
To Be One in Christ: We Have Treasure in the Jars of Clay (15)-5

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To Be One in Christ: We Have Treasure in the Jars of Clay -- the Series of Explanation and Analysis of Scripture (15) - 5

The Explanation and Analysis of the Verses in Chapter 5 of HEBREWS

It is edited and compiled under the guidance of Holy Spirit. All thanks, praises and glories be to God!

The Supremacy of Christ: (IV) Christ is greater than all the priests of the Old Testament (4:14-7:28)

(i) Christ is the great high Priest who is greater than Aaron (4:14-5:10)

Christ is:

(1) a great high priest who has gone through the heavens (4:14) (see the article on chapter 4 of HEBREWS)

(2) a high priest who is able to sympathize with our weaknesses (4:15-16)

(3) a high priest who is qualified (5:1-3)

A qualified high priest:

A. is selected from among men (5:1)

B. is appointed to represent them in matters related to God (5:1)

C. offers gifts and sacrifices (5:1)

D. is able to deal gently with those who are ignorant and are going astray (5:2)

E. has the experience of being subject to weakness (5:2)

F. is worthy of offering sacrifices for the sins of the people. (5:3)

(4) a high priest who is called by God (5:4-6)

A. Christ did not take the honor of a high priest upon himself; just as Aaron was (5:4)

B. Christ is a high priest who rose from the dead; and is different from Aaron (5:5)

C. Christ is a priest forever, in the order of Melchizedek; and is far above Aaron (5:6)

(5) a high priest who had learned obedience from what he suffered (5:7-10)

(3) a qualified high priest (5:1-3)

In these verses, it talks about that Christ has all the qualifications of the high priest selected from among men, and is superior to all the high priest selected from among men. In the following, it lists several characteristics of a qualified high priest:

HEBREWS 5:1 Every high priest is selected from among men and is appointed to represent them in matters related to God, to offer gifts and sacrifices for sins.


A. is selected from among men (5:1)

“Every high priest is selected from among men”. This sentence shows that the following verses are about what characteristics a high priest selected from among men should have and what he should do. From this sentence itself, we can see the first qualification of a high priest is that he must have the characteristics of men; he is from among men and is the same as men so that he can be fit to represent them in matters related to God. Although Jesus Christ is the Son of God, He is also the Son of Man (Luk 3:23); although He is from the heaven, He is also selected from among men, for the Word became flesh; He used to come to this men’s world by Himself (Joh 1:1; Heb 2:14).

B. is appointed to represent them in matters related to God (5:1)

On one hand, this sentence points out the work of the priests; on the other hand, it points out the necessity of the priest; that is, it is necessary that God appoint a priest to represent men in matters related to God (that is, the matters regarding worshiping God). It is apparent that men cannot come to God directly, and they must approach God through the qualified high priest between God and men. Aaron is the first high priest selected from among men by God, and he represented the Israelites in the matters related to God. However, Christ is the only qualified high priest who was appointed to represent the people of the whole world in the matters related to God. In (Heb 2:17), it is mentioned that “For this reason he had to be made like his brothers in every way, in order that he might become a merciful and faithful high priest in service to God, and that he might make atonement for the sins of the people. ” Therefore, everyone nowadays does not need to rely on the priest in the men’s world any more to represent himself in the matters related to God; everyone can directly worship God only by relying on the high great priest who was selected from among men and has gone through the heavens -- Jesus Christ.

C. offers gifts and sacrifices (5:1)

“to offer gifts and sacrifices for sins. ” This sentence actually includes all the offerings in the Old Testament; it is because the offerings in the Old Testament can be divided into two kinds, that is, the offering of pleasing aroma and the sin offering. The former is for thanksgiving, and is a freewill offering. The latter is for the redemption of sins, and is an offering must be offered. Here, “offer gifts ” refer to the offering of pleasing aroma of the first kind, while “sacrifices for sins” belongs to the second kind and is a sin offering. “to offer gifts and sacrifices for sins” indicates to carry out all kinds of work on the offerings; this is the main work of the priest. However, in the Old Testament, the offerings for thanksgivings or sins that the priests offered for the people were incomplete; it is the typology of the coming high great priest -- Jesus Christ, who accomplished the work of redemption for us, and always arouses our thanksgivings to God.

