
To Be One in Christ: We Have Treasure in the Jars of Clay (6)-5

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To Be One in Christ: We Have Treasure in the Jars of Clay -- the Series of Explanation and Analysis of Scripture (6)-5

The Explanation and Analysis of the Verses of Chapter 5 in EPHESIANS

“ Be imitators of God, therefore, as dearly loved children” (EPHESIANS 5:1 )

This is because we have the new life “created to be like God” (Eph 4:24). If one does not have the life of God, he can not imitate God; only those who have the life of God, the children of God, can imitate God. To be imitators of God, as to us, it is to follow Jesus Christ (Rom 15:5). To imitate God can not be done by ourselves, but by God. As long as we take off the old self and put on the new self, the Spirit of God will live a life of God from us, as dearly loved children of God. Those who accept LORD Jesus are the children of God, but might not necessarily be the dearly loved children of God. The condition to be the dearly loved children of God is to live a life of God. The Christians should be like God, just as the children should be like their father. Christ gave us an example that we can know, understand and follow; also He is in us to be our new life. If we make every effort to be one in Christ, we will be imitators of God and also the children of God.

To be imitators of God, we must live a life of love. God is love. Living a life of love is living as Christ. Of what we see from Christ, the first is His love of giving Himself up -- Christ’s love on the cross.

“But among you there must not be even a hint of sexual immorality, or of any kind of impurity, or of greed, because these are improper for God's holy people. Nor should there be obscenity, foolish talk or coarse joking, which are out of place, but rather thanksgiving. For of this you can be sure: No immoral, impure or greedy person--such a man is an idolater--has any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God. Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of such things God's wrath comes on those who are disobedient. Therefore do not be partners with them.” (EPHESIANS 5:3-7)

We follow God and should not do anything from the devil. If doing these things, one won’t be like a saint; it is beneath the dignity of a saint who is set apart from the world.

The language of the Christians is very important. Speaking a wrong word, one will lose the dignity of a saint and will feel the spirit sinking. By always giving thanks to LORD, it not only will glorify God, but also will make one happy in spirit. Only those who know the authority of Christ, can give thanks in everything without any resentment. When things happen, if one could not say “Thank God” from one’s heart, it shows that he has not understand “Christ is the LORD of all things.”

The believers who have the rebirth through faith are saved by the grace of God freely. It has nothing to do with men’s deeds. However, after the rebirth of the believer, if he continues to be immoral, impure and greedy in his deeds, and does not know to repent, but is still an immoral, impure and greedy person; such a person not only has no share in the practices of the kingdom of God now, but also has no inheritance in the kingdom of God in future and can not enter the eternal life.

The “greed” will make the believers seek for the presumptuous blessing and benefit in faith other than the true only God. The acquisitiveness will lead people to do many transgressions and sins. The love of money is the sexual immorality in spirit. For the money seizes their mind, they are not different from the idolaters. No one can serve two masters. We cannot serve both God and Money (Mat 6:24).

Those with the rebirth, if continue not to repent, do not conduct themselves worthy of the salvation, and do not press on being holy, will not have inheritance of the kingdom of heaven. While doing the immoral, impure and greedy things, the acclamation that these things won’t hinder one to enter the kingdom of God and the eternal life, are the empty words. “Once saved, always saved” ( with the interpretation of “saved” as “the eternal life” ) is such “empty word” that deceives people. It makes many people think that the rebirth is completely equal to the eternal life, and they do not need to make every effort to be holy; they are still the old self and hesitate to move forward; their spiritual lives stay at the stage of the immature babyhood; they continue to live in sins and store up the wrath of God for themselves; and they live a life the same as those who are disobedient. To such people, if they do not repent, the wrath of God will surly come upon them, and they won’t enter the eternal life. Although the believers are accepted by God in Christ, if they continue to act the same as the unbelievers, the wrath of God will come upon them same as upon the unbelievers. If the believers are the partners with the unbelievers in darkness, the believers will fall into their sins together. To be together without being defiled together, how difficult it is! If the believers want to avoid the end of those who are disobedient, do not be partners with them. The believers should be watchful to these sure truth and reminders. Do not be deceived by the empty words, or deceive oneself as well as others.

“ For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light ” (EPHESIANS 5:8)

God is light. The darkness is the opposite to the light, therefore, darkness is the nature of the devil. Before our rebirth, the nature and characters of us are darkness and we are filled with darkness. Therefore, we are not only in darkness, we are darkness. Now LORD entered into us. LORD is light; there is light in us. We have the nature of light in us. The children of light have the life of light and the nature of light, and live a life of light. To be imitators of God is to live the nature of light. After the rebirth, we become the children of light. Therefore, on one hand, we should put off the former conducts in darkness; on the other hand, we should live the practices of light. On one hand, we must have “being” first, then we will have “doing”; on the other hand, we should use “doing” to prove our “being”. Since we have the light of LORD in us, our behavior should also change according to it. We must pick up our own cross to follow LORD, and break the jars of clay to let the light of the treasure inside show, so that to change the nature of our life from darkness to light and produce the fruit of the light, that is, all goodness, righteousness and truth.

