
To Be One in Christ: We Have Treasure in the Jars of Clay (15)-3

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To Be One in Christ: We Have Treasure in the Jars of Clay -- the Series of Explanation and Analysis of Scripture (15) - 3

The Explanation and Analysis of the Verses in Chapter 3 of HEBREWS

It is edited and compiled under the guidance of Holy Spirit. All thanks, praises and glories be to God!

The Supremacy of Christ: (III) Christ is greater than all the servants of God and prophets: Christ is greater than Moses

Moses is the first great leader of the Israelites. He is the first worker who was raised up by God in the times of laws. He has lofty position in the minds of the Israelites. Therefore, after proving that Christ is much superior to the angels in the spiritual worlds, in this chapter, it does a comparison between Christ and the one who is most respectful to the Israelites -- Moses, to prove that Christ is greater than Moses.

Christ is greater than Moses (3:1-6)

1. Christ is similar to and greater than Moses (3:1-2)

A. as the apostle (3:1)

B. as the mediator (3:1)

C. as Savior (3:1)

D. was faithful to the one who appointed him (3:2)

E. was faithful in all God's house (3:2)

2. Christ is different from Moses and greater than Moses (3:3-6)

A. the difference between the builder and a house (3:3)

B. the difference between God and man (3:4)

C. the difference between the Son and a servant(3:5-6)

Firstly, it shows the similarity and superiority of Christ to Moses; then it points out the completely different characteristics of Christ and Moses. By doing such a comparison, the believers will not mistaken Moses as even being close to Christ because of some of their similarities.

1. Christ is similar to and greater than Moses (3:1-2)

HEBREWS 3:1-2 Therefore, holy brothers, who share in the heavenly calling, fix your thoughts on Jesus, the apostle and high priest whom we confess. He was faithful to the one who appointed him, just as Moses was faithful in all God's house.


“holy brothers, who share in the heavenly calling, fix your thoughts on Jesus”:

Before making the comparison on the similarity and difference between Christ and Moses, the Bible reminds the believers firstly to “fix your thoughts on Jesus”. It is because the result of fixing our thoughts on Christ will make us know that He is surpassing than all things. On the contrary, the result of fixing our thoughts on men, will generate two harmful influences: either we will worship too much the one we fix our thoughts on, or we will despise that one too much. We should make good use of our thoughts to think of Christ. Here, it points out that there are two reasons that we should fix our thoughts on Christ:

A. We all “share in the heavenly calling”

It indicates that we all share in the heavenly calling, set apart from the world, and become the heavenly people . We received the heavenly life, and are waiting for the kingdom of the heaven. Therefore, we should fix our thoughts on the heavenly things (Col 3:1-2) and seek the heavenly wisdom so that although we are on the earth, we can live the heavenly life.

B. We are all “holy brothers”

Christ is the holiness of the believers in Christ (1Co 1:30). The believers received the holy status because of being in Christ (1Co 1:2; 6:11; 1Pe 1:2; 2:9). We should think of Christ more in order to be one in Christ, so that we can live a holy life the same as Him.

Moses is part of the typology of Christ. These two verses shows that the similarity and superiority of Christ to Moses from five aspects:

A. as the apostle (3:1)

Moses is also the apostle of God (Exo 3:10). He was sent by God to proclaim the care and salvation of God for the Israelites, taught the Israelites what God spoke to him, and represented God to speak to the Israelites. However, Jesus Christ was sent as the apostle of the New Testament (Joh 5:36-38) to proclaim the love of God to the whole world (Joh 3:16), and reveal God completely to us -- more complete than the revelations given through Moses and all the prophets. Moses used to overcome Pharaoh through all kinds of sings and wonders ( from God actually). However, Christ rose from the dead and overcame the real “Pharaoh” who holds the power of death -- the devil.

B. as the mediator (3:1)

Moses is also the mediator of the old covenant (Gal 3:19-20); he stood between the Israelites and God and appealed for the Israelites (Exo 32:30-32). However, Jesus as the “high priest” is the mediator of the new covenant and is greater than Moses; for He stands between all the believers -- the true Israelites (Rom 2:28-29) and God and appeals for the believers (Heb 7:25; Rom 8:26).