“to offer gifts and sacrifices for sins”, from one side, this sentence tells us that when we come to God, we should often offer “gifts” to God, and should not neglect one’s own sins, also should always keep a clear conscience. Here, the “gifts” are mentioned first, and then the “sacrifices for sins”; it shows that those Christians who conform with the request of God, are those Christians who give thanks rather than asking for forgiveness, and overcome rather than being defeated.

HEBREWS 5:2 He is able to deal gently with those who are ignorant and are going astray, since he himself is subject to weakness.


D. is able to deal gently with those who are ignorant and are going astray (5:2)

A qualified high priest must be able to deal gently with those who are ignorant and are going astray, for those who come to the high priest to ask for a sin offering, are usually ignorant and are going astray. “ignorant” describes the situation that men offend God because of their ignorance; they do not know the will of God, do not understand the revelation of God, and do something that are not pleasing God. “going astray ” describes the painful situation that men go astray from God to those ways outside the truth. Jesus Christ is the high great priest who is able to deal gently with those who are ignorant and are going astray. It is because He knows well the pains deep in our heart and the situation of failure; and He also has the patience and kindness to retrieve us from the failure.

We should have the affection of Christ Jesus, and deal gently with the weak brothers among us.

E. has the experience of being subject to weakness (5:2)

“since he himself is subject to weakness”. Note that this sentence refers to the experience of all the priests selected from among men; at the same time, it also tells that when Christ was in the body of flesh, he was also subject to weakness. Those who are “subject to weakness”, might fail or overcome. This sentence itself does not say that those who are subject to weakness will sin definitely. However, from the following verse: “This is why he has to offer sacrifices for his own sins, as well as for the sins of the people. ” It is obvious that those high priests selected from among men, such as Aaron and his descendants, were all subject to the weakness and sinned (Exo 32:21-25; Num 12:1-2; Lev 10:1-2). However, in (Heb 4:15), it tells us that Christ was tempted in every way yet without sin. Only Jesus Christ has this experience of being subject to the weakness without sin. Since he used to be subject to the weakness, not only He can sympathize us , but also can deal gently with us.

HEBREWS 5:3 This is why he has to offer sacrifices for his own sins, as well as for the sins of the people.


F. is worthy of offering sacrifices for the sins of the people. (5:3)

“This is why he has to offer sacrifices for his own sins, as well as for the sins of the people”. Since the priests are appointed to offer the gifts and sacrifices for sins, they certainly should offer the sacrifices for the sins of the people (Lev 6:11,15). However, as to the high priest selected from among men, not only they should offer the sacrifices for the sins of the people, but also they must offer the sacrifices for the sins of themselves, so that they are worthy to offer sacrifices for the sins of others. Christ does not need to offer the sacrifice for himself, and he is worthy of offering the sacrifices for the people already. It is because he never sins; therefore, he does not like other average high priests that he need to offer the sacrifice for his own sins first, then offer the sacrifices for other people (Lev 6:1,15). He offered himself as the sacrifice to accomplish the work of redemption.

(4) a high priest who is called by God (5:4-6)

In these verses, it shows that Christ is a high priest who is called by God, and is greater than Aaron:

A. Christ did not take the honor of a high priest upon himself; just as Aaron was (5:4)

HEBREWS 5:4 No one takes this honor upon himself; he must be called by God, just as Aaron was.


“No one takes this honor upon himself; he must be called by God,”: Since this is the case, it shows that the honor of this position is different from any average position.

In the times of the Old Testament, the Israelites once suspected that Aaron took the honor of the high priest by himself (Num 17). God proved that Aaron was selected by God Himself. There were also Korah and his followers who wanted to take the position of high priest by themselves, attacked Aaron, and were heavily punished by God (Num 16). These facts proved that the position of priest can not be taken by men themselves indeed. Furthermore, Aaron was not honored first before he became the high priest; but after he was called to be the high priest he was honored. The Israelites at that time did not understand this point; they thought that Aaron was a mere man same as them, why only Aaron can be high priest? They did not know that receiving this position is not up to the honor of the person himself, but it is up to the election and calling of God.

“No one takes this honor upon himself”. It not only shows that Christ is the same as Aaron who is the high priest called by God; but also shows that to be the high priest, Christ used to lower himself infinitely. It is because Aaron was only the same as other Israelites who had the faith; he himself originally had no honor to be the high priest. However, Christ is originally equally honored as God (Php 2:6; Joh 17:5); but He humbled Himself to take the likeness of man, stood at the position of the Son of Man, did not take upon himself the glory of becoming a high priest, did not seek his own glory, but become the high priest by the election of God (Joh 8:50); thus, he appears to be more honorable and lofty.

