She is for me a tiny little woman, of great beauty, all feminine and delicate.
Before I met her, I didn’t know much about China besides the movies of Bruce Lee and Jacky Chan, and the so-called “Chinese food” served in Americanized Chinese restaurants in Montreal.
I feel privileged that she has accepted to share her life with me. Each day, she opened herself up to me; let me discover more of her, of her culture, and of its people (Chinese people) who seemed so hermetic and inaccessible to me.
Despite her petite stature, she is a woman of mind, who demonstrated an incredible leadership. She has authenticity, intelligence, and wisdom. She is thoughtful, systematic, detailed, rationale, and has an impeccable logic. She has a sense to be organized and planned.
She loves to travel around the world, and to take pictures.
Not always patient, she needs a companion who’s balanced and understanding, to offset her own character that is sometimes explosive. She is quite demanding to herself as well as to those close to her. Nonetheless, she is a sensitive woman. She is just like most Chinese people, a reserved and introverted person.
I have great respect for her. She is part of my life, and I love her very much.
MM也让LD来一篇, 如何? :)
寒枝MM, 就在园子里看到你, 真好. 时间过的真快呀, 小树苗阿姨眼里的小人儿转眼就大了, 是不?
Not really. Have a try, he might be out of your anticipation...hehe...
大家都来让另一半写写他/她眼里的自己, 或者你们写写自己眼里的另一半, 如何?
文体不限, 时间不限, 上在哪里也不限. 不过, 可能写好了, 让大家猜也很有意思呢, 你们说呢?
MM说得对, 我觉得这是个很好的TOPIC - 让另一半说说他/她眼里的自己. 我正想要不要发动众JM们都来写写呢. MM想到一块去了.
等姐夫写完了, 可不可以ZT到我园子里, 可以做个小汇总呢.
hehe...那也不是想自己说的那样balance的那么好呢. 不然, 也不会有上次那种得police关照的事了, 是不? :)
我还羡慕你那种总是很温合淡定的性子呢...尤其是对家人和亲人, 我耐心总是不够...反倒是对外人有时耐心好得不行. 不过, 急性子, 这倒是里外一致, 我都不是last minus的人...所以有时候喜欢故意玩一下last minus decision, 换下口味.
你才"somehow"觉得我是急性子的人呀, 看来我督促你不够用心...嘿嘿..
我忽然发现让自己的另一半谢谢他印象里的那个人也挺有意思的。昨天我问LD能不能帮我一个忙?~~~ 他问明事由后,口口声声说:他要写写我如何削芋头皮常会削到手指,不会洗螃蟹,经常丢三忘四,。。。等等,总之,都是一些非常有损我形象的~~~
repect可能是one of most important elements for a relationship--对!
to offset her own character that is sometimes explosive--哈哈哈
Nice and straightforward writing :-)
小杏儿, repect可能是one of most important elements for a relationship, 对吧?
妹妹的,也让你LG写一篇,肯定也很touching的...真的, 试试?
谢谢麦片亲家. 那叫做什么什么眼里出西施罢了. :)
“Despite her petite stature, she is a woman of mind, who demonstrated an incredible leadership." - 太对了,呵呵;我们也需要你把通篇翻译成中文的 :))
我也认为长发是个great woman!