My Green Card

This blod is dedicated to these who is going to apply for Green Card through national interest waive (NIW) and EB1 extraordinary

I. Early preparation for NIW and EB1

(2006-07-08 21:47:10) 下一个

Both my I 140s, one based onnational interest waive (NIW) and another one based on EB1 ExtraordinaryAbility (EA), have been approved within a month. However, I have to say if Ihave prepared earlier, life would be much easier. Here is a list of suggestionsI would provide for others who is in their early stage of preparing NIW andEB1.


1. Work hard and getmore publications, rewards, medium reports, and patents. These are hardware forNIW and EB1 applications. However, if you are a little bit weak at the pointwhen you start to submit your permanent resident application, you can stillmake it. When I submit my application, I only have 1 published journal paper(in my native language), 2 accept journal papers, one pending patent. Noreward, no citation, no medium report.

2. Try to review asmuch paper as possible. You will see the importance of reviewing paper afteryou read the requirements of NIW and EB1. This made you meet at least onerequirement: judge others work. Furthermore, the one who asks you to review canalso provide a reference letter for you in the future.

3. Try to joint atleast one honor society that requires extraordinary achievement, such as SigmaXi, etc. It is easy, but takes time. For me, it took me three months.

4. Attend moreconferences and know more people. This is important for your reference lettersand network.

5. Try to helpothers. Help others is the source of happiness. But you never know it will helpyou in long run. I have received emails from students or researcher asking meabout my work. I always responded patiently. These emails become importantevidence of my impacts in my fields.

      6. Keep all you emails and communications with yourcoworkers.
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