B. Christ is a high priest who rose from the dead; and is different from Aaron (5:5)

HEBREWS 5:5 So Christ also did not take upon himself the glory of becoming a high priest. But God said to him, "You are my Son; today I have become your Father. "


“But God said to him, "You are my Son; today I have become your Father. " ” This verse is cited from (Psa 2:7). The apostle Paul cited the verse of (Psa 2:7) in (Act 13:33); he explained that this verse indicates that Christ rose from the dead. Therefore, Christ became our high priest; it is all up to God who said to him, “You are my Son; today I have become your Father. ”; God is the One who raised him up from the dead. Since he became obedient to death and rose up from the dead, God established Him as our high priest. Aaron absolutely had no such an experience and qualification. Therefore, Christ is much greater than Aaron. Such a high priest who rose from the dead, is the really qualified high priest, can be worthy of standing in between God and men, teach others the will of God through Holy Spirit, and pray for the weakness of men in front of God.

Nowadays, the believers who “confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, ”, also have the honor of “a royal priesthood”. However, it is a pity nowadays that many Christians underestimate this position, are not faithful to this position, and do not look at it as a high honor.

C. Christ is a priest forever, in the order of Melchizedek; and is far above Aaron (5:6)

HEBREWS 5:6 And he says in another place, "You are a priest forever, in the order of Melchizedek."


In this chapter, it mentions about Melchizedek three times (5:6,10,11); this is the first of them. According to the meaning of the name of Melchizedek, it means the “king of righteousness”. This will be discussed in details later in chapter 7. Here, it only mentions it briefly. In short, Melchizedek is a high priest whose order is completely different from Aaron. He is both the king and the priest; his position as the priest is forever, which is a typology of Christ to be the high priest forever, who always lives to intercede for us, and is the high priest who is much superior to Aaron .

(5) is a high priest who had learned obedience from what he suffered (5:7-10)

HEBREWS 5:7 During the days of Jesus' life on earth, he offered up prayers and petitions with loud cries and tears to the one who could save him from death, and he was heard because of his reverent submission.


In this verse, “to the one who could save him from death” is most difficult to explain. This indicates that Lord was in Gethsemane and prayed to God to save him from the sorrow to the point of death:

It is because in the books of Gospel, except Lord’s experience in Gethsemane, there is no other places that he “offered up prayers and petitions with loud cries and tears” to ask for saving him from the death. “from death” is also translated as “out death” (A.M.P.); “from death” and “out death” have the same meaning. One meets with the death and is saved from the death, that is “out death”.

However, “from death” here does not refer to the resurrection of Lord, for Lord knows that he himself will rise up on the third day (Mat 16:21-23; 17:9, 22-23; 20:17-19); and absolutely won’t go to such an extent to doubt God so that to pray to God so earnestly.

“prayers and petitions with loud cries and tears”

One the other hand, it is also impossible that it refers to Christ’s prayers on the cross. It is because although Christ’s prayers on the cross are touching, it is not like what is described here -- “prayers and petitions with loud cries and tears”. Among the seven sentences that Lord spoke on the cross, only three of them are prayers and these three prayers were spoken in 6 hours. It is obvious that Lord’s prayers at that time are not the prayers mentioned here. Therefore, this sentence should indicate that in the big fight in Gethsemane, he prayed to God to save him from the sorrow to the point of death.

HEBREWS 5:8 Although he was a son, he learned obedience from what he suffered


He is the Son of God originally, is never disobedient, and does not need to learn obedience. It is unreasonable that he need to learn obedience. However, for the sake of us, he stood on the position under the laws and learned obedience. Since the Son of God to be as a man did not exempt himself from learning the obedience to the will of God, how can the believers nowadays be the exceptions?

“he learned obedience from what he suffered ”:

It does not mean that if he did not experience the sufferings, he would not be obedient. It is saying that from what he suffered, it manifested his obedience. Here, “what he suffered” refer to all kinds of sufferings that Lord bore for us, especially the sufferings on the cross. These sufferings are not what He should take; however, God had him take it for us. Since he took the sufferings that he originally should not take from God, it shows that he learned the obedience. This also let us know that what is to learn obedience, that is, to accept all that God let us take, always choose to follow the will of God and never argue with God.