“ This is why it is said: "Wake up, O sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you." ” (EPHESIANS 5:14)

This warning is a revelation and a reminder from the Spirit of LORD, in order to wake up the sleepers and the dead so that they will come to the light of Christ. Here, the light is subjective, practical, and a light of rebukes. Therefore, accepting rebukes is accepting to be shined on by Christ and to be brought back to the light. The light of Christ is the light of the life (Joh 8:12). Therefore, “Christ will shine on you” and “rise from the dead” are closely related.

“ and the two will become one flesh. This is a profound mystery--but I am talking about Christ and the church. ” (EPHESIANS 5:31-32)

The church “to be one in Christ” is the appearance of the believers “to be one in Christ” (1Co 6:15-17). Christ’s Spirit is in every Christian; the believers and the church are in Christ. If the believers unite themselves with Christ and are one with Him in spirit, the church which is composed of the believers will be one in Christ.

While this relationship of the union between husband and wife clearly refers to the relationship between Christ and the believer in 1 CORINTHIANS:

“For it is said, "The two will become one flesh." But he who unites himself with the Lord is one with him in spirit. ” ( 1 CORINTHIANS 6:16-17) The believers and LORD are one in spirit just like the wife and husband are united to be one. Initially, wife is part of the husband, now get back together to be one and be united with husband. We are from God, now get back to God through being one in Christ. For this cause, the relationship between the believers, the church and Christ is the same as the relationship between wife and husband. The believers must commune with God closely so that to be united to be one in life. The relationship between the believers and Christ will be the relationship between the church and Christ.

In the New Testament, Christ is often described as the bridegroom, the believers (1Co 6:15-17) and the church (Eph 5:23-32) as the bride (see Mat 9:15; Joh 3:29; Rom 7:4; Rev 19:7-9; 21:2).

The principle of the relationship between husband and wife is: the husband must love his wife, just as Christ loves the church; the wife should learn to submit to her husband with reverence, just as submit to LORD with reverence.

It is edited and compiled under the guidance of Holy Spirit. All thanks, praises and glories be to God!

EPHESIANS 5:1 “ Be imitators of God, therefore, as dearly loved children”



It is based on the reasons mentioned in the previous chapter 4.

“Be imitators of God”:

This is because we have the new life “created to be like God” (Eph 4:24). If one does not have the life of God, he can not imitate God; only those who have the life of God, the children of God, can imitate God. To be imitators of God, as to us, it is to follow Jesus Christ (Rom 15:5).

“as dearly loved children”:

To imitate God can not be done by ourselves, but by God. As long as we take off the old self and put on the new self, the Spirit of God will live a life of God from us, as dearly loved children of God.


(1) Those who accept LORD Jesus are the children of God, but might not necessarily be the dearly loved children of God. The condition to be the dearly loved children of God is to live a life of God.

(2) The Christians should be like God, just as the children should be like their father.

(3) Christ gave us an example that we can know, understand and follow; also He is in us to be our new life. If we make every effort to be one in Christ, we will be imitators of God and also the children of God.

EPHESIANS 5:2 “ and live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.”


“live a life of love,”:

To be imitators of God, we must live a life of love. God is love. Living a life of love is living as Christ.

“gave himself up for us ”:

One principle to live a life of love is to give oneself up. Christ came to the earth to give Himself up. “This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him.” (1Jo 4:9)

“offering and sacrifice ”:

“sacrifice” implies being killed and shedding the blood. It refers to the death of LORD Jesus on the cross to redeem us from the sins. “offering” does not imply being killed and shedding the blood, but refers to an offering such as the first fruit in the Old Testament. It indicates that the whole life of LORD on the earth is also for us.

“as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God”:

What LORD do for us in front of God are: on one hand, redeem us from sins; one the other hand, let us commune with God. He offered Himself as the offering and sacrifice to let God enjoy the fragrance. Therefore, to live a life of love is: (1) to give oneself up; (2) to serve others; (3) as a fragrance for God to enjoy.


(1) As dearly loved children of God(Eph 5:1), we must live a life of love. Those who only receive the love without giving the love, are absolutely not normal Christians.

(2) To follow Christ is to be imitators of God (Eph 5:1), for in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form (Col 2:9).

(3) The more we heard of what Christ have done for us, the more we will be connected with Him.

(4) Of what we see from Christ, the first is His love of giving Himself up.

(5) The biggest principle of a Christian’s daily life is “love”. And this love is different from the love of the natural emotion. It is the love of Christ’s cross.

(6) Only the love that comes from Christ and is refined by the cross, can truly benefit people, and give out the fragrance to please God.

(7) The true love from Christ is a love that is willing to pay everything for whom He loves.

(8) Love is to give up oneself completely for others, without greed and self-seeking. The spiritual love is one-way, and is to give out. The true meaning of love is to give up oneself, but not to deal with others as they deal with us.

(9)The more the love is, the more oneself will be given up. Without love, there won’t be to give oneself up.

(10) Each time we come to LORD, we should bring “offering and sacrifice” to present to God; no one can appear before God empty-handed.

EPHESIANS 5:3 “ But among you there must not be even a hint of sexual immorality, or of any kind of impurity, or of greed, because these are improper for God's holy people.”


“sexual immorality”:

refers to any improper sexual relationship.


refers to anything that contaminates men’s ear, mind, thought, faith and so on, including all the evil and impure desires.


not only refers to the acquisitiveness of the money and wealth, but also refers to the self-indulgence in the sexuality and so on. Never give a thought to the harms he have done to others, only gratify one’s own desires.

