
To Be One in Christ: We Have Treasure in the Jars of Clay (7)-2

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To Be One in Christ: We Have Treasure in the Jars of Clay -- the Series of Explanation and Analysis of Scripture (7)-2

The Explanation and Analysis of Some of the Verses in Chapter 2 of PHILIPPIANS

“If you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any fellowship with the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose. Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others. Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to death-- even death on a cross!” (PHILIPPIANS 2:1-8)

The believers have the Holy Spirit of Christ dwell in them. If there is any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any fellowship with the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, these are all the grace brought by the work of the Holy Spirit.

To be one in Christ, the believers should have the same mind, thought, purpose and love and so on as that of Christ. For the believers to be one in Christ, that is to be one in spirit, including mind, thought, feeling and so on. The believers should make every effort to pursue that Christ in their spirit immerse and change their entire life to achieve the true being one.

“Selfish ambition ” and “vain conceit” are acts of the sinful nature, not acts in Christ. If the believers can see Christ on others (strong points), and see the old self on yourselves (weak points), you are able to “consider others better than yourselves”.

“Humility ” is the virtue that is most difficult to have among all the virtues, yet is a necessary virtue. The reason that Satan became Satan is because of its pride. Pride is the biggest enemy for us to be one in Christ and must be get rid of. “In humility ” is the essential way to be one in Christ. Pride is the biggest barrier to be one; a proud person can not be one in Christ. Pride comes from ignorance. We are the created. Apart from LORD, we have no good thing. All the power, wisdom, knowledge, smartness and understanding and so on are from LORD. All thanks, praises and glories should be to LORD.

Our problems in the old Adam all come from our “self, selfishness, self-pride”; and it is also the chain that is most difficult to get rid of. The worldly people benefit oneself at the expense of others; while the believers benefit others at the expense of oneself. To “look to the interests of others” is a life of giving up oneself.

The attitude of the believers are the same as that of Christ, that is, being one in Christ. The believers must have the mind and attitude of Christ first, then they will have the mind and attitude mentioned in previous verses(1-4). Only those who have the same mind of “make oneself nothing” as that of Christ, can look to the interests of others. The Christians must centre on Christ, fix eyes on Christ, have the same attitude as that of Him, have the same mind as that of Him, has His Spirit as their spirit, and conduct themselves the same as He does; thus, there will be the true and sweet communion and being one.

Christ is the Only Son that God loves, and in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form. However, He made himself in human likeness and in humility took the nature of a servant. He willingly gave up everything to save the worldly people to obey the will of heavenly Father; this is the attitude of Christ! Christ made himself nothing in order to serve us. The workers who take their job to serve other saints, what they need most is to make themselves nothing. Sometimes, we can not bear with the despise and insults from others. It is because we have not been willing to make ourselves nothing for LORD and deny ourselves to carry the cross yet. The more one empties himself, the less demands he has; one who makes himself completely nothing, won’t have any demand.

To humble himself and to be completely obedient to God, these are the most significant characteristics of the life of Christ. He poured out his life unto death. To humble himself and to be completely obedient to God can not be separated. The more we humble ourselves, the more we are obedient to God. The obedience of LORD is “obedient to death”. A life that trusts and obeys God, humbles oneself and denies oneself is the life of Christ. It is a life that those who are one in Christ should have.

“Continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling”. We should have the attitude of positive fear and reverence, rely on the source of strength -- God wholeheartedly. “Work out your salvation ”, indicates that after the rebirth, by relying on the life of God, live the practice of the faith; that is, hold out the salvation that God give in us with our deeds. Since LORD Jesus who we believe in and follow is obedient, we believers should be obedient to live the salvation of God. To “work out ” our salvation, is to ask us to be obedient, and be obedient with fear and trembling. A mind of obedience is the starting point for we believers to work out the salvation. The believers should try their best to obey the teachings on the Bible and be obedient all the time.