C. as Savior (3:1)

“Jesus” originally means Savior. Moses is the savior of the Israelites and rescued them from the hand of the Pharaoh (Act 7:35). However, Christ is the Savior of the people in the whole world (1Ti 2:5-6; Joh 4:42) and rescues us from the life of the slaves to sins. Although Moses saved the Israelites out of the Egypt, but he did not lead them into Canaan. However, Christ not only rescued us from the pains of sins and evils, but also will rescue our bodies and souls into the true rest (Mat 11:28-29; 1Th 5:23-24).

D. was faithful to the one who appointed him (3:2)

Jesus Christ was appointed by God (Heb 1:2); Moses was also appointed by God (1Sa 12:6). However, God appointed Moses only for the Israelites; but appointed Christ for everyone. Although Moses was faithful to God in his entire life till his death, he died for his own sins (Num 20:10-13; Deu 32:48-52). However, Christ is faithful to God, and he died for the sins of the sinners (1Pe 2:24).

E. was faithful in all God's house (3:2)

Although Moses was faithful the same as Christ in all God’s house. However, to Moses, “all God's house ” were only limited to the Israelites of the Old Testament; to Christ, “all God's house ” include all the churches at all times and in all countries.

2. Christ is different from Moses and greater than Moses (3:3-6)

There are three points to prove that Christ is completely different from Moses and is much superior:

A. the difference between the builder and a house (3:3)

HEBREWS 3:3 Jesus has been found worthy of greater honor than Moses, just as the builder of a house has greater honor than the house itself.


Moses is inferior to Christ, just as a house is inferior to the builder. The house is only a workmanship; the builder of the house is engineer. The magnificence of the project of the house shows that the engineer’s work is great. Therefore, if the “house” is honored, the builder of the house should has greater honor. Moses is only a “house”, though he is the greatest leader of the Israelites in the Old Testament, he used to lead the Israelites out of the Egypt, spoke the laws of God to them, did a lot of signs and wonders, and was the most humble man in the world at that time. It is all because “the builder of a house” made him so. Moses is only a creation; while Christ is the Creator. How big the difference is between the potter and clay, so big the difference is between Christ and Moses. “For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. ” (Eph 2:10) All of our fruit of spiritual virtues, gifts and work, together with spiritual achievements, are all the work of God and prove the great power of Gospel.

B. the difference between God and man (3:4)

HEBREWS 3:4 For every house is built by someone, but God is the builder of everything.


This verse continues the previous verse. It uses the fact that every house is built by someone, to prove that there must be a Creator for the origin of men and the achievements of men, who give them all kinds of wisdom and capabilities. And the One who created men and give men the wisdom and capabilities, is God -- the builder of everything (Gen 1:26-28). Moses is only a man created by God, and only a creation among all things created by God. However, Jesus Christ is God. Man and God are completely not of a kind. No matter how capable a man is, he is still a man, and far below God. Thus, Moses is far inferior to Christ.

C. the difference between the Son and a servant(3:5-6)

HEBREWS 3:5-6upper Moses was faithful as a servant in all God's house, testifying to what would be said in the future. But Christ is faithful as a son over God's house.


Moses is a servant of God; this has been mentioned in the Old Testament for many times (Exo 14;31; Num 12:7; Deu 34:5). However, Christ is the Son of God (Joh 1:18; 3:16,36). Although Moses was faithful in all God’s house, he only stood at the position of a servant. The biggest difference between a servant and the son being in charge of the house is the complete difference in authority and status. The servant administers the housework according to the will of the master; however, the son can distribute the work among the servants according to his own will. The former is “agent”; the latter is “master”.

And the purpose that Moses was faithful in all God’s house, is “testifying to what would be said in the future”. “what would be said in the future” refers to Christ and His Gospel with great power. Moses was faithful to administer the people for God, and spoke the laws of God to them; all that he faithfully taught to the people is just the typology, in order to prove how the coming Christ would save and teach his people, and administer all God’s house. Therefore, the faithfulness of Moses is only the typology of Christ who is truly worthy of administering all God’s house.

HEBREWS 3:6latter And we are his house, if we hold on to our courage and the hope of which we boast.