“even a hint of ”:

These things should not be done at all, and should not even be mentioned at all.

“these are improper for God's holy people”:

We follow God and should not do anything from the devil. If doing these things, one won’t be like a saint; it is beneath the dignity of a saint who is set apart from the world.


(1) Sexual immorality and greed are like a twin: one seeks for the pleasure; one seeks for the gain. If men seek for things outside God, there will be sexual immorality and greed.

(2) The love of Christ is holy love, does not bear with sins and evils, and does not associate with the impurities. If one loves the brothers, he won’t hurt the brothers with improper words for being as a saint.

(3) The life style of the believers is a dignity that is set apart from the worldly people.

EPHESIANS 5:4 “ Nor should there be obscenity, foolish talk or coarse joking, which are out of place, but rather thanksgiving. ”



refers to profligate, obscene, indecent, and ignominious talk.

“foolish talk”:

refers to untimeliness, meaningless, and useless talk; especially some absurd and foolish talk without any understanding, while one speaks it out and passes it on casually.

“coarse joking”:

not only refers to the vulgar language, but also senseless gossip. Here, it refers to the dirty joking among people, who often belittle each other and expose their own foolishness entirely.

“rather thanksgiving”:

not only we are moved to give thanks, but also let those who hear of us also give thanks. Originally it also implies the meaning of “grace”. It implies that all of our language should be filled with sincere sweetness and grace, with the useful words to season the gentle talk.


(1) The language of the Christians is very important. Speaking a wrong word, one will lose the dignity of a saint (Eph 5:3) and will feel the spirit sinking. By always giving thanks to LORD, it not only will glorify God, but also will make one happy in spirit.

(2) If one loves the brothers, he will not give a obscenity and foolish talk to contaminate the minds and ears of the brothers, and to hurt the brothers.

(3) Only those who know the authority of Christ, can give thanks in everything without any resentment. When things happen, if one could not say “Thank God” from one’s heart, it shows that he has not understand “Christ is the LORD of all things.”

(4) In fact, the Christians can not speak the word of thanks all day long, but can always speak thankfully.

EPHESIANS 5:5 “ For of this you can be sure: No immoral, impure or greedy person--such a man is an idolater--has any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God. ”



refers to corrupted morality such as adultery, sexual immorality and so on.


refers to obscene conducts.

“greedy person”:

a parson who is unsatisfied with wealth or sexual passion and so on; seeks for presumptuous pleasure and enjoyment.

“kingdom of Christ and of God”:

God give the kingdom to His Son so that we can enter the kingdom of heaven through Him.

“No … has any inheritance ”:

The believers who have the rebirth through faith are saved by the grace of God freely. It has nothing to do with men’s deeds. However, after the rebirth of the believer, if he continues to be immoral, impure and greedy in his deeds, and does not know to repent, but is still an immoral, impure and greedy person; such a person not only has no share in the practices of the kingdom of God now, but also has no inheritance in the kingdom of God in future and can not enter the eternal life.

“greedy person--such a man is an idolater”:

If the mind of a person is seized and occupied by anything and anyone else instead of God, such a person is an “idolater”. There are several kinds of idolater; a greedy person is one of them. The “greed” will make the believers seek for the presumptuous blessing and benefit in faith other than the true only God.


(1) Greed is a mood that is never content on one’s lot. The acquisitiveness will lead people to do many transgressions and sins.

(2) The love of money is the sexual immorality in spirit. For the money seizes their mind, they are not different from the idolaters. No one can serve two masters. We cannot serve both God and Money (Mat 6:24).

(3) If you love your brothers, you won’t let the greedy thought seize you to grab what belong to the brothers and take advantages of the brothers.

(4) We should know surely that the immoral, impure or greedy person can not enter the kingdom of holy God and can not enter the eternal life.

(5) Those with the rebirth, if continue not to repent, do not conduct themselves worthy of the salvation, and do not press on being holy, will not have inheritance of the kingdom of heaven.

EPHESIANS 5:6 “ Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of such things God's wrath comes on those who are disobedient.”


“empty words”:

that is void words that are not agree with the words in Bible and the truth of God.

“because of such things ”:

that is, those immoral, impure and greedy things; and the empty words, for example, the empty words to claim that these things won’t hinder one to enter the kingdom of God and the eternal life.

“comes on ”:

It shows clearly that the judgment together with the punishment of God for sure comes upon those live in sins.

“those who are disobedient”:

mainly refer to the worldly people, also including the believers. Although the believers were reborn, they will also face the judgment of God (1Pe 4:17) in future, and hand over the accounts of his conducts after his believing in LORD.


(1) “Once saved, always saved” ( with the interpretation of “saved” as “the eternal life” ) is such “empty word” that deceives people. It makes many people think that the rebirth is completely equal to the eternal life, and they do not need to make every effort to be holy; they are still the old self and hesitate to move forward; their spiritual lives stay at the stage of the immature babyhood; they continue to live in sins and store up the wrath of God for themselves; and they live a life the same as those who are disobedient. To such people, if they do not repent, the wrath of God will surly come upon them, and they won’t enter the eternal life.

EPHESIANS 5:7 “ Therefore do not be partners with them. ”



indicates that it is linked to the previous verse.