When the believers work out their salvations, they should be with “fear and trembling”. If they are too confident and careless, they won’t fulfill the good will of God on them. The believers must carefully deal with the spiritual illness -- selfishness, self-pride, self-seeking and disobedience to recover the health ( the original meaning of salvation) in Christ, in order to be one in Christ.

As long as we rely on God closely, we don’t need to be afraid that we can not work out our salvations. The reason that we can live the power of the salvation, is because of the works of God in us. The believers only need to obey the works of God in us, because this work has the mighty power. God want men to cooperate with Him. Therefore, on one side, there is the work of the mighty power of God; on the other side, it also needs men to will and to act. God do not want us to be a robot. We must have the attitude of being willingly obedient and denying oneself willingly; then God will work on us. The good purpose of God is that we live the salvation that we have received on us.

“Do everything without complaining or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe as you hold out the word of life--in order that I may boast on the day of Christ that I did not run or labor for nothing.” (Php 2:14-16)

We should not complain and argue, and should make every effort to become blameless and pure. This world weighs all the truth by selfish viewpoints, and there is no righteousness. Therefore, it is both crooked and depraved. This world becomes more and more crooked, more and more depraved. Therefore, as to the Christians live in this world, they should not follow this world and go the same defiled way of the world; they should rely on the grace of LORD to be the mainstay in the currents, and with a step further to guide the worldly people back to the real truth; these are the duties of the Christians. The believers are the light of this world, to shine and to testify to the worldly people. As to those who belong to Christ, their life should be bright. The believers do not give out the light directly, but reflect the glorious light of LORD. Those who are not separated from God, who are willing to give up oneself and break the jars of clay can give out the light of life. The responsibility of the believers is to be seen by the worldly people. God is the absolute criterion of our life. He is the eternal and unchanging truth in the universe. We should be the true children of God and the children of light to hold out the word of life. As long as the believers are willing to trust and obey, “the word of life” will work in them. The believers live in accordance to His work, that is to “hold out” to others.

It is edited and compiled under the guidance of Holy Spirit. All thanks, praises and glories be to God!


PHILIPPIANS 2:1 “ If you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any fellowship with the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, ”


“have any encouragement from being united with Christ”:

Because of being in Christ, have some encouragements from the Holy Spirit of Christ.

“any comfort from his love”:

refers to the gentle word from the love of Christ.

“any fellowship with the Spirit”:

indicates that the believers share in the Holy Spirit or commune with each other in the Holy Spirit.


refers to inward feeling.


refers to outward expression.


(1) The believers have the Holy Spirit of Christ dwell in them. If there is any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any fellowship with the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, these are all the grace brought by the work of the Holy Spirit.

PHILIPPIANS 2:2 “ then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose. ”


“being like-minded, … being one in spirit and purpose. ”:

indicates that the believers should have the same mind, thought and attitude as that of Christ.


(1) To be one in Christ, the believers should have the same mind, thought, purpose and love and so on as that of Christ.

(2) For the believers to be one in Christ, that is to be one in spirit, including mind, thought, feeling and so on.

(3) The believers should make every effort to pursue that Christ in their spirit immerse and change their entire life to achieve the true being one.

(4) Verse 2 are the effects and results of verse 1. These are the requirements to the believers: the encouragements produce the same mind; the love and comforts produce the same love; the fellowship with Holy Spirit produces the same spirit and purpose.

PHILIPPIANS 2:3 “ Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. ”


“Do nothing out of selfish ambition ”:

“selfish ambition ”, such as dividing people due to self-seeking or biasing to benefit oneself and so on.

“selfish ambition ” and “vain conceit” are acts of the sinful nature (Gal 5:20), not acts in Christ.

“in humility ”:

refers to being humble in mind. Do not boast, do not be conceited, and do not leave any position in one’s mind for oneself.

“consider others better than yourselves”:

It is not to underestimate one’s capability; but to accept others modestly.


(1) The believers should examine themselves: whether they have the selfish ambition or not? Whether they are conceited or not?