HEBREWS 5:9 and, once made perfect, he became the source of eternal salvation for all who obey him


Here, “perfect” does not refer to the perfection of His human nature or divine nature; because no matter from any aspect in divine nature and human nature, he is perfect originally. Here, “perfect” refers to the perfection of His work of the redemption. Since He suffered death and rose from the dead, He becomes our perfect Savior and perfect high priest. Since he paid perfect price for our sins, he became the source of eternal salvation for all who obey him .

“all who obey him”:

refer to those who accept His salvation, are obedient and obey and follow His teachings.

“source” :

It is also translated as “author” (K.J.V.); or “Author and Source” (A.M.P.). Therefore, “he became the source of eternal salvation ” implies that: (a) Christ “once made perfect” (became our perfect high priest), He is the essential reason of our “eternal salvation”. (b) Christ is also the “author” of our “eternal salvation”. The “eternal salvation” is not only obtained because of Christ, but also is accomplished by Christ.

HEBREWS 5:10 and was designated by God to be high priest in the order of Melchizedek.


(see also 5:6) Melchizedek means “king of righteousness”. Melchizedek is a high priest whose order is completely different from Aaron. He is both the king and the priest; his position as the priest is forever, a typology of Christ to be the high priest forever, always live to intercede for us, and is the high priest who is much superior to Aaron.

The WARNINGS on the Salvation: (III) The dangers of being slow to learn and falling away from the truth (5:11-6:20)

(1) reproach the believers who are slow to learn (5:11-14)

A. they are slow to learn the advanced spiritual truths (5:11)

B. they make no progress in the truths (5:12upper)

C. their spiritual life do not grow up (5:12latter-14)

(2) instruct them to go on to maturity (6:1-3) (see the article on chapter 6 of HEBREWS)

(3) warnings against those falling away from the truth (6:4-8)

(4) encourage them to continue to serve others with the love that they have before(6:9-12)

A. the confidence in the believers (6:9)

B. the commendations to the believers(6:10)

C. the expectations to the believers (6:11-12)

(5) encourage them to take hold of the hope offered to them (6:13-20)

A. give the example of Abraham (6:13-15)

B. confirm it with an “oath” of God (6:16-17)

C. give several reasons as the encouragements (6:18-20):

we have the refuge to flee into; an anchor for the soul; and Jesus as our pioneer.

The WARNINGS on the Salvation: (III) The dangers of being slow to learn and falling away from the truth (5:11-6:20)

(1) reproach the believers who are slow to learn (5:11-14)

In the preceding verses, it has listed that Christ is greater than Aaron, and the Bible is prepared to cite Melchizedek as a proof that Christ is a much superior high priest. However, when the author starts to talk about Melchizedek, it seems that he felt it hard to explain, because those believers are not mature spiritually and are slow to learn the advanced spiritual truth. Therefore, before continuing in this topic, he wrote down this paragraph of warnings and encouragements, to encourage them to make every effort to make progress. When they meet with the profound spiritual truth, the author points out the reason that they do not understand -- they are slow to learn and do not grow up in the knowledge, so that it will convince them more and make their heart moved.

A. they are slow to learn the advanced spiritual truth (5:11)

HEBREWS 5:11 We have much to say about this, but it is hard to explain because you are slow to learn.


Note that “it is hard to explain because you are slow to learn”, “you” are the reason that “it is hard to explain ”. It is not because the author did not know how to illuminate it; but because those who listen to it are slow to learn. The reason that “you are slow to learn”, is because they did not make effort to grow up spiritually. Just as some believers in the church nowadays, at the beginning of their faith, they hunger and thirst for the righteousness, take the truth to their hearts eagerly, and make progress rapidly. However, with the passing of time, they gradually become proud, self-conceited and self-satisfied, are not willing to go further into more spiritual truth, do not humble themselves to listen to and learn the truths that are unknown to them; they even gradually love the world and are filled up with the worldly things without being aware of it. Therefore, whenever we find that we are slow to learn the truths, it is usually because of the following reasons:

1. One is filled up with the principles of his own, is proud and self-justified.

2. One stops making progress and loses the attitude to hunger and thirst for the truth.

3. One gives the position to the worldly things in his mind.

B. do not make progress in the truths (5:12upper)

HEBREWS 5:12 In fact, though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you the elementary truths of God's word all over again. You need milk, not solid food!


