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Aug. 15, Saturday
10:00 am: meeting at farm
10:30-11:30am: picking fruits
Cherry Avenue Farms http://www.cherryavenuefarms.org/
4303 Cherry Avenue
Lincoln, Ontario, L0R2C0
11:30am-12:30pm: Picnic Lunch, in farm if allowed, or some places nearby
1:00pm: Featherstone winery tour. They have sheep for weed control, little one will love it. There is guided tour ($10) starting from 1:00pm. But we can skip the tour and just have fun with sheep on our own.
Featherstone Estate Winery http://www.featherstonewinery.ca/
3678 Victoria Avenue. Vineland, ON L0R 2C0
Tel: (905) 562-1949 | Fax: (905) 562-3989
2:00pm: Vineland Winery tour. Old building, free wine tasting, very good dining place but a bit pricy
Vineland Estates Winery http://www.vineland.com/
3620 Moyer Road
Vineland, Ontario, L0R 2C0 Canada
3:00pm: Creek trail. Offers spectacular scenery, natural beauty and reveals interesting traces of a mid 19th century industrial hamlet. We don't have to complete all 12 miles
Twenty miles creek trail
REGION: | Niagara |
SUB-REGION: | Niagara Peninsula |
CLOSEST TOWN(S): | St. Catharines |
嘿嘿...不如说看片片算了...现在忙得没什么时间码字, 好歹弄好片片上吧. :)
谢谢MM提醒..嘿嘿...咋之前就没人给我CATCH到呢, POST上来之前, 他们都一一看过的了. :)
这个行程挺紧张的, 我们后来实际的改变了些. 回头上游记时说.
好吃就好, 可以给在车厢里捂了不少时间了, 不然更好.
我昨晚把水果都拿出来, 一看好多都捂透了..而且还有那么多..不知道怎么吃得完呢. :)
是哦, 是旅游公司的损失, 他们不把我招去. :)
不过, 计划不如变化快, 这个计划与实际行程还是有差异的. :))
谢谢花朵MM...你的FB记还没出来呀? :)
hehe...别的可能没有, 片片一定有...等等哦. :)
谢谢饼M...哈哈...我们回家了, 旅途很愉快....还见到那谁了. :)
你们该平安到家了吧 :))