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(2006-06-08 21:07:37) 下一个
  • integrity
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Bonyheart 回复 悄悄话 追梦, 谢谢你的评论。

我个人觉得integrity 指的是“言”与“行”之间的一致。既“言之所欲行,言则必行之”。

One might find more than one definitions of Integrity even in English languages. Overall they more or less try to describe a concept of "Togetherness".

A person of integrity is someone who "says what she does; does what she says."

从意义上讲, Integrity 似乎是“诚实”和“信用”的组合。中文中的“诚信”一词似乎却指的是 Creditability.
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