
Ennio Morricone (埃尼奥•莫利克奈) 电影音乐回顾 一

(2006-11-17 10:33:08) 下一个


意大利电影音乐巨擘, Ennio Morricone,
也许是二十世纪最伟大、最多产的电影配乐大师之一。我们已经无法计算他创作了多少部电影的配乐,大概有差不多500部,几乎任何风格的电影都有他的创作足迹。他创作的音乐风格极其多样化,种类可谓繁多至极,从古典、爵士到电子、摇滚都在他的音乐作品中有所体现。他曾活得了英国影艺学院5座大奖尊荣、99年欧洲电影奖终身成就奖,也曾因《天堂之日》(Days of Heaven)、《教会》(The Mission)、《铁面无私》 (The Untouchable)、《豪情四海》(Bugsy)、《真爱伴我行》(Malena)五次荣获奥斯卡原作音乐提名奖。




电影《教会》配乐Gabriel's Oboe是莫里克奈的代表作之一,是在观众并不熟悉电影本身的情形下,仍然能够在巿场上维持很好的销售成成绩和知名度的作品。后来美声天后Sarah Brightman多次恳求,莫里克奈同意她录制了此曲的翻唱版,Nella fantasia (In my fantasy)。

Sarah told the audience at her One night in Eden concert the background of "Nella Fantasia","My next song was originally an instrumental written by the composer Ennio Morricone for the film 'The Mission'. About three years ago I wrote Mr. Morricone, asking if he would give ne permission to turn this particular piece into a song. He flatly refused. So every two months I would send yet another begging letter, until I think he got so sich of me, he finally relented. And I am really glad that he did, because I think it works beautifully as a song."

In my fantasy - Sarah Brightman
(Translated from Italian)

In my fantasy I see a just world,
Where everyone lives in peace and honesty.
I dream of souls that are always free
Like the clouds that float
Full of humanity in the depths of the soul.

In my fantasy I see a bright world
Where each night there is less darkness.
I dream of spirits that are always free,
Like the clouds that float

In my fantasy exists a warm wind,
That blows into the city, like a friend.
I dream of souls that are always free,
Like the clouds that float
Full of humanity in the depths of the soul.

Video concert: Gabriel's Oboe from "The Mission"

another version: Nella fantasia - from Celtic Woman


Video concert:《天堂影院》Cinema Paradiso

MP3: Nuovo Cinema Paradiso


Video concert:《好坏丑》Good, the bad and the ugly

Video concert:《1900新世纪》Novecento

Video concert:《铁面无私》The Untouchables

WMA: The untouchables (“铁面无私”,伦敦爱乐管弦乐团演奏-1987)




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