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2.5 year-old sleeping pattern change and suggestion for another

(2008-06-12 06:11:36) 下一个
My 31 month is sleeping late since he reach 30 month. He used to sleepbetween 8:30pm. to 9:00p.m. Now, no matter how early I put him tosleep, he would fall asleep after 9:30p.m. unless he was very tired anddid not get enough nap during the day.

Some issue to consider about sleep training:

1. Only one person should be responsible for putting the kid to sleep(except that person has other duty to fulfill). Create consistency.
2. Reach an agreement with your spouse about when would be appropriate to put your daughter to sleep.
3. Create a simple nightly routine like bath -> story time ->brush teeth and washing face -> kiss and goodnight to everyone thengo to sleep. Kids like routine and they enjoy knowing what to expectnext.
4. Give out warning at 10 minutes, 5 minutes, 3 minutes and 1 minutesuntil bedtime to your daughter. Example: 10 more minutes, then it isbedtime, ok?
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