你好!我看了你种的蘑菇,心里痒痒也想试种一下,但不知道买多少?有100 plug 和1000 plug的,你种多少就吃不完了?看网上有一种 Indoor Shiitake Mushroom Patch,你种过吗?用什么箱子?纸的,木头的还是塑料的?多谢啊!
很想找专业有诚信的公司,请问,1)你是找什么样的公司呢?从哪儿可以找到有诚信的公司?2)用什么材料是公司给出建议你去买还是公司直接提供?3)设计是公司提供还是你自己选择或设计?3)他们是否提供free estimate?4)可以透露一下你分别用了多少银子修二楼或一楼?
猴兄,看了您博客几篇文章,很有帮助。鄙人对于养鸭子也很有兴趣。主要是美国的新鲜鸭蛋卖得太贵。我这里是纽约州,冬天比较寒冷。不知道鸭子会不会冻死(我准备搞一个小SHED,里面放些干草)。 我家门口有一条很小的小溪,有时候会有野鸭子游过。如果我自己孵化鸭子(用LITTLEGIANT的孵化器),然后放养,鸭子会不会跑掉或者走失?这些都是我目前担忧的问题。希望可以得到一些猴兄的经验。谢谢。
Your technique is superb and I think it can also be used in outdoor setting, such checken waterer device. I have two questions. Do you have to feed your chicken everyday or what type feeding device do you use? 2 could you please tell me the brand of your automatic hatchery and where I can get it? As a friendly advice, it does seem to me that chicken do live healthier when raised outdoor becasue some molds or fugus is less likely developed on their feather or inside their bodies.Consequently, the quality of meat and egges should be better. Great technique and skill! Thanks & regards
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