“do not be partners with them”:

Although the believers are accepted by God in Christ, if they continue to act the same as the unbelievers, the wrath of God will come upon them same as upon the unbelievers.


(1) A believer has nothing in common with an unbeliever, for the righteousness has nothing in common with the wickedness. Do not be yoked together with unbelievers (2Co 6:14). If the believers are the partners with the unbelievers in darkness, the believers will fall into their sins together.

(2) To be together without being defiled together, how difficult it is! If the believers want to avoid the end of those who are disobedient, do not be partners with them. The believers should be watchful to these sure truth and reminders. Do not be deceived by the empty words, or deceive oneself as well as others.

EPHESIANS 5:8 “ For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light ”


“you were once darkness”:

God is light. The darkness is the opposite to the light, therefore, darkness is the nature of the devil. Before our rebirth, the nature and characters of us are darkness and we are filled with darkness. Therefore, we are not only in darkness, we are darkness.

“you are light in the Lord”:

Now LORD entered into us. LORD is light; there is light in us. We have the nature of light in us.

“children of light”:

The children of light have the life of light and the nature of light, and live a life of light. To be imitators of God is to live the nature of light.


(1) After the rebirth, we become the children of light. Therefore, on one hand, we should put off the former conducts in darkness; on the other hand, we should live the practices of light.

(2) On one hand, we must have “being” first, then we will have “doing”; on the other hand, we should use “doing” to prove our “being”.

(3) Since we have the light of LORD in us, our behavior should also change according to it. We must pick up our own cross to follow LORD, and break the jars of clay to let the light of the treasure inside show.

EPHESIANS 5:9 “ (for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness and truth) ”


“the fruit of the light ”:

Goodness, righteousness and truth are the fruit of the light, which live out of the light. According to the inward nature, they are light; according to the outward behavior, they should produce the fruit of the light.


that is, there is nothing bad. Not only refers to the nature of a thing, but also refers to the attitude towards men. Here, it is more about the love and patience, and the spirit of being happy to help others.


that is, there is no injustice. Be righteous and just with nothing to be criticized. Here, it is more about respecting God and others’ rights. Give back what God and others should get.


that is, there is no falsehood. Not only refers to living up to one’s words, but also refers to being sincere in mind, and being upright and candid. The appearance of God is the truth.


(1) “Fruit” is produced by the life naturally. Therefore, as long as we build up the life of the light, we will have all goodness, righteousness, and truth.

(2) Each conduct from the light can pass the tests of goodness, righteousness, and truth. Therefore, we should ask ourselves on everything of our life: Is this good? Is the procedure lawful? Is it for the purpose of God?

(3) We often said that “ The society is darkness.” It is because the relationship among the people in this society lack the fruit of the light that consists in all goodness, righteousness and truth.

(4) We were reborn and received the Holy Spirit; therefore, we must produce the fruit of Holy Spirit.

EPHESIANS 5:10 “ and find out what pleases the Lord. ”


that is, we should try to find out what pleases the Lord and do according to it. What pleases the Lord, in principle, is goodness, righteousness and truth, for this is in accordance to the nature of Lord.


(1) What the believers should care about, is not whether it is a big or a small matter, and whether it is important or not; but whether Lord is pleased or not.

(2) The believer should be the one who has in mind the things of Lord and do what pleases Him.

(3) If we want to know what pleases Lord, we should observe carefully the words and deeds of God. In another word, “Understand what the Lord’s will is.” (Eph 5:17).

(4) Being obedient to the will, commands and words of Lord are all that pleases Lord.

EPHESIANS 5:11 “ Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. ”


“the fruitless deeds of darkness”:

refer to bad, unrighteous and untruthful deeds; which are hidden from the light that need to be kept as a secret, and are improper .

“but rather expose them”:

that is, to warn them with love, wisdom, and resourcefulness against their evil deeds. This is a difficult and unpleasant task. If one accidentally makes a mistake incautiously, he should admit it bravely and blame oneself for what he did.


(1) Although the believers are the children of the light, they might still have the fruitless deeds of darkness.

(2) The believers not only should not do the deeds of darkness, but also should criticize and oppose those who do it. Nowadays, many believers only pay attention to the former part and ignore the latter part.

(3) Exposing it in public is hatred; but speaking straight forward alone is love.

(4) If the believers do the same as others, how can they blame others?

EPHESIANS 5:12 “ For it is shameful even to mention what the disobedient do in secret. ”


“do in secret”:

It shows that the deeds of darkness can only be done in secret, and dare not let others see it. If they are in the light, they won’t be able to do it.

“shameful ”:

Why expose it and blame it? Because it is shameful.


(1) The life of the Christians will expose the sins and evils in the worldly people’s life. But the Christians should not concentrate on talking about these evils.

(2) Even mention about the sins and evils will make one feel shameful.

EPHESIANS 5:13-14upper “ But everything exposed by the light becomes visible, for it is light that makes everything visible.”


“But everything exposed by the light becomes visible”:

To blame the evil deeds hidden in secret is to shine on them and expose them. Therefore, accepting the blame is to accept that the light of Christ shines on him.

“for it is light that makes everything visible”:

Our responsibilities as “the children of the light”, are not only to expose those in darkness and make them visible, but also take a further step to change them into light.