“our courage and the hope of which we boast” refer to the courage and hope of believing in Gospel. The Gospel makes us have the hope of glory in the heaven (Col 1:5,23; 1Pe 1:3; 2Th 2:16; Tit 1:2); it also asks us to have the courage to obey the will of God bravely (Act 4:13,29-31; 5:29; 14:22; Luk 12:4,5,8-9; Rom 1:16; 10:9-10 ). The devil often scares people so that they are timid to accept the Gospel , and dare not to preach Gospel. Therefore, the Bible tells us that the cowardly and the unbelieving will be in the fiery lake of burning sulfur (Rev 21:8). However, the result of accepting the Gospel bravely, makes us filled up with the hope and courage though faith; such a hope and courage is boatful and glorious, and is what we should hold on to firmly.

If we hold on to this courage and hope of believing in Gospel, “we are his house”; that is, let the Son of God administer us. “But Christ is faithful as a son over God's house. And we are his house”. It tells us that:

A. We should offer ourselves as the house of God, as the temple of the Holy Spirit, and let Christ dwell in and take charge of this house (1Co 5:19; Eph 2:22).

B. We should regard the hope of the faith in Gospel as what is boastful, glorious and authentic, hold on to this hope bravely, and should absolutely not be shameful about it (Rom 1:16; 1Pe 1:3-4).

C. We should keep on holding on to this hope and courage to the end, and should have a constant and authentic faith and love, but should not only be moved momentarily and have a temporary “faith”(Luk 8:13; 1Ti 1:5; 2Ti 1:5); thus, we can persist to the end.

The WARNINGS on the Salvation: (II) Those who do not believe in and obey God can not enter God’s rest (3:7-4:13)

The whole event that Moses led the Israelites out of the Egypt is the typology and warning that Christ save and bring people into the kingdom of heaven. It is also one of the reasons that God use four volumes in the Bible to record this history of the Israelites. The historical event itself is the pen of God. In the book of Hebrews, it makes it very clear that this is the warning to our believers.

1. The warning messages against those who can not enter God’s rest (3:7-19)

A. Take the history of the Israelites as the warning (3:7-11)

B. Encourage one another daily, as long as it is called Today (3:12-14)

C. Several questions as the warnings (3:15-19)

2. The encouragements to enter God’s rest (4:1-13) (will be discussed in next article on chapter 4 of HEBREWS)

A. The promise to enter God’s rest (4:1-3)

B. Illuminate the significance of several kinds of rest (4:4 - 10)

C. Make every effort to enter that rest (4:11-13)

1. The warning messages against those who can not enter God’s rest (3:7-19)

A. Take the history of the Israelites as the warning (3:7-11)

HEBREWS 3:7-11 So, as the Holy Spirit says: "Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts as you did in the rebellion, during the time of testing in the desert, where your fathers tested and tried me and for forty years saw what I did. That is why I was angry with that generation, and I said, 'Their hearts are always going astray, and they have not known my ways.' So I declared on oath in my anger, 'They shall never enter my rest.' "


These verses are cited from (Psa 95:7) (It also proves that the words of the Psalms are from the Holy Spirit). Although from the time that David wrote these words to the time that this book cited these words, there are about one thousand years. However, these words from Holy Spirit not only can warn the Israelites in the times of David, but also can warn the believers in the times of the New Testament. It is because these words is the typology of what is coming. Although the Israelites and the believers receive different graces from God, they have the infirmities in common. Therefore, it is proper for them to receive the similar warnings.

HEBREWS 3:7-8 So, as the Holy Spirit says: "Today, if you hear his voice, not harden your hearts as you did in the rebellion, during the time of testing in the desert,


The words of Holy Spirit have eternal effects. His words are always for “today”. In the vision, Christ asked John to write it down “He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. ” (Rev 2:7). Nowadays, Holy Spirit not only speaks to us through the servants of God with the words in the Bible. He also through the Bible in everything, speaks in the minds of the believers (1Jo 2:27). He also speaks to us through the historical examples and the actions of others. Therefore, the believers must always pay attention to what Holy Spirit speaks to us.

“today” has been used for three times in verses of (3:7-15): (3:7,13,15). It is the most important word in these verses. “today” implies that:

(1) It shows the patience and tolerance of God. Although men have been rebellious for many times, God tolerate them till today. If they listen to God “today”, it won’ t be too late.

(2) It shows that God have earnest expectation for you and me. God anticipate to see you and me start to “hear his voice ” and do not harden our hearts any longer.

(3) It shows that there are only a few chances left to hear Him. “Today” is the time of God's favor (2Co 6:2) . If misses it, one might miss the chance to accept the grace. The chance that God give people is the time when they are alive in this world. “Today”, in this world, the people still have chances to repent and turn to God. Once one’s life is end in this world, he will never have the chance any more.

