
多少年以后, 我会和她说, “我们那三年。。。”

The 2nd of 2008

(2008-01-02 08:19:49) 下一个
What did we do on the 1st of 2008?

We went to eat,

We went shopping,

and I certainly had the first ride of 2008.

It became the glaring fact that – he broke his new year resolution the very first day of 2008.

I sensed it on the night of 1st, so I asked. Well, three years marriage strikes me hint of “ IF something wrong” whenever appropriate. He confessed it.

So the second day of 2008, pacific time of 6:00am, I started to call him. Almost half an hour later, he picked up with his just-waking-up voice. I did press the 2 and the green buttons again and again during that fleeting half an hour, it was 38 times, - sometimes I am just such a stubborn creature.

The glaring fact certainly grudged me, yep, I cannot stand it. He was a total wrong, in terms of THINKING.

It was just second day of our 2008, so suffice it to say, we still have “365 minus 1” days to execute the resolution. Don’t get too upset, let the past passed. Lots of good things we have been conceiving in the past 1.5 years are to be happening . Shall I use the word "miraculously" when they arrive? I doubt it, since the wisdom informed me that there are no other possibilities other than those incubated.

2008, another arduous year, let’s embrace it. “Stick to our schedule”.

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