(1) The most important thing for a Christian is often to be shined on by LORD. This light is not visible physically to the naked eyes, but a feeling of enlightening and blaming deep inside. It shows our deficits and mistakes on certain things. If we have this feeling inside, it is that LORD shines on us ; and we should accept it well and repent.

(2) The light of Christ, often shows its function through the communion between the members. Generally speaking, the enlightening of Holy Spirit from inside won’t be stronger and more severe that the blame from outside. Those who refuse the blame from outside, their inward must be dark, sinking and dim.

(3) The children of the light (Eph 4:8) are not only that they themselves are bright, but also they can shine on others and let others get blamed from inside and recognize the sins. We should speak the truth in love (Eph 4:15).

(4) Not only we should be the ones to blame others, but also we should be the ones to blame ourselves.

(5) One function of the light of Christ is to show what is hidden of others’ heart and points out other’s mistakes. We need not only one side of its function, which is, “the eyes of your heart may be enlightened” (Eph 1:18) to know the fullness of Christ; we need also the other side of its function, which is, to show the original appearance of us to see the evils of ourselves.

(6) The nature of us likes the darkness and feels pleasant to live in the darkness. It is because many things can not be exposed to the light which will be shameful under the light.

EPHESIANS 5:14latter “ This is why it is said: "Wake up, O sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you." ”


“This is why it is said”:

There is no obvious source in the Bible for this cited verse. Since LORD often through men preach, rebuke and speak to men. This is the direct revelation from the Holy Spirit of LORD.


Those who live in the darkness, according to their spirit, are sleepers.

“rise from the dead”:

As to those in darkness, not only they are sleeping, but also in death. Therefore, the rebukes not only recover the light, but also recover the life.

“Christ will shine on you”:

Here, the light is subjective, practical, and a light of rebukes. Therefore, accepting rebukes is accepting to be shined on by Christ and to be brought back to the light.


(1) The above warning is a revelation and a reminder from the Spirit of LORD, in order to wake up the sleepers and the dead so that they will come to the light of Christ.

(2) The light of Christ is the light of the life (Joh 8:12). Therefore, “Christ will shine on you” and “rise from the dead” are closely related.

EPHESIANS 5:15 “ Be very careful, then, how you live--not as unwise but as wise, ”


“Be very careful, then, how you live”:

That is, the believers should live a life with paying attention to be dignified, toe the line, and be blameless.

“unwise ”:

that is, the foolish.

“but as wise”:

Those who have the true wisdom to know LORD and are taught by LORD. LORD is our guide and director, teaching us His will so that we can get the true wisdom.


(1) The dividing line between the wise and the unwise lies in whether they know the truth and live carefully or not.

(2) The wise never acts crudely and in a rash, and does everything according to the strict measure.

(3) The failure and fall of many believers are because of incautiousness and imprudence that they are not on guard carefully against the enemies and give the devil a foothold.

EPHESIANS 5:16 “ making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil.”


“making the most of every opportunity”:

Originally, it’s “redeeming the time” (KJV version). “redeeming” indicates that pay the price to buy back the time wasted in vain before, and make best use of every moment and every minute. “time” and “opportunity” indicates that the time is the opportunity that God give us. We should make the most of every opportunity and make best use of the time to live a meaningful life.

“because the days are evil”:

Why redeem the time? It is because the days are evil. Now, many things are evil and consume our time. To redeem the time, we need to overcome the evils in these days.


(1) Nowadays, those who have gumption on the earth, all treasure the time to obtain their achievements on the earth. We are the children of God; we should treasure the time even more to understand the will of god and work for God. Otherwise, we will be the “foolish ” (Eph 5:17).

(2) We should treasure the time on earth to focus on following Christ. Otherwise, we will be the spiritual foolish.

(3) One with true wisdom, knows to make most of the opportunity given by God and work on the most valuable things. Although we Christians do not all have the position of the pastor, we must grab every opportunity given by God to preach Gospel, sow and win people for God. This is the command of LORD and our great mission. We must not use the predestination theory with our own understanding as the excuse to be lazy to work or do less work. We must make most of every opportunity to preach Gospel; it is the opportunity that God give us to save people and to change their end. To preach Gospel, we save both others and ourselves.

EPHESIANS 5:17 “ Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord's will is. ”


“but understand what the Lord's will is”:

We should take the will of God as our goal in our life. All the deeds that are not in the will of God are in vain. The top concern of a Christian is to tell what God want him to do.


(1) The so called ”foolish” here refers to those who do not understand the will of God.

(2) Although the deeds come from the life, those who have got the life still need educations so that they will behave themselves. Although the believers have the life of God already, they still need to understand the will of God so that they live a life worthy of God (Col 1:9-10).

(3) The will of God need to be observed closely to know. One who is incautious and careless is the foolish and can not understand it. Therefore, if we want be a spiritually wise person, we must make most of every opportunity (Eph 4:16) and make best use of the precious time to understand the will of God.

(4) There is no difference of big or small regarding the will of God. What the believers should seek for is whether it is the will of God or not. It is not that if it is a big will, one will obey carefully; if it is a small will, one could ignore it.

(5) One of the wills of God is that those who belong to Him could know Christ to the fullness (Eph 4:13). Only when truly knows about Christ, one will understand the will of LORD.

EPHESIANS 5:18 “ Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit. ”


“Do not get drunk on wine”:

“get drunk on wine” is to get temporarily ardent; it makes one transgress, dissolute or go to destruction; and make one out of control.