(4) It shows the attitude of those who truly will “hear his voice ”. Those who truly listen to Holy Spirit, they will hear today, and absolutely won’t postpone it to tomorrow. Otherwise, they might not be the one who wants to “hear his voice ” sincerely.

(5) It shows that the grace of God is ready-made, and the salvation of Christ is prepared well already. As long as they accept it right now, they will receive and get it right now.

“do not harden your hearts ”:

It shows that to hear the voice, one needs to put it into practice. If on one hand, they harden their hearts; on the other hand, they say they hear the voice; in such a way “to hear his voice” is fake. Whoever accepts the words of Holy Spirit, should be gentle and humble in heart (Jam 1:21). Those Israelites who got out of the Egypt, on their mouth said that they would listen to the words of God (Exo 19:8; 24:3), while their hearts were hardened. Therefore, if we hear God, we must not harden our hearts like those Israelites. According to the Bible, the Israelites are the people: who are hardened in their hearts (Heb3:8), who are stiff-necked (Exo 32:9), and who are disobedient and obstinate (Rom 10:21).

These several verses are cited as the evidence of the failure of the Israelites and the object lesson and warning to the believers. The failure of others is often the best lesson for ourselves. From another viewpoint, since there are the former mistakes that one can learn from , if one still steps the predecessor's road to disaster, he won’t be forgiven any more! Here, it mentions about four situations of the Israelites.

(1) wandering in the desert:

Although the Israelites were out of Egypt, they still wandered in the desert. Their life in the desert was a life that made God angry. They had their minds set on what that nature desires, and bore in mind constantly the slavery life in Egypt and the pleasures in sins. They lacked faith and were filled with all kinds of complaints and failures.

The spiritual journey of many believers remains at the stage of wandering in the desert. They also lack faith, bear in mind constantly the pleasure in sins, even indulge in the sinful nature, disobey the words of God, and do not live a godly and sanctified life; they often fail, doubt ad complain God, and provoke the anger of God.

HEBREWS 3:9 where your fathers tested and tried me and for forty years saw what I did.


(2) tested and tried God:

They had sinful, unbelieving hearts; this is the basic reason that they often grumbled. According to (Num 14:22), they disobeyed and tested God ten times; these ten times of testing God are all because of their disbelief and setting their minds on their selfish desires.

“ and for forty years saw what I did”, while they were watching the great deeds of God, at the same time, they disobeyed and tested God. Not only they acted in this way in the first two years after getting out of Egypt, but also in the thirty eight years of being disciplined afterwards they still did not change. Many people took it as the reason of their unbelieving that they did not see it . However, the experience of the Israelites proved that if they did not get rid of the sinful and unbelieving heart, even though they watched the deeds of God for as long as forty years, it is still useless.

In the letters of the New Testament, it often warns that the believers must not test God (1Co 10:9-11; Jam 1:13); and must not think that the judgment of God won’t come (Ecc 12:14). The Israelites at that time not only tested God, but also for many times they did not think that God would judge them on what they did. This can be proved from their complaints and blames on Moses for many times and betrayed Moses (Num 11:1-9,31-35; 12:1-16; 14:1-10,26-35; 16:1-35, 41-50). Nowadays, there are many people think that the punishment of God will not come upon them, or they think that God won’t judge them so fast, and so seriously. However, in the New Testament, there is very clear statement (Heb 9;27; Rom 1:32; 2:1-2; 1Co 3:10-15; 2Co 5:10; 2Pe 2:4-7; 3:4-7; Jud 1:5-7); those who do not believe will receive the life judgment (Rev 20:11-15), and the believers will also be judged (1Pe 4:17); no matter who they are they will be judged. Therefore, we must not keep a tentative attitude to wait and see how and when God will judge us. The believers must not change the grace of our God into a license for indulgence in the sinful nature; mistakenly think that there is no judgment. They must rely on LORD, live a godly and sanctified life, otherwise it will be too late for them to repent. God save us to be away from the sins, but not to let us stay in sins at ease.

HEBREWS 3:10 That is why I was angry with that generation, and I said, 'Their hearts are always going astray, and they have not known my ways.'