According to the cultivation and education that they received, they should be the teachers to teach those who are at the beginning of their faith and are immature. However, not only they had not made any further progress, and sought to understand the advanced truth, but also they forgot what they had already known, such that they need someone to teach them the elementary truths of God's word all over again. Although they thought they knew a lot already, actually, they were not even clear about the elementary truth; they thought they were very familiar with many truths already, actually, they have lost their admiration for the truth and righteousness completely, and they fell behind in the spiritual life and were not acquainted with the teaching about righteousness.

“all over again”:

shows that they fell behind a lot, such that they fell short of those who learned together with them. They need the teachings from the very beginning; like the failed students, they need the teachers to help them to make up the lessons.

Note that, although the Bible here reproaches that those believers are slow to learn and are unworthy of LORD’s grace and the cultivation of the servants of God, they should be the teachers, but are still the students of the elementary truths. However, the Bible does not encourage those students of the elementary truths to force to be the teachers or fight to be the teachers, just as those who are rebuked by James (Jam 3:1); but encourages them to really make progress in the truths to the point of being the teachers. Nowadays, many believers in the church, not only they do not make progress in the truth and are the students of the elementary truths, but also they fight to be the teachers to seek the position and respects from others, they will be reproached and judged more strictly.

C. their spiritual life do not grow up (5:12latter-14)

HEBREWS 5:12latter-14 You need milk, not solid food! Anyone who lives on milk, being still an infant, is not acquainted with the teaching about righteousness. But solid food is for the mature, who by constant use have trained themselves to distinguish good from evil.


The reason that they can not make progress in the knowledge of truth is because they do not grow in their spiritual life. They do not really understand the truth that they learned. Their knowledge are only dead knowledge; the knowledge that make them self-conceited, but not the real knowledge. Therefore, they became those who “need milk, not solid food” and can not be taught with the advanced truths. If give them profound truths, not only they can not understand and benefit from it, but also will do harm to them spiritually, such that they will be self-conceited, slander the truth and give absurd arguments (1Co 14:20). Such deformed spiritual infants, will hinder the progress of the individual and the church.

In the Bible, it usually uses infant to describe men’s spiritual virtues such as to be humble, trust and obey, be innocent and so on. However, here, it uses the weakness, childishness and ignorance of the infant to describe those who do not grow up spiritually. Therefore, we should be like the adults in the spiritual life, and be mature spiritually; however, in our morality, we should be as humble and pure as the infants (see 1Co 14:20).

Here, it talks about the main differences of the spiritual “infants” and those who are mature spiritually:

a. The spiritual “infants” can only be fed on milk, but when they grow up, they can take the solid food. The milk is produced by the mother and is easy to be absorbed. Those who are infants spiritually, can only accept the shallow truth, and only obtain those spiritual experiences that only require a little faith or need to pay a slight price; but can not take those spiritual experiences that require the big faith and obedience and need to pay comparatively high price. They can not get the spiritual food from the Bible by themselves; they must rely on others to unfold God’s words to receive the light. However, those who grow up spiritually can take the solid food. They can believe what are hard for others to believe; they can be obedient to bear with things that others think unbearable; they can get the instructions and revelations from the words of God; they can accept the teachings from the Holy Spirit; and understand many spiritual things.

2. The spiritual infant is not acquainted with the teaching about righteousness. Those who are mature spiritually have trained themselves to distinguish good from evil. “is not acquainted with ”, that is, does not always accept, understand, put it into practice and train oneself. As to the truths in the Bible and other spiritual things, one need to humble oneself in front of God, and understand, ponder, exercise and experience with the wisdom given by Holy Spirit in order to be acquaint with them.

However, the spiritual infants are slow in faith, do not seek to make progress in the spiritual life, and are childish and lazy on the knowledge of the truth; therefore, they are not acquainted with the teaching about righteousness. Here, there are two things that need to be acquainted with; that is, “the teaching about righteousness” and the spiritual “senses” (A.M.P.). “the teaching about righteousness” refers to the truth of righteousness and goodness in the Bible from God. We must frequently read, think and practice, just as practicing the weapon for the fights ; we must rely on LORD, keep on practicing it in doing what is good and righteous, and leading others to LORD, so that to be acquaint with it. To have the spiritual “senses” , we should always care about the will of God, be obedient to the guidance of the Holy Spirit, observe the principles of the deeds of God, practice it from one’s own spiritual experience so that to have better understandings. We should practice it from these two aspects, then we are able to “distinguish good from evil” (including the right and wrong on the truth and spiritual life).


1. Zhongdao Chen: “The Lectures on the Bible Studying of the Letters in New Testament”.

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