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Summary of Weekly Petroleum Data for the Week Ending April 14, 2

(2006-04-19 09:53:40) 下一个
U.S. crude oil refinery inputs averaged over 14.7 million barrels per day during
the week ending April 14, up 146,000 barrels per day from the previous week's
average.  Refineries operated at 86.2 percent of their operable capacity last
week.  Gasoline production increased last week, averaging 8.1 million barrels
per day, while distillate fuel production increased slightly compared to the
previous week, averaging 3.6 million barrels per day.

U.S. crude oil imports averaged nearly 9.7 million barrels per day last week, up
126,000 barrels per day from the previous week. Over the last four weeks, crude
oil imports have averaged over 9.8 million barrels per day, a decrease of
310,000 barrels per day from the comparable four weeks last year.  Total motor
gasoline imports (including both finished gasoline and gasoline blending
components) last week averaged 907,000 barrels per day, halting a streak of ten
weeks in which it had averaged over 1 million barrels per day. Distillate fuel
imports averaged 125,000 barrels per day last week.

U.S. commercial crude oil inventories (excluding those in the Strategic
Petroleum Reserve) fell by 0.8 million barrels from the previous week.  However,
at 345.2 million barrels, U.S. crude oil inventories remain well above the upper
end of the average range for this time of year.  (Beginning this week, average
inventory ranges have been recalibrated with the next recalibration coming in
October.)  Total motor gasoline inventories dropped by 5.4 million barrels last
week, and are now just above the lower end of the average range.  Distillate
fuel inventories fell by 2.8 million barrels last week, but remain above the
upper end of the average range for this time of year. Almost the entire decline
was seen in low-sulfur distillate fuel (diesel fuel) inventories.  Total
commercial petroleum inventories dropped by 5.8 million barrels last week, but
remain above the upper end of the average range for this time of year.

Total products supplied over the last four-week period has averaged nearly 20.6
million barrels per day, or 0.5 percent more than averaged over the same period
last year.  Over the last four weeks, motor gasoline demand has averaged over
9.1 million barrels per day, or 0.8 percent above the same period last year. 
Distillate fuel demand has averaged 4.1 million barrels per day over the last
four weeks, or 3.0 percent below the same period last year.  Jet fuel demand is
up 1.2 percent over the last four weeks compared to the same four-week period
last year.

The tables that follow display the latest U.S. Petroleum Balance Sheet and the
most recent four weeks of Weekly Petroleum Status Report data.

Table 1.  U.S. Petroleum Balance Sheet, 4 Weeks Ending 04/14/2006
                                    Four Week Averages             Daily Averages
Petroleum Supply                          Ending            %          103 Days      %
(Thousand Barrels per Day)           04/14/06  04/14/05    Change     2006    2005    Chg
Crude Oil Supply
Domestic Production (1)                  5,055     5,493      -8.0   5,042   5,458    -7.6
Net Imports (Incl SPR) (2)               9,793    10,060      -2.7   9,805   9,960    -1.6
   Gross Imports (Excl SPR)              9,814    10,124      -3.1   9,828  10,001    -1.7
   SPR Imports                               0         0       --        0       0     --
   Exports                                  22        64     -65.6      23      41   -43.9
SPR Stocks W/D or Added                    -61      -164       --      -19    -138     --
Other Stocks W/D or Added                 -234      -445       --     -243    -370     --
Product Supplied and Losses                  0         0       --        0       0     --
Unaccounted-for Crude Oil (3)              115       357       --       34     284     --

Crude Oil Input to Refineries           14,667    15,302      -4.1  14,619  15,194    -3.8

Other Supply
Natural Gas Liquids Prod. (4)            2,109     2,083       1.2   2,086   2,134    -2.2
Other Liquids New Supply                   120       195     -38.5     107     137   -21.9
Crude Oil Product Supplied                   0         0       0.0       0       0     0.0
Processing Gain                            950       999      -4.9     961     999    -3.8
Net Product Imports (5)                  1,904     1,631      16.7   2,443   1,843    32.6
   Gross Product Imports (5)             2,959     2,909       1.7   3,456   2,988    15.7
   Product Exports (5)                   1,055     1,278     -17.4   1,013   1,145   -11.5
Prod Stocks W/D or Added (6)(7)            823       266       --      268     270     --

Total Prod Supplied for Domestic Use    20,572    20,475       0.5  20,484  20,577    -0.5

Products Supplied
Finished Motor Gasoline (4)              9,129     9,058       0.8   8,976   8,893     0.9
Kerosene-Type Jet Fuel                   1,629     1,609       1.2   1,586   1,599    -0.8
Distillate Fuel Oil                      4,095     4,222      -3.0   4,195   4,234    -0.9
Residual Fuel Oil                          736       803      -8.3     839     888    -5.5
Propane/Propylene                        1,171     1,194      -1.9   1,410   1,510    -6.6
Other Oils (8)                           3,813     3,589       6.2   3,478   3,454     0.7