(3) “Their hearts are always going astray”:

The will and the deeds of God are very clear to the Israelites. The laws of God were given to them clearly through Moses. In the forty years, God did a lot of obvious miracles to them, for examples: used ten plagues to strike the Egypt; divided the Red Sea; made manna come down; brought the water out of the rock; and defeated Amalekites for them. All of these proved clearly that they are the deeds from God. However, since they had sinful and unbelieving hearts and set their minds on their own desires and sinful nature, such that their hearts were still always going astray and even were not clear about the apparent will of God and His rules on the conducts. On one hand, they offered the sacrifice, held the festival and fasted; on the other hand, they worshiped the golden calves, blasphemed God, desired for Egypt, and disbelieved the promise of God. Therefore, God was angry at what they did, for they did not obey the will of God wholeheartedly. Note that the Bible says that “their hearts are always going astray” , but not that their brains are going astray. If one’s heart goes astray, even though he has a smart head, he might also do something foolish.

Nowadays, there are many believers whose hearts go astray from God. Although they know that the redemption of Christ had accomplished already, their hearts often go astray and their faith to God are not firm, and do not know to closely rely on the new life of Christ in them to obey the will of God.

HEBREWS 3:11 So I declared on oath in my anger, 'They shall never enter my rest.' "


(4) “'They shall never enter my rest”:

“So I declared on oath in my anger, 'They shall never enter my rest.' ”. This verse indicates that the Israelites in front of the promise land, heard and believed the bad report spread by the spies, grumbled and did not have faith to enter that land; God got angry and did not allow them to enter the land of Canaan, and they had to turn back and wander in the desert till they died in the desert (Num 14:1-35; Deu 2:14). Since this verse follows the preceding verse “for forty years saw what I did”, it explains the reason that the Israelites can not enter Canaan, is because they tested God for many times, and they had sinful and unbelieving hearts; even after wandering for forty years, they remained the same.

Note that; it is not that God would not have His chosen people enter Canaan. It is because the situation of their disbelief did not allow them to enter. God did not destroy them completely in the desert at once, but in 38 years. In this 38 years, on one hand, it shows that God’s tolerance to them; on the other hand, it proved that they should die in the desert and were not worthy of entering into Canaan.

“'They shall never enter my rest”:

This shows that Canaan is the typology of God’s rest, that is the heaven. Not to enter Canaan means destruction. The land of Canaan is the promise land to the Israelites, just as the land of heaven is the promise land to the believers. The blood of the lamb of the Passover saved all the Israelites to get out of Egypt where they used to be the slaves, just as the blood of Christ saved all the believers to be released from the bindings of the slaves of sins and evils. The Spirit of Christ lives in us and guides us as the mediator to walk through the road in the desert of this world. However, many believers are like most of the Israelites, set their minds on their own desires and sinful nature, lack faith; their hearts are always go astray from the salvation of Christ; and they are not willing to deny themselves and carry the cross to follow LORD to walk on the road to be holy; the warning to such believers is: they can not enter God’s rest.

B. Encourage one another daily, as long as it is called Today (3:12-14)

HEBREWS 3:12 See to it, brothers, that none of you has a sinful, unbelieving heart that turns away from the living God.


Here, it admonishes them to “see to it”: it is to remind those nominal Christians, for they might have “a sinful, unbelieving heart” without being aware of it by themselves.

“turns away from the living God”, indicates to lose their faith in God and turn away from the living God; such people will go to destruction.

“that none of you has a sinful, unbelieving heart that turns away from the living God. ” It is obvious that “unbelieving” especially refers to unbelieving the living God. “unbelieving” the living God is the biggest sin in the Bible. These people do not believe in the living God, while they are among the believers, they are certainly the nominal Christians. They know that God give men the eternal life and the way that He give people to get the eternal life, but they turn away from it, their end is surely the destruction.

HEBREWS 3:13 But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called Today, so that none of you may be hardened by sin's deceitfulness.


“Today” in the verse of “as long as it is called Today” refers to the day that one lives in this world. It is the time that LORD delay His coming, and it is time that we can encourage one another to trust and rely on LORD. Once the end of the body of flesh comes, everything is determined; no one can retrieve or change what has been decided by God any longer. Therefore, we must live a life of encouraging one another daily.

To encourage one another “daily” implies that it is not something to be done for only once, but frequently and daily. Since we might fall on each day, be tempted and deceived by sins, although we might have encouraged one another before, we still need to encourage one another all the same now. It is the same as the teaching that we should deny ourselves and carry the cross “daily” (Luk 9:23).