(2) If our opinions to the truth and things vary with different people, that is “selfish ambition”. Knowing clearly that the opinion of oneself is wrong, but still stick to it; such a person has “vain conceit”. For he only cares of his own reputation and other’s praises, but is regardless of the approval of God.

(3) “consider others better than yourselves” is a sign of humility. Only those in humility can find the strong points of others and know they are inferior to others somewhere.

(4) If the believers can see Christ on others (strong points), and see the old self on yourselves (weak points), you are able to “consider others better than yourselves”.

(5) “in humility ” is a prescription directly against “ self - ambition” and “vain conceit”. Whoever said that: “I” have some authority, “I” should get something; are not “in humility ”. The believers do not fake an appearance of “humility ”, but should be humble from their hearts. Those with the humble words in the mouth do not necessarily humble in their minds.

(6) “humility ” means that we bring ourselves low. The original meaning (in KJV version) is “the lowliness of mind”. That is, we lower ourselves like the carpet laid down on the ground to let others walk on us and feel soft and comfortable.

(7) “humility ” is the virtue that is most difficult to have among all the virtues, yet is a necessary virtue. The reason that Satan became Satan is because of its pride. Pride is the biggest enemy for us to be one in Christ and must be get rid of.

(8) “in humility ” is the essential way to be one in Christ. Pride is the biggest barrier to be one; a proud person can not be one in Christ. Pride comes from ignorance. We are the created. Apart from LORD, we have no good thing. All the power, wisdom, knowledge, smartness and understanding and so on are from LORD. All thanks, praises and glories should be to LORD.

PHILIPPIANS 2:4 “ Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others. ”


It is not saying that the believers should look not to their own interests; but it indicates that one should have the same attitude to look to the interests of others at the same time.


(1) when we are with the brothers and sisters, to ourselves, we should “consider others better than yourselves”; to others, we should “but also (look) to the interests of others.”

(2) It is not saying that “should look not to your own interests”, but “should look not only to your own interests”. If one does not look to his own interests, he is a lazy person; if he does not look to others’ interests, he is a proud and merciless person.

(3) The believers should care about others’ needs. However, to themselves, they should not rely on others’ care on everything; but try their best to take care of themselves and look upon the help from God.

(4) Our problems in the old Adam all come from our “self, selfishness, self-pride”; and it is also the chain that is most difficult to get rid of.

(5) The worldly people benefit oneself at the expense of others (Psa 49:18); while the believers benefit others at the expense of oneself. To “ (look) to the interests of others” is a life of giving up oneself.

(6) God allow each of us to have more or less deficiency; but through taking care of one another among the members, all the deficiency can be complemented.

(7) If LORD Jesus is as indifferent as us who do not care about others, there won’t be the present situation of you and me. Therefore, “Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus” (Php 2:5).

PHILIPPIANS 2:5 “ Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus:”


(1) The attitude of the believers are the same as that of Christ, that is, being one in Christ.

(2) The believers must have the mind and attitude of Christ first, then they will have the mind and attitude mentioned from verse 1 to verse 4.

(3) Only those who have the same mind of “make oneself nothing” as that of Christ, can look to the interests of others.

(4) The Christians must centre on Christ, fix eyes on Christ, have the same attitude as that of Him, have the same mind as that of Him, has His Spirit as their spirit, and conduct themselves the same as He does; thus, there will be the true and sweet communion and being one.

PHILIPPIANS 2:6 “ Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, ”


“Who, being in very nature God”:

“In Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form, ” (Col 2:9) He has all the nature of God.

“did not consider equality with God something to be grasped”:

Christ is the Only Son that God loves, He is also God Himself. However, He made himself in human likeness and in humility took the nature of a servant.


(1) He willingly gave up everything to save the worldly people to obey the will of heavenly Father; this is the attitude of Christ!

(2) The worldly people are never willing to give up the rights they already got, that is the very nature of the sinners. Even in the church, many believers are fighting with each other for the rights and power, how shameful it is.

