
Buckley一人 + 吉他一把

(2006-11-07 20:14:43) 下一个


Artist: Jeff Buckley

i heard there was a secret chord
that david played and it pleased the lord
but you don't really care for music, do you
well it goes like this the fourth, the fifth
the minor fall and the major lift
the baffled king composing hallelujah
well your faith was strong but you needed proof
you saw her bathing on the roof
her beauty and the moonlight overthrew you
she tied you to her kitchen chair
she broke your throne and she cut your hair
and from your lips she drew the hallelujah
baby i've been here before
i've seen this room and i've walked this floor
i used to live alone before i knew you
i've seen your flag on the marble arch
but love is not a victory march
it's a cold and it's a broken hallelujah
well there was a time when you let me know
what's really going on below
but now you never show that to me do you
but remember when i moved in you
and the holy dove was moving too
and every breath we drew was hallelujah
well, maybe there's a god above
but all i've ever learned from love
was how to shoot somebody who outdrew you
it's not a cry that you hear at night
it's not somebody who's seen the light
it's a cold and it's a broken hallelujah

1997年春天时Buckley在孟菲斯灌录一张新专辑...在密西西比河中一次游泳时不幸溺亡... ...《Grace》将是他留下的唯一一张专辑。
 《Grace》是对青春和生命的感恩,对冥冥之中令人敬畏的强大的力量的皈依。 《Grace》是纪念,也是绝唱。他与生俱来的音乐才华,要在这仅有的10首曲子中燃烧殆尽,其光彩是如此的耀眼。 Buckley的音乐属于美国90年代的乡村音乐又带点蓝调的曲风...夜深人静的时候..戴上耳机宛如天籁..
从始至终只有Buckley一人一把吉他演奏...但听来却丝毫不感觉单调... ...因为他的演唱胜过一切乐器... ...随着他一遍遍唱着“Hallelujah,Hallelujah,Hallelujah……”。他在看似平静中驾驭着内心无声地流淌着的波澜,将收受的痛苦和幸福又回馈给上苍,人和音乐都因至情至性而美仑美奂。 

1 Mojo Pin
2 Grace
3 Last Goodbye
4 Lilac Wine
5 So Real
6 Hallelujah
7 Lover, You Should've Come Ove
8 Corpus Christi Carol
9 Eternal Life
10 Dream Brother
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