“which leads to debauchery”:

“debauchery” implies not only the dissolute behavior, but also wasting the wealth. It is not the wine that makes one debauchery, but “getting dunk on wine” makes one debauchery. In order to avoid getting drunk, it’s better not to drink wine. As to the Christians, if not for the sake of the health ( 1Ti 5:23), it is better not to drink the wine.

“be filled with the Spirit”:

The life of the Christians should be filled with the Spirit.

“be filled with ”: This verb is: (1) in passive mode: It is the Holy Spirit who fill us initiatively so that we are acting under the control of the Holy Spirit. (2) in imperative mode: although it is in passive mode, we still have the responsibilities to ask and to seek. (3) the present tense: shows that we should be filled with the Spirit continually.


(1) The results of being filled with the Holy Spirit, from the appearance, look somewhat like getting drunk (Act 2:13-17). In fact, it is not out of control like the drunk; one who is truly filled with the Holy Spirit, his conducts must be controlled by Holy Spirit.

(2) “filled” shows that it is not a little, but is full of. We receive Holy Spirit, not only a little, but all in full.

(3) Moody said that to live a triumphal Christian life, we do not need to draw the inner sins out, but only need to be filled with Holy Spirit.

EPHESIANS 5:19 “ Speak to one another with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord, ”



refer to the PSLAMS in the Old Testament, accompanied by the instruments to sing at that time.


refer to the poems and songs to bless and praise God by the saints.

“spiritual songs”:

The believers inspired by Holy Spirit sing the songs with rhythm extemporaneously.

“Speak to one another”:

That is, you speak to me, and I speak to you; speak to each other.

“Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord”:

To praise LORD is not with words and tongue only (1Jo 3:18), but in spirit and in truth (Joh 4:24). Otherwise, it will not please LORD.


(1) The results of “being filled with the Spirit” are “speaking to one another” and “singing and making music in your heart to the Lord”. Because Holy Spirit originally is to glorify Christ. Whether it is the true work from the Holy Spirit or not, is determined by whether it will give more praises and glories to Christ or not.

(2) The life of a Christian is not a false joy to anesthesia oneself, but is a praise to God by being filled with the Holy Spirit.

(3) When the minds of the believers are filled with the thanksgivings to God, that will be naturally shown outside.

(4) If one worships and praises God in one’s daily life, others will meet with the Spirit of worship from him.

(5) Being brought into the worship by LORD in our daily life, this is the apex of our practices in reality.

(6) A praise from the reluctant human efforts won’t be in harmony. A praise that comes out of the hearts of men naturally is a pure and sweet song.

EPHESIANS 5:20 “ always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.”



That is, everything from LORD. Be willing to accept every arrangement that God give to us. Everything includes good and bad circumstance, bitterness and happiness.

“in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ”:

That is, to live in LORD all the time, be united with LORD, and give thanks to God in His name.

“always giving thanks to God the Father ”:

The appearance to be filled with Holy Spirit in daily life is “always giving thanks to God”. “God the Father”: sometimes God treat us from the position of God; sometimes God treat us from the position as the Father. The relationship between God and us is always firstly He is God, then He is the Father.


(1) The principle of the believers’ life, is not based on men’s reason and men’s right or wrong, but is based on whether in the name of LORD with thanksgivings to God or not to do this or that.

(2) No one can be saved without knowing LORD Jesus Christ; no one can be used by God without knowing the authority of His name.

(3) The name of LORD Jesus Christ, now is given to men(Act 4:12). LORD have committed Himself to us in this name. Therefore, we must do everything in this name.

(4) Everyone dislikes those who are not grateful, but often without noticing that he himself is not grateful.

(5) As the saying goes: The most difficult accounting to learn is to count the grace we received.

(6) The believers should not only “always” give thanks to God, but also give thanks to God on “everything”.

EPHESIANS 5:21 “ Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.”


“reverence for Christ”:

On the other side of praising LORD, is to admit the authority of Christ and fear Him.

“Submit to one another ”:

We submit to one another because of the reverence of Christ. The mind with reverence shown in the life is the attitude of submission. “one another” is the relationship between each member. Whenever the relationship between the members goes wrong, it will offend the Head -- Christ. “Submit to one another ” is the obvious symbol and attitude of one who is filled with Holy Spirit. In the outward, we submit to one another; while in the inward, we submit to God.

In the following paragraphs, it will continue to talk about the relationships between husband and wife, children and parents, master and servant. To submit to one another is that everyone stands on one’s own position to understand one another and to submit to one another.


(1) We must have the mind with the reverence of Christ first so that we are able to submit to one another.

(2) One who has the reverence of LORD, is one who is willing to follow the example of LORD. When LORD was on the earth, He served others; therefore, we should be a person to serve others and learn to submit to one another.

(3) Not only individually one should live properly in front of God, but also one needs to live properly among the saints. Many children of God love God very much when they are all alone. However, when they are put among the saints, their problems will show up.

(4) If we submit to one another, and love others as ourselves, that is to obey LORD and fear LORD.

EPHESIANS 5:22 “ Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord. ”


“Wives, submit to your husbands”:

See (Gen 3:16), of the first couple, Eve is the first one to sin. “Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you.” (Gen 3:16)

“submit to your husbands as to the Lord”:

Submit to husbands the same as to the Lord; it does not mean that to submit to husband is equal to submit to LORD; it indicates that to submit to husband is her duty that Christ ask her.