To encourage “one another ” shows that no one is superior to others, that he can encourage others and does not need to be encouraged by others. To encourage “one another” illustrates that everyone should admit that he is weak and the same as others that he also needs the reminders and supports from the brothers. Although there might be someone who is comparatively stronger among the brothers, there is no one who is absolutely strong. Although there are some who overcome more and are less defeated, there is no one who never fails. Therefore, no one can be self-conceited and refuse to listen to the advice because he is in LORD longer than others, or his status is higher than others in church, or he receives more gifts than others and so on. Everyone should speak the truth in love (Eph 4:15) to one another.

“none of you may be hardened by sin's deceitfulness”:

Sins and evils often have capacitive deceitfulness. Everyone is possible to be deceived by sins; therefore, one must be watchful. Our fights against the sins will not end until the death of the body of the flesh. Whoever is careless to deal with sin's deceitfulness, must be easier to be deceived by sins than others. If one falls into sins, his heart toward God will be hardened. Here, it tells us that the reason that many people’s hearts are so hardened toward God and they refuse to repent, and say a lot of words and excuses to defend themselves, even slander the truths on the Bible; it is actually because they are deceived by the sins, and are afraid of being blamed, and are not willing to give up their sins.

“none of you may be hardened by sin's deceitfulness”; it can be compared with the previous verse of “See to it, brothers, that none of you has a sinful, unbelieving heart that turns away from the living God. ”. It is obvious that a hardened heart that is deceived by sins, often results from a sinful and unbelieving heart; if one does not believe that the heavenly happiness promised by God and the judgment after death are authentic and sure, he is easy to be deceived by sins of this world.

HEBREWS 3:14 We have come to share in Christ if we hold firmly till the end the confidence we had at first.


“the confidence ”:

One’s confidence in the faith is the root and foundation of the relationship between him and God. We must connect and commune with God through faith. Therefore, we must have authentic and reliable confidence. All the outward relationships due to the circumstances, such as joining the church, can not substitute the function of the faith to make us have the spiritual experience. On the contrary, without a reliable confidence in faith, one’s faith can not last long and will vary with the change of the circumstance.

“the confidence we had at first”:

refers to the true confidence in faith we had at first; it is in contrast to “a sinful, unbelieving heart”. The true confidence in faith makes one share in Christ; “a sinful, unbelieving heart” makes one turn away from the living god, even though he is in the church and among the brothers. The Bible gives these two kinds of attitudes as a comparison, so that the believers will know what they must take hold of, and what they should test themselves carefully about.

The true confidence in faith is to take hold of the faith to the end. On the contrary, a temporary faith must be a false faith. For example, in the parable of sower given by LORD Jesus, those seeds that fell into the shallow soil on the rocky places, although they had the faith for a while, they are not truly confident in the faith. The true faith is taken hold of in a noble and good heart, who hear the word, retain it, and by persevering produce a crop (Luk 8:11-15) -- that is, the confidence held firmly till the end.

“if we hold firmly till the end the confidence we had at first”:

This is an encouragement to those who have had the reliable faith. Since in the previous verse, the Bible has warned them against those who had a sinful, unbelieving heart and turned away from the living God. Here, it is to encourage those who had a reliable confidence in the faith at first. If they have reliable confidence in the faith at first, they should have a firm attitude and hold on to what they believed at first. It is because if we hold on firmly till the end the confidence we had at first, we will share in Christ. Whether a Christian shares in Christ or not, depends on whether he holds firmly the confidence he had at first “till the end” or not. Then, it can be decided whether he shares in Christ or not. “Till the end ” refers to the end of the life of the body of flesh.

“have come to share in Christ ”:

“in Christ ”, those who have reliable confidence at first, are in Christ already (Joh 17:23; 1Co 1:2-5; 2Co 1:21-22; Gal 2:17; 3:27-29; Eph 3:6; 4:12-13; 5:31-32; Col 3:3, 11 and so on). Every Christian has the life of Christ.

However, only “if we hold firmly till the end the confidence we had at first”, we “have come to share in Christ ”. Therefore, here, to “share in Christ ” has different meanings. According to the context, it can be told that it indicates to share in Christ’s rest. Originally, it can be translated as “are made partakers of Christ” or “have become fellows with Christ (the Messiah) and share in all He has for us”. The “partakers” and “fellows ” refer to those saints who hold on firmly to the faith with reliable confidence, live a life of Christ to be one in Christ. Therefore, only those who press on to pursue to be one in Christ can eventually share in Christ’s rest and enter the promise land of eternity.

