

(2010-02-19 06:06:20) 下一个
老大(8年级)学年过半,看看英语课都学了什么:两本小说,其中一本是”To kill a mocking bird”, 一本诗集,一年一度的全校演讲。

除此之外最近有一个讲解演说(introduction speech),这个有点意思说一下。演说要求是每个学生自己选择一样东西,先写详细如何使用的书面说明,然后带实物到班上现场讲解。讲解完了每个同学都给各个展示者的几个方面写评语。

这件事儿老大兴趣很高,两个星期前就在饭桌上让我们给brainstorming (想主意),我们出的主意比如,介绍怎么装计算机啊,怎么玩某个游戏啊,都被他否认了。后来也都给忘了。 昨天晚上看老大在计算机上猛敲,问干什么,说是这个introduction speech的评语。 “哦,你后来介绍的是什么东西?” “ 我介绍的是如何识乐谱。” 俺心想这个倒是简单。


Connie: She spoke loudly and clearly and was easily understandable. She knew a lot about her topic. She did a decent job of explaining everything step-by-step and from the beginning but there still were some parts where I did not know what she was talking about. Her visual aid was good and made things easier to visualize. However, like Jenny, she could have brought in an actual example.’

Lily: Her speech was very short and concise. She had a good visual aid but didn’t demonstrate it. She jumped around a lot and didn’t really follow an order of facts. She didn’t really have a comparison to other kinds of white-out. I liked that she passed it around so everyone could see what it is like up close. It would have been better if she had shown how to use it and how well it works.

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