Wife was born from a part taken out of man (Gen 2:22-23). A man will be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh (Gen 2:24). The believers and the church are born from Christ, and are united to Christ to become one in Christ (1Co 6:16-17; Eph 5:30-31). This is predestined by the will of God.


(1) “submit” implies to obey willingly. The submission of wife is not forced by the husband.

(2) In the creation of God, male and female are equal in status, value and dignity. However, in the purpose of the creation of God, male and female are different at their works and in the roles that they play. Because of the original sins, the judgments on the male and female are different.

(3) The secret to submit to husband is to submit to LORD. A wife who is willing to submit to LORD will be willing to submit to her husband.

EPHESIANS 5:23 “ For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. ”


“the husband is the head of the wife ”:

It is the arrangement from God to mankind, not a question of being equal or unequal.

“as Christ is the head of the church”:

It indicates that it is indisputable that God assign the husband as the head of wife, just as it is indisputable that Christ is the head of the church.

“of which he is the Savior”:

Christ is not only the Head of the church, but also the savior of the whole body.


(1) A body can not have two heads; a family can not have two “heads”; otherwise, the order will be messed up.

(2) “Christ is the Head” shows His authority; “Christ is the savior” shows His grace and love. Christ is in His infinite love as the Head of the church.

EPHESIANS 5:24 “ Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything. ”


“submit to their husbands in everything”:

This is about the authority. Therefore, wives should submit to their husbands in everything. “everything” is only about the relationship in the family mentioned above; even for this part, it must be under the principle of “submission to Christ”.


(1) Here, it uses the submission of wife to husband to remind the church to submit to Christ; and on the other hand, it uses the submission of church to Christ to remind the sisters to submit to their husbands.

(2) Once recognizes the relationship between Christ and church, one will understand the true meaning of husband and wife, and live a normal family life of husband and wife.

(3) If all the children of God submit to God in their daily life, it won’t be difficult for the church to have Christ as the Head. Otherwise, the church won’t have the testimony of the body.

(4) The church submits to Christ in everything. It is the example for the wife to submit to husband. In another word, those who have a good church life will have a good family life.

EPHESIANS 5:25 “ Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her ”


“love your wives”:

In Genesis 3:16, it mentioned that God let husband rule over wife. While here, why does not order the husband to rule over the wife, but order the husband to love wife? Because the true valuable rule is love. Therefore, the husbands should not consider themselves as the head, and should not do with authority, but with love. The words mentioned above in Genesis 3:16, are the words of God said to the wife.

“gave himself up for her”:

LORD gave himself up for us--the believers, that is the church. LORD gain us, and that is, gain the church.


(1) Christ is the Head of the church (Eph 5:23); but “ Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her ”! To give Himself up to be the Head, shows the nature and character of the power of Christ. In the church, if one is not willing to humble himself and has an authority without love, that is only a flesh on the throne, but does not represent the power of Christ.

(2) The love of husband to wife is not the love of occupying, but the love of giving oneself up.

(3) The love of giving oneself up, absolutely is not about to get something from the other part, but is about to give out.

(4) The unselfish love of the husband is a guarantee to encourage the submission of the wife. The husband even should not hesitate to sacrifice himself for the sake of the happiness of the wife.

(5) The Bible asks the wife to “submit” , the husband to “love”. From the appearance, they seem to be two different kinds of virtues; but actually, both of them require denying oneself and giving up oneself; thus, there will be true submission and true love. Therefore, actually, the requirements on the husband and wife in the Bible are the same.

(6) The relationship between husband and wife is mutually beneficial. The submission of wife is giving up oneself; the love of husband is also giving up oneself. The marriage of the Christians is not to sow to please the sinful nature. The family is not a place for the Christians to fall; but a place for the Christians to practice and be trained.

EPHESIANS 5:26 “ to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, ”


“with water through the word”:

The rebirth of the believers is through water and Holy Spirit; and also, the cleansing of the church is through water and the word.

“cleansing her by the washing with water”:

“washing” is to get rid of. The life of the resurrection of LORD in us help us to get rid of everything in the old creation; that is the washing by the water of life.

“make her holy”:

Christ gave Himself up to the church, in order to make the church holy. To be holy is that the life of God entered into us, through this we live correspondingly a holy life.


(1) When we commune with LORD, LORD often in us by His words cleanse us to get rid of natural stains and wrinkles.

(2) Quite a few so-called children of God, are not willing to accept the cleansing of the true words, are not willing to let Christ take the charge in them and to live a consecrated life, and ignore the will of LORD in calling us and the mind of LORD to build up the church. They regard the church as a social place for gathering, but not the household of God. That is one of the reasons that the church can not reach the fullness on the earth.

(3) The difficulties of the church often lie in only having the objective and stiff teachings, but lacking of the subjective and living life to be revealed.

EPHESIANS 5:27 “ and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless. ”


“present her to himself ”:

It is a terminology used in the wedding. It refers to leading the bride to the bridegroom. Christ gave Himself to church for the purpose of making the church holy; and the purpose of making the church holy is to present the church to Himself; this is a purpose of the purpose.