The Christians should all examine themselves carefully, and should not be unworthy of the grace of LORD. All should rely on LORD to do good and what is righteous, lead others to LORD, live a godly and sanctified life, live the life of Christ, and make every effort to be one in Christ. In this way, one will really share in Christ, enter the promise land and get the blessing of eternal life that God are willing to give us.

C. Several questions as the warnings (3:15-19)

In the previous verses, when it cites the event that the Israelites got out of Egypt, it inserts some encouragements and comforts with the warnings; in these following verses, it continues in the citation of the event to give some questions to inspire the believers in their thoughts subjectively, so that they can understand the historical lessons given above, be touched deeply and benefit from it.

HEBREWS 3:15 As has just been said: "Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts as you did in the rebellion."


This verse is cited already in the previous verse of (3:7-8), and it will be cited again in (4:7). It has been cited repeatedly for several times. It is obvious that the believers should pay much careful attention to this warning. This verse tells us that God used to get angry at those disobedient Israelites; in the end, on the day of God's wrath, His righteous judgment will also be revealed to those who are disobedient to Him (Rom 2:4-5). However, nowadays, God is still waiting for us to hear His voice. Since we have seen a lot of precedents in the past, and heard a lot of warnings about the future, we should not harden our hearts and should hear His voice as long as it is called “today”.

HEBREWS 3:16 Who were they who heard and rebelled? Were they not all those Moses led out of Egypt?


Question 1: regarding out of the Egypt

Unexpectedly, those who provoked the anger of God were those Moses led out of Egypt, but not the Israelites were still at Egypt. God used to deliver them with great deeds: stroke down every firstborn of Egyptians, divided the water in the Red Sea for them, made the manna come down form the heaven as the food for their journey in the desert. However, those who in the desert provoked the anger of God for many times, were these people, and those who were punished heavily by God were again these people.

This is what we should take as the warning and the lesson. Since we are rescued by Christ from the pains of sins and evils and the ultimate death, we must not desire the pleasures in sins, complain the arrangements of God, indulge in the sinful nature and selfish desires, and provoke the anger of God.

HEBREWS 3:17 And with whom was he angry for forty years? Was it not with those who sinned, whose bodies fell in the desert?


Question 2: regarding walking in the desert

God hate sins, evils and wickedness. Although they left Egypt and were walking in the desert, and God had taken a lot of troubles for them, these can not make God appease their sins without looking into their wrongdoings. Although they were out of Egypt, they fell dead in the desert.

This is what the believers nowadays should fear with trembling about. Although we were redeemed, and God show His great kindness to us, it does not mean that He do not hate the sins and wickedness of us any more. Those who are rescued from the sins and evils, can still make God sad by their sins. Therefore, we must not be satisfied with the rebirth, and we must pursue the holy life, live the life of Christ to be one in Christ to overcome sins and evils, the sinful nature, and all the spiritual enemies, so that to enter Christ’s rest.

HEBREWS 3:18-19 And to whom did God swear that they would never enter his rest if not to those who disobeyed ? So we see that they were not able to enter, because of their unbelief.


Question 3: regarding entering Canaan

Here, it points out that although the Israelites were out of Egypt, they did not enter Canaan. Although they were saved, they did not enter His rest. The biggest reason is “their unbelief”. Their eyes only looked at the difficulties on the current journey, they did not believe that the promise of God can realize, and did not believe God can lead them go through this difficult desert to get into Canaan. Such a sinful, unbelieving heart is the reason that made them unable to enter Canaan. Actually, the purpose that God led them out of Egypt, is to let them enter the promise land of God. However, the result of their unbelief is to make them unable to enter where God want them to enter.

Nowadays, there are also many believers who only look at the difficulties in the circumstances and their own infirmities, look at the fearfulness of the tests and the failure of men, do not believe in the promise of God, are not willing to pursue the triumphal life to enter Christ’s rest, and consider it impossible. Their entire life is wasted in failures, worries and complaints, and will go to destruction in sins, disbelief and disobedience.


1. Zhongdao Chen: “The Lectures on the Bible Studying of the Letters in New Testament”.

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