(3) Our LORD never speak for the rights of himself. Please remember, none of us can speak anything for our own rights. All the authorities are in God.

PHILIPPIANS 2:7 “ but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. ”


“made himself nothing”:

This is a metaphor. It indicates that Christ became a man, the Word became flesh. On one hand, He has the complete nature of man; on the other hand, He still has the complete nature of God. What He gave up is not the divine nature, but the glorious appearance and status (Joh 17:5).

“taking the very nature of a servant”:

This emphasizes that He took a humble likeness. It indicates that Christ came to this world according to the will of God and took a humble likeness.

“being made in human likeness”:

It indicates that Christ not only like a man in the appearance, he also has all the true nature of a man (Joh 1:14; Rom 8:3; Heb 2:17). It emphasizes that he was limited as “being a man”; such as he needed to eat when he was hungry and needed to sleep when he was sleepy.


(1) Christ made Himself nothing in order to serve us. The workers who take their job to serve other saints, what they need most is to make themselves nothing.

(2) Sometimes, we can not bear with the despise and insults from others. It is because we have not been willing to make ourselves nothing for LORD and deny ourselves to carry the cross yet.

(3) The more one empties himself, the less demands he has; one who makes himself completely to nothing, won’t have any demand.

PHILIPPIANS 2:8 “ And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to death-- even death on a cross! ”


“became obedient to death”:

emphasizes the thorough and complete obedience of Christ Jesus to God.

“even death on a cross! ”:

emphasizes that Christ Jesus humbled himself to such a extent; for the punishment on the cross is the most shameful and cursed death penalty (Deu 21:23; Gal3:13; Heb 12:2).


(1) To humble himself and to be completely obedient to God, these are the most significant characteristics of the life of Christ (2Co 8:9). He poured out his life unto death (Isa 53:12).

(2) To humble himself and to be completely obedient to God can not be separated. The more we humble ourselves, the more we are obedient to God.

(3) The obedience of LORD is “obedient to death”.

(4) A life that trusts and obeys God, humbles oneself and denies oneself is the life of Christ. It is a life that those who are one in Christ should have.

PHILIPPIANS 2:9 “ Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, ”



shows that the previous verse 6 to verse 8 are the reasons.

“exalted him to the highest place ”:

that is, exalted him to the highest position with highest authorities, and made him the most honorable one.

“gave him the name that is above every name”:

the name represents one’s status and who he is. Therefore, it refers to what the name of “LORD Jesus Christ” (verse 11) represents and His glories status.


(1) The man who is exalted by God is one who humble himself; firstly to be brought low and then to be exalted, this is the way of Christ.

(2) LORD is exalted from the lowest cross to the highest place. The road of the cross, is sufferings first and glories next (Rom 8:17).

(3) The cross is the turning point of LORD from the lowliness to be exalted. The cross is also the standard for us to “humble oneself”, and also the scale whether can be exalted by God or not.

(4) Because of the humility of LORD, God exalted Him to the highest; because of the obedience of LORD, God gave Him the name above all the names.

(5) Honor is set for one who “ does not self-seek honor”.

PHILIPPIANS 2:10 “ that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth,”


“every knee ”:

refers to all things in the universe; nothing is excluded.


indicates to worship.


(1) Because of the obedience of LORD Jesus without holding back anything, He made every knee bow to Him. It is clear that the more the obedience is, the more others will bow to him.

PHILIPPIANS 2:11 “ and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.”


“confess that Jesus Christ is Lord”:

implies that come over and pledge allegiance.


(1) “every tongue ” shows that no one can be the exception. If now we do not admit joyfully that Jesus is the LORD, in the future, before the throne of judgment, will still have to admit that He is the LORD.

(2) The result that Christ is exalted is to give glory to God. Whoever does not glorify LORD falls short of the glory of God.

(3) “the glory of God” should be the principle and motive in the life and work of the believers. If we are stimulated by “to the glory of God”, no only we are willing to do anything, but also can work better.

