I would love to meet people who are witty and down to earth like me. I also admire people who has a strong family values. It would help if she likes music and sports.....my email address : It's a crazy world, where everythin's changin' One minute your up, and the next thing you're breakin' When I lose my way, and the skies they get heavy It'll be ok, the moment you're with me No-one would have guessed we'd be standing strong today Solid as a rock, and perfect in every way. 她应该是个“真正”的女人,否则浩瀚的星球就没有两极;她应该有鲜明的个性,否则缤纷的大地就缺少绿叶;她不应该完美,因为只有“圣母”才纯洁无瑕;她不应该高傲,因为只有“雕塑”才永远保有那种姿态。 吾本良家子弟——如春天里偶尔飘零的落叶; 也曾有过看庭前花开花谢,望天上云卷云舒的淡然。然而,总有一种情感不能释怀,佛家有云“缘起缘灭”,和我却总在奢望缘起不灭的奇迹。茫茫人海,芸芸众生。走在俗世凡尘中,如果不能活的精彩,那就活的悠然。信缘,如同在守侯一棵不曾结果的树,永远不知道他会结出什么样的果实,但是心里清楚,定会有所收获。也许我们过着不同的生活,也许我们做着不同的梦境,只愿,千里一线牵的缘分能送给我们一个故事。或者凄美,或者悲壮,只要我们经历过,就是美的。 花间一壶酒,独酌无相亲。举杯邀明月,对影成三人 --如果你明白其中的情趣,我们已经是朋友了.我的MSN : dzhou3@hotmail.com http://hi.baidu.com/bd4dzhou http://dxbzhou.spaces.live.com/ http://niceguydzhou3.spaces.live.com/