“but holy and blameless”:

That is, LORD want the church to be perfect without any deficit and stain, and to be blameless.


(1) The requirements of LORD to the church are also the requirements to the believers. LORD called us to be holy:

“without holiness no one will see the Lord. ” (Heb 12:14)

“It is God's will that you should be sanctified:” (1Th 4:3)

“For God did not call us to be impure, but to live a holy life.” (1Th 4:7)

“But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written: "Be holy, because I am holy." ” (1Pe 1:15-16)

(2) The believers must make every effort to be holy and to be one in Christ, so that to get rid of the stain, wrinkle and blemish. Although it is impossible for us to be perfect, but by relying on LORD, we can try our best to pursue it. The more we deny and give up ourselves, the more the life of LORD on us. We will be closer to be holy and perfect, and we will be closer to the image that the children of God should have.

(3) The stains of the believers are part of the old creation, and need to be cleansed by the life of LORD. The believer should be one in Christ by denying oneself , so that to be completely holy and to enter the glory. The believers being one in Christ is the glorious church.

EPHESIANS 5:28 “ In this same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself.”


“In this same way”:

That is, how Christ gave Himself up to build the church; in the like manner, how the husband should give up himself to benefit the wife.

“love their wives as their own bodies”:

That is, the husband should love his wife to such an extent as loving himself. How much he loves himself, he should love his wife the same.


(1) One who does not love his wife, in fact, does not love himself.

(2) The average people are most easy to have understanding and sympathy to themselves and find excuses for themselves. The husband should love his wife in the same way.

(3) The love of the husband to the wife can never be compared with the love of Christ to the church. Therefore, no husband could think his love for his wife is enough.

EPHESIANS 5:29 “ After all, no one ever hated his own body, but he feeds and cares for it, just as Christ does the church-- ”


“feeds and cares for it”:

“feeds” is to supply the nourishment to the body; “cares for” is to take care of cordially and kindly.

“just as Christ does the church”:

Christ feeds the church with spiritual nourishment, and cares for her cordially and kindly, like a mother to her baby at her breast.


(1) Christ loves the church, as a man loves his body; always “feeds” -- nurtures; and “cares for” -- takes care of. Indeed, how continually Christ feeds the church with His richness to make her grow; and how meticulously He cares for the church to protect her.

(2) The husband should “feed and care for ” his wife, look after her in her needs, fill her heart with gentle passion and love; like he does himself.

(3) The husband “feeds and cares for” his wife including protection, providing and supporting, looking after, and treasuring.

EPHESIANS 5:30 “ for we are members of his body. (some early manuscripts: of his flesh, and of his bones. )”


The believers are the temple of God, and members of Christ’s body:

“Don't you know that you yourselves are God's temple and that God's Spirit lives in you?” (1Co 3:16)

“Do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ himself? ” (1Co 6:15)

“Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; ” (1Co 6:19)

The believers compose of the church; that is, the members of Christ compose of Christ’s body.

Initially, wife is part of the husband, now get back together to be one and be united with husband. We are from God, now get back to God through being one in Christ. We are the members of Christ, of His flesh, of His bones; just as Eve came from part of Adam. For this cause, the relationship between the believers, the church and Christ is the same as the relationship between wife and husband.

EPHESIANS 5:31 “ "For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh." ”


“be united to his wife”:

In the original text, it is “ be joined unto his wife”.

“the two will become one flesh”:

Initially, wife is part of the husband, now get back together to the husband. The two will become one flesh. “one flesh” refers to not only the union in flesh, but also the union in mind and spirit.


(1) While this relationship of the union between husband and wife clearly refers to the relationship between Christ and the believer in 1 CORINTHIANS:

“For it is said, "The two will become one flesh." But he who unites himself with the Lord is one with him in spirit. ” ( 1 CORINTHIANS 6:16-17) The believers and LORD are one in spirit just like the wife and husband are united to be one. As mentioned above in the previous verse: initially, wife is part of the husband, now get back together to be one and be united with husband. We are from God, now get back to God through being one in Christ. For this cause, the relationship between the believers, the church and Christ is the same as the relationship between wife and husband. The believers must commune with God closely so that to be united to be one in life. The relationship between the believers and Christ will be the relationship between the church and Christ.

In the New Testament, Christ is often described as the bridegroom, the believers (1Co 6:15-17) and the church (Eph 5:23-32) as the bride (see Mat 9:15; Joh 3:29; Rom 7:4; Rev 19:7-9; 21:2).

EPHESIANS 5:32 “ This is a profound mystery--but I am talking about Christ and the church. ”


(1) The mystery of the believers and the church being united with Christ to be one in Christ, could only be understood a little bit from the relationship of “the two become one” between husband and wife.

(2) The church “to be one in Christ” is the appearance of the believers “to be one in Christ” (1Co 6:15-17). Christ’s Spirit is in every Christian; the believers and the church are in Christ. If the believers unite themselves with Christ and are one with Him in spirit, the church which is composed of the believers will be one in Christ.

(3) Only with Christ as the Head, the church can be united to Christ more thoroughly and more intimately.

EPHESIANS 5:33 “ However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband.”


(1) The husband must love his wife, just as Christ loves the church; the wife should learn to submit to her husband with reverence, just as submit to LORD with reverence.


1. Jiale Huang: “Christians’ Digest of the Scripture Analysis Series”.

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