Total Products Supplied                 20,572    20,475       0.5  20,484  20,577    -0.5

Total Net Imports                       11,697    11,691       0.1  12,248  11,803     3.8
Petroleum Stocks                                                           % Chg fr
(Million Barrels)                    04/14/06  04/07/06  04/14/05      Prev Week   Yr Ago
Crude Oil (Excluding SPR) (9)            345.2     346.0     323.9            -0.2     6.6
Total Motor Gasoline                     202.5     207.9     212.3            -2.6    -4.6
   Reformulated                           10.8      14.8      23.4           -27.0   -53.8
   Conventional                          105.5     106.9     116.0            -1.3    -9.1
   Blending Components                    86.2      86.2      72.9             0.0    18.2
Kerosene-Type Jet Fuel                    41.8      41.3      38.0             1.2    10.0
Distillate Fuel Oil (7)                  114.6     117.4     104.5            -2.4     9.7
   15 ppm sulfur and Under                 2.1       1.8       1.0            16.7   110.0
   > 15 ppm to 500 ppm sulfur             69.8      72.6      66.3            -3.9     5.3
   > 500 ppm sulfur                       42.7      43.0      37.1            -0.7    15.1
Residual Fuel Oil                         41.2      40.1      38.3             2.7     7.6
Propane/Propylene                         30.5      30.9      30.5            -1.3     NA
Unfinished Oils                           93.8      92.4      92.4             1.5     1.5
Other Oils (10)                          130.0     129.4     139.0             0.5    -6.5

Total Stocks (Excl SPR) (7)              999.5   1,005.3     978.9            -0.6     2.1
Crude Oil in SPR (11)                    686.9     686.5     689.8             0.1    -0.4
Total Stocks (Incl SPR) (7)            1,686.4   1,691.8   1,668.7            -0.3     1.1

  1 Includes lease condensate.
  2 Net Imports = Gross Imports (line 3) + Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR)
    Imports (line 4) - Exports (line 5).
  3 Unaccounted-for Crude Oil is a balancing item. See Glossary for further
  4 Includes field production of fuel ethanol and an adjustment for motor
    gasoline blending components.
  5 Includes finished petroleum products, unfinished oils, gasoline blending
    components, and natural gas plant liquids.
  6 Includes an estimate of minor product stock change based on monthly data.
  7 Distillate fuel oil stocks located in the "Northeast Heating Oil Reserve" are
    not included. For details see Appendix B.
  8 Includes crude oil product supplied, natural gas liquids, liquefied
    refinery gases (LRGs), other liquids, and all finished petroleum products
    except motor gasoline, kerosene-type jet fuel, distillate, residual fuel oils,
    and propane/propylene.
  9 Includes domestic and Customs-cleared foreign crude oil in transit to
10 Included are stocks of all other oils such as aviation gasoline, kerosene,
    natural gas liquids and LRGs (except propane/propylene), other
    hydrocarbons and oxygenates, aviation gasoline blending components, naphtha and
    other oils for petrochemical feedstock use, special naphthas, lube oils, waxes,
    coke, asphalt, naphtha-type jet fuel, road oil, and miscellaneous oils.
11 Crude oil stocks in the SPR include non-U.S. stocks held under foreign or
    commercial storage agreements.
  Note: Some data are estimated.  See Sources for clarification of estimated data.
  Due to independent rounding, individual product detail may not add to total.
Sources: (the complete url below appears on two lines)

Table 11.  U.S. and PADD Weekly Estimates Most Recent 4 Weeks
           (Thousand Barrels per Day Except Where Noted)

                                      03/24/06 03/31/06 04/07/06 04/14/06
Domestic Production                       5,016    5,024    5,053    5,125