PHILIPPIANS 2:12 “ Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed--not only in my presence, but now much more in my absence--continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling, ”



continue the preceding verse, shows that Verses 12-18 will tell us, in the practical life, how can one achieve “Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus”.

“with fear and trembling”:

“fear” refers to the fear of God. “trembling” refers to lacking of confidence for oneself. “fear and trembling” are not because of suspicions or anxieties, but indicates to put down the self-confidence, and with the attitude of positive fear and reverence, rely on the source of strength -- God wholeheartedly. This attitude of “fear and trembling” should be our attitude.

“work out your salvation ”:

“work out ” refers to making great efforts to the end. It indicates that after the rebirth, by relying on the life of God, live the practice of the faith (Jam 2:14-26); that is, hold out the salvation that God give in us with our deeds.


(1) Since LORD Jesus who we believe in and follow is obedient, we believers should be obedient to live the salvation of God.

(2) To “work out ” our salvation, is to ask us to be obedient, and be obedient with fear and trembling. A mind of obedience is the starting point for we believers to work out the salvation.

(3) The believers should try their best to obey the teachings on the Bible and be obedient all the time.

(4) As to the conducts that the believers should have in their spiritual life, not only they should behave in the presence of those who guide them, but also in the absence of others, they still need to be responsible for their conducts to God directly (Col 3:22-23).

(5) When the believers work out their salvations, they should be with “fear and trembling”. If they are too confident and careless, they won’t fulfill the good will of God on them (Eph 2:10).

(6) The believers make every effort to pursue to be one in Christ; that is to “work out our salvations”.

(7) The believers must carefully deal with the spiritual illness -- selfishness, self-pride, self-seeking and disobedience to recover the health ( the original meaning of salvation) in Christ, in order to be one in Christ.

PHILIPPIANS 2:13 “ for it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose. ”


“to will and to act ”:

“to will” refers to the inward will; “to act ” refers to the outward conduct. Together, it indicates that according to the will in mind take the action outwardly.

“for it is God who works in you”:

All the creations -- all things and us are in God.

“For from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be the glory forever! Amen. ” (Rom 11:36)

“"Do not I fill heaven and earth?" declares the LORD.” (Jer 23:24)

“one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all. ” (Eph 4:6)

"For in Him we live and move and have our beings." (Act 17:28)

indicates that “to will” inwardly and “to act ” outwardly both are in the “works” of God.


(1) As long as we rely on God closely, we don’t need to be afraid that we can not work out our salvations.

(2) The reason that we can live the power of the salvation, is because of the works of God in us.

(3) God “works ” in us and we “work” in the outward according to it, how much efforts will it save! But if we do not rely on God, we make efforts only by ourselves, how much efforts will it take!

(4) The believers only need to obey the works of God in us, because this work has the mighty power.

(5) God want men to cooperate with Him. Therefore, on one side, there is the work of the mighty power of God; on the other side, it also needs men to will and to act.

(6) God do not want us to be a robot. We must have the attitude of being willingly obedient and denying oneself willingly; then God will work on us.

(7) Many believers only make a “will” according to the works of God. But only rely on themselves “to act” without depending on the works of God, it will unavoidably fail.

(8) The good purpose of God is that we live the salvation that we have received on us.

PHILIPPIANS 2:14 “ Do everything without complaining or arguing, ”


“complaining ”:

That is, being disobedient to God and being resentful to men. On one hand, do not obey the arrangement of God; on the other hand, do not accept the treatment of others.


indicates that argue about the disputable matters endlessly (Rom 14:1).


(1) The reason that one will complain is because of dissatisfaction on the reality. It shows that he has not learned to be obedient and has not worked out his salvation.

(2) When LORD on the earth, He was often treated unreasonably. However He bore with all of it willingly. As to those who have the same attitude as that of Christ, they should not complain when they are treated unreasonably.

(3) One who never looks back, but only looks up and forward, will never complain. One who does not complain, is one who has most faith in God.

