invalid? (Gal 3:14,22) Therefore, since there are the above two unchanging things as the examples, they greatly encourage us who under the grace of the New Testament and trust in Christ, such that we can set our mind at ease to believe in the promise of God.

Here, it mentions three things that we can boast about which are enough to encourage us to take hold of the hope offered to us:

(a) we have the refuge to flee to

According to the Old Testament, God once instructed the Israelites to establish the cities of refuge, to which a person who has killed someone accidentally may flee and to protect the one accused of murder from the avenger of blood (Num 35:6-34; Jos 20:1-9).

Those who flee to live in the cities of refuge, are the typology of us -- the sinners who are chased by the sins and evils; the cities of refuge is the typology that Jesus Christ is the place that the sinners to flee to avoid the punishment of the sins and evils. Here, the author said to the believers: “we who have fled to ”. It is apparent that these words have the above background of the Old Testament. It is to let us know that although “we” are fleeing, for the sins and evils, temptations, the sinful nature, and all kinds of secularity that entangles, are often chasing us, we have Christ who has overcome the world, sins and evils and all kinds of temptations to become our refuge. Therefore, we can not be discouraged and go no further; but should run forward rapidly, so that not to fall in the net of the sins and evils.

(b) we have an anchor for the soul

HEBREWS 6:19 We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. It enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain,


“this hope ”, that is, “the hope offered to us”; the hope that we have in heaven through the Gospel (Col 1:5; 1Pe 1:3-4). Such a hope is our “anchor for the soul” , and is what we should take hold of.

Here, the one who wrote the Bible, compares our soul to a boat in the sea of bitterness in this world, while the hope of the Gospel is the anchor for the boat of our soul. If we do not take hold of this hope of Gospel, we will be like the boat in the sea without the anchor. And we also must know that the hope that we have in the heaven (an anchor for the soul ), is very firm and secure, and can make our soul be steady and worry free in all storms. It is far above all the anchors in other boats of the world, and it is what we can rely on completely and always “take hold of” .

The biggest characteristics of this anchor for the soul: not only it is “firm and secure”, but also “it enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain”. In the Old Testament, the Meeting Tent or the Most Holy Place in the Holy Temple is separated from the Holy Place by a curtain. When Jesus died on the cross, at that moment the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom (Mat 27:50-51). Here, “it enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain”; indicates to enter the Most Holy Place in heaven. Since Christ has accomplished the work of redemption for us, has risen from the dead and ascent the heaven, entered the Most Holy Place in heaven, and sits at the right hand of God , thus, as to us who in Him receive the heavenly hope, our hope is like the anchor of the soul, being tossed into the Most Holy Place in heaven and can directly rely on God.

(c) we have Jesus as our forerunner.

HEBREWS 6:20 where Jesus, who went before us, has entered on our behalf. He has become a high priest forever, in the order of Melchizedek.


“who went before us”:

it is also translated as “a forerunner”. Jesus Christ is the forerunner and pioneer to open the heavenly road for us. Since He has entered the Most Holy Place in heaven for us already, by a new and living way opened for us through the curtain, that is, his body (Heb 10:20); so that all who follow Him and take Him as the pioneer, can enter the Most Holy Place with confidence (Heb 10:19); in this life, through keeping close spiritual communion with Him and making every effort to be one in Him, one can expect to be with Him forever in the eternal life.

Since Jesus Christ is pioneer who entered into heaven “behind the curtain”, thus, when we are still running on the road to the heaven, shouldn’t we take Him as our pioneer in our life and work so that to deal with all the attacks from the enemies and make us be the good soldiers who always overcome?

“He has become a high priest forever, in the order of Melchizedek. ”:

According to (Heb 5:11), the author has already started to talk about the things of Melchizedek. However, because the believers are slow to learn the truths, the author felt that “it is hard to explain ” (Heb 5:11). However, since it is of significant importance to understand the position of the high great priest that Christ has in heaven, the author had to try his best to explain it to them according to the revelations from the Holy Spirit. It is obvious that to those believers who are childish in the truths, the servants of God should illuminate those truths that are hard to explain to them according to the guidance of the Holy Spirit; for all the words that God breathed -- which is the whole Bible, are all that the believers should understand.


1. Zhongdao Chen: “The Lectures on the Bible Studying of the Letters in New Testament”.

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