Crude Oil Inputs                         14,728   14,644   14,575   14,721
East Coast (PADD I)                      1,495    1,481    1,441    1,372
Midwest (PADD II)                        3,208    3,190    3,232    3,274
Gulf Coast (PADD III)                    6,977    6,959    6,777    6,864
Rocky Mountain (PADD IV)                   450      499      523      548
West Coast (PADD V)                      2,598    2,515    2,602    2,663
Gross Inputs                             14,908   14,898   14,836   14,948
East Coast (PADD I)                      1,493    1,479    1,434    1,365
Midwest (PADD II)                        3,216    3,200    3,248    3,289
Gulf Coast (PADD III)                    7,079    7,136    6,937    6,995
Rocky Mountain (PADD IV)                   454      497      527      549
West Coast (PADD V)                      2,666    2,586    2,690    2,750
Blending Components                         727      455      248      177
East Coast (PADD I)                        NA       NA       NA       NA
Midwest (PADD II)                          NA       NA       NA       NA
Gulf Coast (PADD III)                      NA       NA       NA       NA
Rocky Mountain (PADD IV)                   NA       NA       NA       NA
West Coast (PADD V)                        NA       NA       NA       NA
RBOB with Ether                            NA       NA       NA       NA
  East Coast (PADD I)                       NA       NA       NA       NA
  Midwest (PADD II)                         NA       NA       NA       NA
  Gulf Coast (PADD III)                     NA       NA       NA       NA
  Rocky Mountain (PADD IV)                  NA       NA       NA       NA
  West Coast (PADD V)                       NA       NA       NA       NA
RBOB with Alcohol                          NA       NA       NA       NA
  East Coast (PADD I)                       NA       NA       NA       NA
  Midwest (PADD II)                         NA       NA       NA       NA
  Gulf Coast (PADD III)                     NA       NA       NA       NA
  Rocky Mountain (PADD IV)                  NA       NA       NA       NA
  West Coast (PADD V)                       NA       NA       NA       NA
CBOB                                       NA       NA       NA       NA
  East Coast (PADD I)                       NA       NA       NA       NA
  Midwest (PADD II)                         NA       NA       NA       NA
  Gulf Coast (PADD III)                     NA       NA       NA       NA
  Rocky Mountain (PADD IV)                  NA       NA       NA       NA
  West Coast (PADD V)                       NA       NA       NA       NA
GTAB Reformulated                          NA       NA       NA       NA
  East Coast (PADD I)                       NA       NA       NA       NA
  Midwest (PADD II)                         NA       NA       NA       NA
  Gulf Coast (PADD III)                     NA       NA       NA       NA
  Rocky Mountain (PADD IV)                  NA       NA       NA       NA
  West Coast (PADD V)                       NA       NA       NA       NA
GTAB Conventional                          NA       NA       NA       NA
  East Coast (PADD I)                       NA       NA       NA       NA
  Midwest (PADD II)                         NA       NA       NA       NA
  Gulf Coast (PADD III)                     NA       NA       NA       NA
  Rocky Mountain (PADD IV)                  NA       NA       NA       NA
  West Coast (PADD V)                       NA       NA       NA       NA
All Other Blending Components              NA       NA       NA       NA
  East Coast (PADD I)                       NA       NA       NA       NA
  Midwest (PADD II)                         NA       NA       NA       NA
  Gulf Coast (PADD III)                     NA       NA       NA       NA
  Rocky Mountain (PADD IV)                  NA       NA       NA       NA
  West Coast (PADD V)                       NA       NA       NA       NA
Operable Capacity                        17,128   17,335   17,335   17,335
Percent Utilization                        87.0     85.9     85.6     86.2