(4) Arguing is the outward appearance of insisting on one’s opinion and unwillingly taking others’ opinion. It is the starting point to hurt the life of members and it is easy to make others fall.

(5) Not only on one thing, but on all things, do not complain and do not argue.

PHILIPPIANS 2:15 “ so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe ”


“blameless and pure”:

indicates that are willing to obey the will of God wholeheartedly and completely. “blameless ” emphasizes the outward deeds that give others no opportunity for slander. “pure” refers to the mind inward, which should be pure without any impurity.


describes this treacherous world, which makes it difficult to distinguish right and wrong.


describes this world erroneously interprets the truth and makes it difficult to tell which is right such that to disobey God.

“children of God without fault ”:

The children have the life of the Father. Here, it shows that we “without fault” are from the life of God.

“shine like stars in the universe”:

It is the appearance of the life (Joh 1:4).


(1) This world weighs all the truth by selfish viewpoints, and there is no righteousness. Therefore, it is both crooked and depraved.

(2) This world becomes more and more crooked, more and more depraved. Therefore, as to the Christians live in this world, they should not follow this world and go the same defiled way of the world; they should rely on the grace of LORD to be the mainstay in the currents, and with a step further to guide the worldly people back to the real truth; these are the duties of the Christians.

(3) The believers are the light of this world, to shine and to testify to the worldly people. As to those who belongs to Christ, their life should be bright.

(4) The believers do not give out the light directly, but reflect the glorious light of LORD (2Co 3:18). Those who are not separated from God, who are willing to give up oneself and break the jars of clay can give out the light of life.

(5) The responsibility of the believers is to be seen by the worldly people. God is the absolute criterion of our life. He is the eternal and unchanging truth in the universe. We should be the true children of God and the children of light.

PHILIPPIANS 2:16 “ as you hold out the word of life--in order that I may boast on the day of Christ that I did not run or labor for nothing. ”


“hold out the word of life”:

“the word of life” is Gospel -- the message that gives men the new life; or called “the Word of God” (Rev 19:13), that is our LORD. This verse means that “conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ. ” (Php 1:27)

“the day of Christ”:

refers to the day of the Second Coming of Christ to reign.

“run or labor for nothing”:

“run” indicates to “run” to preach Gospel (Rom 10:15). “labor” indicates to make efforts to work for LORD (1Co 15:58).


(1) The believers should hold out the word of life that they receive in their life and make others see.

(2) As long as the believers are willing to trust and obey, “the word of life” will work in them. The believers live in accordance to His work, that is to “hold out” to others.

(3) The most important work of the ministries is to plant “the word of life” in the mind of the believers. And each will be rewarded according to his own labor. (1Co 3:6-8).

PHILIPPIANS 2:17 “ But even if I am being poured out like a drink offering on the sacrifice and service coming from your faith, I am glad and rejoice with all of you.”


For the ancients to offer a sacrifice, they often poured out a drink offering on it (Exo 29:38-41; Num 28:7). Here, Paul compared the believers of Philippians to the offering to God, and his own blood as the drink offering poured out on it. His words imply his willingness to sacrifice his life for the faith.


(1) A true worker of LORD, must be willing to pour out their life for LORD and also take it as the highest joy in his life.

(2) A true worker of LORD, as long as he sees the determination of sacrifice and service of the believers (Rom 12:1), he is even willing to pay his life for it.

(3) A faithful worker of LORD, does not enjoy the material pleasures or others’ praises, but rejoice in seeing the effects of his labor on others.

PHILIPPIANS 2:18 “ So you too should be glad and rejoice with me.”


Paul encouraged the Philippians to follow his example that for the spiritual good and firm faith of others, he is willing to sacrifice himself and rejoice in it.


(1) The joy of the Christians should be able to be shared with each other.

(2) We should rejoice in others’ joy.


1. Jiale Huang: “Christians’ Digest of the Scripture Analysis Series”.

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