
春有鲜花秋有月,夏有清风冬有雪。 若无闲事心头挂,便是人生好时节。

The Great battle of Astro.

(2006-07-22 16:16:56) 下一个

The Great battle of Astro.
         By Nick   W.Y 
Part one.  A new life form.
A proximately 2 million years ago there were 10 mark place of life from. All equally spread across the universe. But time-to-time some mark place drift closer to another one. The crater of this universe is a wise something too hard to be understood. Anyway. As the time goes on the living things on planet Garlish known as Serbis (little big eye green alien) decided to do some research on the other 9 mark place of life. They went to she bright star known as Polaris and did research on its 5th planet… Tager. It has a wonderful sapiens, which is kind and wise as them self. They had a drink together and declared ally.
In 1 million years later 8 of the marked place sapiens as ally. Only 2 stayed single taxees and Homo (human) Taxees are wonderful but cold-hearted creatures. Human on the other hand is kind but retard. They are at the stage of life that which is pathetic to us they are like cave men. Human has many needs for example clean oxygen, water, food, light, and on and on. The serbis has made many attempts to help the little slow headed beings but they do not wish to know about aliens the government hide the truth from the other people if it goes on human will be destroyed by the creator or one of the created. (Or maybe even something as small as a space rock.)

On the dark night of July 2 Polaris shines brightly in the northern hemisphere. But this light was not made be the star it self it was made by the 5th planet of that star. The light was beamed directly at earth by a judiest (scientist) called Scakeskelle Makiile. The light was he’s knowledge he transform it into light and beamed it on earth. No one was paying attention to it back on earth. No one except for one pregnant lady called Sandy J. Wilson, and another pregnate lady called Anglina F. McHicky. In 2 hours he gave birth to a cute boy called Nick D. Wilson. At the sight on the boy everyone knew he was special because he stood up and said hi to his mom is every language on earth.
At the same time another baby was bored. His name Matt McHicky. He was just as smart as Nick. But his mother does not with for him to have fame and fear that people would hurt him for his high IQ. 
    Over the next few years Nick parent live an interesting life. Nick learns a lot of things and does not forget a single one. When he was 3 years old he was in high school. And he made all the other kid looks like baby he was getting he’s masters degree at the age on 3 and a half. He can write an essay better than a university professor. And he knows everything single word in the Webster’s English dictionary.
Matt did not go to school. His mom wanted him to be normal but matt is not normal. He started to read his dad’s computer pergraming books. He’s father saw the interest and the potential he has started teaching him about computer. But in 2 day he learned everything his father knows. His father went to the book store and library and took out every book there are. He flie hes fun to japan for they  are mored advance in the area. And they stayed there.

At the age of twelve he ran for the president of United States and lost because the people thought he was too small. He didn’t give up and in 2 years he became the president.
One night Nick had a dream, he dreamed about the 9 life forms and the creator. He decided to find out if it’s true.
The next day he went to the private document office and found the records on aliens it shows that there are 3 types of aliens not 9. And there is no evidence on the so-called creator. He forget about it soon after.
At 15 he cut him self for the very first time. But it was strange because it didn’t hurt but right away the cut healed. Amazed. He cut him self again and again but no pain and heals in seconds. At that time he know he was gifted and is the only hope of humanity.
Suddenly the land started shaking it rocked everything to the floor. Nick looked outside the sky was bright red and there is a black dot accelerating at him at an extremely speed. “ Mr. president, we have a situation something has entered out atmosphere.” The general said. “ And why didn't we detected that when it was out side?” Nick questioned. “I’m sorry sir but it seems to be cloaked.” He replied. “We have to communicate with it.” I said. I put on my coat and went to the star command center. There are thousands of people inside running around. All trying to communicate with the “Light.”       
We sent pictures, messages, every language possible but no reply from this light. It came tro a stop and what we saw was strange. A ship that look like a plastic box. A voice boomed in my head < Where is your master Homos. I can hear some people shouted back saying they are free men and have no master. Other pointed at me. I step out I knew he could hear me so I said calmly “ I am the rulers of this land. What is it that you want?”  
To my surprise the voice thought it knew me < ah my dear friend Scakeskelle Makiile it’s me fienx sah I came the whole way here to find you. Now you rule this land of minerals we can become stronger. We won’t need alliance with the other 7 races. > “ No!! This land belongs to us the human and we are armed. I’m not you race. Who ever you are. I warn you to stay away from this planet and never return.” I don't know where it came from but it just came out. < Dear Scakeskelle you grew too attach to these useless low life. I am warning you. To give up your resource or there will be a united war. First we’ll wipe you out then use your resource we’ll kill taxees. > I don't have a clue what it’s talking about but my head does it’s like something else is controlling my head and communicating to this alien.
Finally I said “ We humans wish to ally you we can exchange resource for technology. What resource do you prefer?” I asked.
It said.
What’s on that planet I asked?
< It’s not what’s on it. It’s what’s in it. That large 11th planet is 97 percent magma and lava. Which helps power our supplies and ships. It’s need for us to travel to a speed faster than light. Also known as the speed blimp/ sec. blimp =5000 light years

“Take it. Take anything you want beyond the ninth planet except for the planet with exceptions for us to live on.”  Nick said.

  < alright. We will do as you say. Thank you for the alliance.> it said. < here is a micro chip in it most basic form, we hope you’re advance enough to use it >
“ alright then. We will trade. A disc appeared in nick’s hand and the next second the ship was gone.

“ ok people we need to find out what’s on this disc. I hope the extra terristral has not give us a trap. Or bomb or virus of any kind.
Mr perssendent all the leaders from the other nations are trying to reach you.

Mr presendent your Mrs Wilson is on the line.

The Japanese has the only computer who created a computer that can read the disk. The disk has a really large memory about 9000 GB and all of that has been used. It plays a movie showing how to build each tool.
We tried the advanced radar and build it in one of our science vissal.

 Right then our science vissial is picking up signals like music signal but this was not earth music.
The more we tried the alien tec. The better our planet worked. It’s like we advanced 30 centries in one day. But we cant open the file with the weapons. At that second a man in black walked up. My name Mr presendent is Matt McHicky. I believe I can go in the to file.
Matt worked around the files he check the formate and soon he got in to the file. It was password protected. It took me a while because the aliens seem to have more alpabeate than us.
We found a file that seems to test your IQ. Nick instantly wanted to test his. So did Matt. so they started the test. Both scored the same point 550. ( 270 is the max human can have )

To be continued...

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