Finished Motor Gasoline                   8,257    8,134    7,866    8,095
East Coast (PADD I)                      1,243    1,156    1,072    1,071
Midwest (PADD II)                        1,969    2,091    1,952    2,096
Gulf Coast (PADD III)                    3,192    3,086    3,066    3,157
Rocky Mountain (PADD IV)                   232      243      283      268
West Coast (PADD V)                      1,621    1,558    1,493    1,503
Reformulated                             2,863    2,752    2,358    2,412
  East Coast (PADD I)                       710      816      647      683
  Midwest (PADD II)                         432      389      384      407
  Gulf Coast (PADD III)                     509      437      285      251
  Rocky Mountain (PADD IV)                    0        0        0        0
  West Coast (PADD V)                     1,212    1,110    1,042    1,071
  Reformulated with Ether                   846      820      565      541
   East Coast (PADD I)                      NA       NA       NA       NA
   Midwest (PADD II)                        NA       NA       NA       NA
   Gulf Coast (PADD III)                    NA       NA       NA       NA
   Rocky Mountain (PADD IV)                 NA       NA       NA       NA
   West Coast (PADD V)                      NA       NA       NA       NA
  Reformulated with Alcohol               1,969    1,910    1,724    1,787
   East Coast (PADD I)                      NA       NA       NA       NA
   Midwest (PADD II)                        NA       NA       NA       NA
   Gulf Coast (PADD III)                    NA       NA       NA       NA
   Rocky Mountain (PADD IV)                 NA       NA       NA       NA
   West Coast (PADD V)                      NA       NA       NA       NA
  Reformulated non Oxygenated                48       22       69       84
   East Coast (PADD I)                      NA       NA       NA       NA
   Midwest (PADD II)                        NA       NA       NA       NA
   Gulf Coast (PADD III)                    NA       NA       NA       NA
   Rocky Mountain (PADD IV)                 NA       NA       NA       NA
   West Coast (PADD V)                      NA       NA       NA       NA
Conventional                             5,394    5,382    5,508    5,683
  East Coast (PADD I)                       533      340      425      388
  Midwest (PADD II)                       1,537    1,702    1,568    1,689
  Gulf Coast (PADD III)                   2,683    2,649    2,781    2,906
  Rocky Mountain (PADD IV)                  232      243      283      268
  West Coast (PADD V)                       409      448      451      432
  Conventional with Alcohol               1,351    1,261    1,268    1,206
   East Coast (PADD I)                      NA       NA       NA       NA
   Midwest (PADD II)                        NA       NA       NA       NA
   Gulf Coast (PADD III)                    NA       NA       NA       NA
   Rocky Mountain (PADD IV)                 NA       NA       NA       NA
   West Coast (PADD V)                      NA       NA       NA       NA
  Conventional Other                      4,043    4,121    4,240    4,477
   East Coast (PADD I)                      NA       NA       NA       NA
   Midwest (PADD II)                        NA       NA       NA       NA
   Gulf Coast (PADD III)                    NA       NA       NA       NA
   Rocky Mountain (PADD IV)                 NA       NA       NA       NA
   West Coast (PADD V)                      NA       NA       NA       NA
Kerosene-Type Jet Fuel                    1,522    1,471    1,500    1,482
East Coast (PADD I)                        104       98       99       92
Midwest (PADD II)                          249      197      200      206
Gulf Coast (PADD III)                      750      747      775      742
Rocky Mountain (PADD IV)                    26       24       25       21
West Coast (PADD V)                        393      405      401      421
Commercial                               1,356    1,356    1,347    1,354
  East Coast (PADD I)                       104       98       99       92
  Midwest (PADD II)                         227      179      184      200
  Gulf Coast (PADD III)                     632      680      670      653
  Rocky Mountain (PADD IV)                   24       19       20       15
  West Coast (PADD V)                       369      380      374      394
Military                                   166      115      153      128
  East Coast (PADD I)                         0        0        0        0
  Midwest (PADD II)                          22       18       16        6
  Gulf Coast (PADD III)                     118       67      105       89
  Rocky Mountain (PADD IV)                    2        5        5        6
  West Coast (PADD V)                        24       25       27       27
Distillate Fuel Oil                       3,584    3,492    3,571    3,601
East Coast (PADD I)                        415      459      398      431
Midwest (PADD II)                          838      818      809      785
Gulf Coast (PADD III)                    1,633    1,605    1,638    1,701
Rocky Mountain (PADD IV)                   140      150      170      179
West Coast (PADD V)                        558      460      556      505
15 ppm sulfur and Under                     38       28       98       82
  East Coast (PADD I)                         0        0        0        0
  Midwest (PADD II)                          -1        9        4        8
  Gulf Coast (PADD III)                      19        9       51       11
  Rocky Mountain (PADD IV)                    0        0        0        0
  West Coast (PADD V)                        20       10       43       63
> 15 ppm to 500 ppm sulfur               2,648    2,541    2,475    2,538
  East Coast (PADD I)                       270      256      205      234
  Midwest (PADD II)                         615      570      521      522
  Gulf Coast (PADD III)                   1,209    1,243    1,192    1,272
  Rocky Mountain (PADD IV)                  121      122      144      149
  West Coast (PADD V)                       433      350      413      361
> 500 ppm sulfur                           898      923      998      981
  East Coast (PADD I)                       145      203      193      197
  Midwest (PADD II)                         224      239      284      255
  Gulf Coast (PADD III)                     405      353      395      418
  Rocky Mountain (PADD IV)                   19       28       26       30
  West Coast (PADD V)                       105      100      100       81
Residual Fuel Oil                           699      607      708      628
East Coast (PADD I)                        136      138      114      110
Midwest (PADD II)                           61       50       81       75
Gulf Coast (PADD III)                      319      291      311      293
Rocky Mountain (PADD IV)                    19       15       14       17
West Coast (PADD V)                        164      113      188      133
Propane/Propylene                         1,041    1,017    1,028    1,018
East Coast (PADD I)                         42       30       32       25
Midwest (PADD II)                          223      194      222      207
Gulf Coast (PADD III)                      649      685      661      665

Crude Oil                                 340.7    342.8    346.0    345.2
East Coast (PADD I)                       15.0     14.9     14.7     16.3
Midwest (PADD II)                         71.1     71.1     72.1     72.4
  Cushing, Oklahoma                        25.3     24.9     24.5     25.1
Gulf Coast (PADD III)                    186.5    186.5    188.1    186.5
Rocky Mountain (PADD IV)                  14.6     14.6     14.4     14.2
West Coast (PADD V)                       53.5     55.6     56.8     55.7
SPR1                                      685.7    686.3    686.5    686.9
Total Motor Gasoline                      216.2    211.8    207.9    202.5
East Coast (PADD I)                       58.9     55.8     51.9     48.4
  New England (PADD IA)                     4.2      4.2      4.1      3.7
  Central Atlantic (PADD IB
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